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Isolating China will be ‘impossible and dangerous,’ analyst says, as the G-7 gets tough on Beijing

Isolating China Will Be ‘impossible And Dangerous,’ Analyst Says, As The G-7 Gets Tough On Beijing

The G-7 has agreed to diversify and de-risk their supply chains away from China, but an analyst has warned that isolating China is "impossible" and "dangerous." Giuliano Noci, vice-rector for China for Politecnico di Milano, said that de-risking, rather than decoupling, is more feasible given the level of intertwines among supply chains. The US recorded a trade deficit in goods with China of about $383 billion in 2022, highlighting the difficulties of separating their economies. G-7 leaders also expressed concerns about the situation in the East and South China Seas and supported a "no change" in the status quo of Taiwan.

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Isolating China will be ‘impossible and dangerous,’ analyst says, as the G-7 gets tough on Beijing
