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More than 30 birds found dead at Suncor oilsands tailings ponds sites in Alberta

More Than 30 Birds Found Dead At Suncor Oilsands Tailings Ponds Sites In Alberta

The 32 dead waterfowl found at two Suncor Energy Inc. oilsands tailings ponds sites in Alberta were reported by the company between the dates of May 8 and May 13. Suncor Energy says it continues to assess the situation and will provide updates as required. In April, the AER launched an investigation after dozens of bird carcasses were discovered at an oilsands site near Fort McMurray. The fines Syncrude was fined in January 2019 and in 2010 for the deaths of 31 great blue herons and 1,600 ducks at its oilsands mine north of Fort McMurray are a reminder of the dangers birds face at these sites.

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More than 30 birds found dead at Suncor oilsands tailings ponds sites in Alberta
