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India Plans Repatriation of Kohinoor, Colonial Artefacts from UK: Report

India Plans Repatriation Of Kohinoor, Colonial Artefacts From UK: Report

The Indian government is planning a repatriation campaign for artefacts dating back to the colonial era, including the controversial Kohinoor diamond and other idols and sculptures in museums across the UK. Officials in New Delhi believe that such historical artefacts can reinforce a strong national cultural identity. While the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is said to be leading efforts to reclaim objects "trafficked" out of the country since independence, diplomats in London are believed to be coordinating with officials in New Delhi to make formal requests to institutions holding artefacts seized as "spoils of war" or collected by enthusiasts during colonial rule. The British Museum could face claims for its collection of Hindu statues and the Amaravati Marbles, which were taken from a Buddhist stupa by civil servant Sir Walter Elliot and the Victoria and Albert Museum's Indian collection could also be subject to claims. The drive to reclaim Indian artefacts is a "reckoning" with the country's colonial past.

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India Plans Repatriation of Kohinoor, Colonial Artefacts from UK: Report
