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‘Meat and organs’ eater Bear Grylls ’embarrassed’ by his vegan advocacy

‘Meat And Organs’ Eater Bear Grylls ’embarrassed’ By His Vegan Advocacy

Bear Grylls has said he is "embarrassed" by his past support of veganism and regrets writing a green cookbook in which he criticised meat eaters. The adventurer, whose diet is now mostly composed of red meat and organs, has claimed he was wrong to think that eating a plant-based diet was good for the environment and his health. "I was vegan quite a few years ago – in fact, I wrote a vegan cookbook – and I feel a bit embarrassed because I really promoted that,” the 48-year-old said in an interview with PA. "I thought that was good for the environment and I thought it was good for my health. And through time and experience and knowledge, I realised I was wrong on both counts." The television star published a cookbook in 2015 called Fuel for Life, which promoted achieving "maximum health with amazing dairy, wheat and sugar-free recipes". He wrote in the book: "To satisfy our ins

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‘Meat and organs’ eater Bear Grylls ’embarrassed’ by his vegan advocacy
