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Alliance between the Arellano Félix and Los Chapitos? Narco banners prohibiting fentanyl hang in Baja California


Residents of Tijuana and Ensenada shared photographs of the narcomantas, allegedly signed by the Arellano Félix Cartel (CAF)

A little over a week after residents of Culiacán, Mazatlán, Guamúchil and Ahome reported the presence of narcomantas in which Los Chapitos, a faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, prohibited the production and sale of fentanyl, the event was repeated, but now in Ensenada and Tijuana, Baja California.

During the early hours of this Friday, October 13, at least a dozen narcomantas were placed on fences and pedestrian bridges, only this time they were not signed by the children of Joaquín ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán.

According to the photographs circulating on social networks, this new message was signed by the Tijuana Cartel, also known as the Arellano Félix Cartel (CAF).

In the narcomantas you can read the following text:

“Attention. Due to the strong epidemic that our country and neighboring countries are suffering, and faithful to our principles, we join the government’s effort and the CDS initiative to eradicate the lethal drug known as fentanyl. Not only will it be prohibited as from the beginning for our company, but we will also pursue and punish people who manufacture, sell, transport or cross this drug.”

It should be noted that, according to local media Zeta, the warning was placed in Valle de Guadalupe, on the CET-MAR bridge, in front of the state government, in El Sauzal, San Vicente and San Quintín.

They pointed out that the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) collected the blankets to open an investigation file, but, so far, no official statement has been issued by this or any other agency.

Why did they ban the production and sale of fentanyl?

In accordance with the warning from Los Chapitos, in which it was argued that “they have never been related” to the fentanyl business, the Arellano Félix Cartel maintained that they have no relationship with the production of this drug.

The placement of narcomantas in Sinaloa was recorded on October 2, 2023, days after Ovidio Guzmán López, a member of Los Chapitos, pleaded “not guilty” to crimes associated with drug trafficking and money laundering in a Chicago court, USA.

The message from Los Chapitos said the following:

“Due to the incessant misinformation from some media outlets and the government’s obvious omission in not investigating and prosecuting the true culprits of this epidemic, In Sinaloa is strictly prohibited the sale, manufacturing, transportation or any type of business that involves the substance known as fentanyl, including the sale of chemicals for its production.”

It should be noted that, on April 14, the United States Department of Justice announced charges in three federal districts against several members of the Sinaloa Cartel for trafficking fentanyl and other drugs. Among the accused, the children of ‘El Chapo’ stand out.

During the presentation of the charges, US Attorney General Merrick Garland assured that the Sinaloa Cartel was responsible for the “largest, most violent and prolific fentanyl trafficking operation in the world.”

“Today’s indictments send a clear message to Los Chapitos, the Sinaloa Cartel and criminal drug networks around the world that the DEA will stop at nothing to protect the national security of the United States,” said that day the DEA Administrator Anne Milgram.

Source: Infobae

The post Alliance between the Arellano Félix and Los Chapitos? Narco banners prohibiting fentanyl hang in Baja California appeared first on Mexico Daily Post.

This post first appeared on Mexico Daily Post, please read the originial post: here

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Alliance between the Arellano Félix and Los Chapitos? Narco banners prohibiting fentanyl hang in Baja California
