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Love is a divine emotion that has been discussed throughout human history. You've come to the right place if you're interested in learning some interesting facts about love. Poets, psychologists, biologists, and philosophers among others have all attempted to define and interpret love. The perceptions and definitions of love have, however, changed significantly over time due to the daily publication of new studies and research. According to studies, experiencing love has similar neurological effects to using cocaine. This article provides some astounding information about the lovely feeling of love. Continue to read.

1."Love at first sight" really happens.

A 2017 study found that "love at first sight" isn't always just a case of looking at the past through rose-colored glasses, as reported by Psychology Today. Men were more likely than women to report falling in love with a potential partner at first sight in the survey responses. Even though those intense, initial feelings don't encompass everything that romantic love is, they can inspire someone to look further.

2.A biological purpose of kissing

It's in his kiss, as Cher and Betty Everett both said. According to a study published in the journal Arch Sex Behavior, both men and women use early lip-locks to judge whether or not a potential match is right for them, though women tend to place more importance on them. According to the study, couples in committed relationships value kissing greatly because it keeps their bonds strong.

3. Online dating is effective.

Don't give up just yet if you haven't discovered your true love on a dating website like or OKCupid. A 2020 Pew Research survey found that 13% of Americans said they had met their spouse or partner online.

4.86 years was the record-breaking length of a marriage.

If one of your friends ever tries to convince you that true love doesn't exist, just tell them to look up Herbert and Zelmyra Fisher. The couple, who passed away in 2011, had been married for an astounding 86 years and 290 days when, according to Guinness World Records, they broke the record for the longest marriage ever. There is no secret to our marriage—we simply did what was necessary for each other and our family, the couple once remarked when asked what their secret to success was.

5.It increases your capacity for empathy and emotional intelligence.

Your brain reacts appropriately when you come across someone who inspires you to strive to be the best version of yourself. One study in the journal Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience found that the social connection that results from being in a loving relationship stimulates the area of the brain responsible for selflessness and emotional processing.

6.Your blood pressure goes down.

Hypertension, also known as high blood pressure, has been connected to everything from heart disease to stroke. Fortunately, a study found that just being content in a marriage contributes to low blood pressure, so don't forget to give your spouse a hearty thank you for keeping you healthy!

7.It grows in stages.

When Harvard researchers closely examined the development of romantic love, they found that it proceeds in stages of intensity, starting with an obsession and gradually mellowing out into a more mature iteration of itself. This finding is consistent with what anyone who has ever experienced the emotion already knows.

8.Headache frequency is halved when one is in love.

Love may be the magic cure you've been looking for if you have recurring headaches and are unable to find any relief from the pain. Subjects with chronic headaches were given a nasal spray containing oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," by researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine. After four hours, they reported a 50% reduction in head pain, and an additional 27% reported no pain at all.

9.The most unexpected places are where people find it.

The location of your chance encounter with your true love is unknown. One HSBC study, which included more than 5,000 travellers found that approximately one in every 50 travelers has met their soulmate onboard a plane.

10.Long-distance love actually strengthens relationships

Despite what some may try to convince you, research suggests that long-distance relationships can and do succeed. In fact, a study in the Journal of Communication found that long-distance relationships are not only just as successful as local ones, but also more successful at fostering trust and fulfilment among partners.

This post first appeared on My Personal, please read the originial post: here

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