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Unveiling the Beautiful 'London Bridge in Kolkata' Theme for Durga Puja This Year

Unveiling The Beautiful 'London Bridge In Kolkata' Theme For Durga Puja This Year

 Every year, the city of Kolkata comes alive during Durga Puja, the grand festival honouring the victory of Goddess Durga over the demon Mahishasura. This huge celebration includes pandal-hopping, customs, cultural activities, and beautiful decorations. Undoubtedly, Kolkata is well-known for its finely themed and made pandals, which have timeless designs that surprise everyone.

While many pandals attract a lot of attention, other undiscovered beauties are often overlooked. One such beauty is located in the Panihati Shahid Colony near Sodepur station which is a tribute to the city’s artistic brilliance and cultural diversity.

This little town is famous for its deep devotion and dedication to providing new and creative pandal themes each and every year. Their commitment to quality in art is demonstrated by the pandal with a London Bridge theme.

‘London Bridge in Kolkata’: A Magnificent Transformation

The theme of ‘London Bridge in Kolkata’ for this year’s Durga Puja is a sight to behold. As soon as you enter, you will find yourself transported to the iconic London Bridge, right there in the middle of Kolkata. With each brick, arch, and lamp precisely replicated, the level of detailing is awe-inspiring, and every element has been carefully designed to convey the spirit of London.

The centerpiece of the pandal is, of course, the beautifully constructed London Bridge. One of the most remarkable aspects of this pandal is its unique blend of cultures. The main aim is to infuse the London Bridge with the spirit of Durga Puja rather than recreate it.

All age groups will enjoy the fascinating experience that results from the artists’ masterful combination of traditional and modern styles. It’s an ideal location for getting pictures and soaking up the atmosphere of London. The sound of the Thames (River), the bustling crowd, and the iconic red phone booths create an atmosphere that’s as close to London as it gets.

Why a Visit to 'London Bridge in Kolkata' is a Must:

This pandal stands out, not just for its exceptional theme presentation, but also for being an unexplored treasure in the city of Kolkata. Stepping into this mesmerizing experience, visitors will discover themselves walking along a recreated iconic bridge in the heart of Kolkata during the festive Durga Puja season.

The remarkable artistry applied to this replica is truly exceptional. Besides the architectural wonder, ‘London Bridge in Kolkata’, offers an opportunity to taste the culinary wonders of London right in Kolkata. You can taste delicious British delicacies, including fish and chips, pastries, and of course, a cup of classic English tea.

Furthermore, it serves as an ideal place for photography enthusiasts, offering enough beautiful moments. The overall atmosphere shows a distinctive London-inspired ambiance, providing an attractive substitute for those unable to venture on a journey to the British capital.

So, be sure to include ‘London Bridge in Kolkata’ on your list of places to visit during Durga Puja if you’re searching for a truly unique experience. Surely, it will be a hypnotic journey that crosses boundaries and highlights the artistic talent of the city. Make this Durga Puja especially memorable by discovering the magic of “London Bridge in Kolkata.”

This post first appeared on About Us - The Untold Stories Of Kolkata Those Are Engraved Still Needs To Betold, please read the originial post: here

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Unveiling the Beautiful 'London Bridge in Kolkata' Theme for Durga Puja This Year
