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We Do Slaughter Soldiers Captured At The War Front But Demand Ransom For Senior Officers - Rugurugu

We Do Slaughter Soldiers Captured At The War Front But Demand Ransom For Senior Officers - Rugurugu

A repentant Boko Haram commander identified as Adamu Rugurugu has exposed some of the modus operandi of terrorists while he was still in the forest unleashing terror. Rugurugu, who is married to two wives and has 15 children, disclosed that he embraced peace after Gov. Zulum of Borno State publicly made an amnesty offer.

In an exclusive interview with The Daily Trust, the ex-terrorist commander narrated how he and his colleagues rained terror, killing several innocent citizens in the process. He also spoke about how he was deceived into joining terrorism after they told him that they were fighting Jihad.

While speaking on the modus operandi of the terrorists, Rugurugu, who seemed remorseful, said, "There are many things I was involved in that I regret." I seek forgiveness from God and the people I’ve wronged. People should find it in their hearts to forgive us. When we abduct a policeman or soldier at a war front or ambush, when we return to the Markas (Jimmai), we gather everyone in Sambisa Forest and have something like a court session. Afterwards, they’ll be slaughtered in the presence of everyone, and if the personnel is a senior officer, we will demand ransom for his release so that he will not be killed."

"Sometimes, Shekau orders such senior officers to be brought to him for interrogation. Then he will decide if he will be killed or regain his freedom after paying a ransom. "Even if he’s a Muslim, we’ll say to him that he’s not a true Muslim, and sometimes he’ll be killed."

He added that he left terrorism after discovering it wasn't the will of Allah, noting that denouncing the sect was the best decision of his life.

This post first appeared on TheNGblog, please read the originial post: here

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We Do Slaughter Soldiers Captured At The War Front But Demand Ransom For Senior Officers - Rugurugu
