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Witnessing an Aggressive Event

Witnessing An Aggressive Event

There is no definition of an aggressive event, but it generally refers to an act or series of actions intended to cause harm or fear in another person. This can include physical violence, such as hitting, kicking, or using a weapon, and psychological aggression, like threats, name-calling, and intimidation. Aggressive events can occur between individuals or groups and can be directed at people of any age.

While aggressive behaviors are a normal part of human development, children and adolescents who frequently engage in aggressive acts may risk developing more severe problems, like conduct disorder or antisocial personality disorder.

If you’re concerned about your child’s behavior, you must talk to a mental health professional who can assess the situation and develop an intervention plan. If the aggressive event is happening due to an adult’s lousy behavior, the reasons may be complex, but you should let professionals handle it if you can.

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After witnessing an aggressive event

If you witness an aggressive event, you must give yourself time to process what you’ve seen. Talk to people who have experienced similar circumstances and ask for their support. Avoid spending too much time alone and stick to your usual routine as much as possible. If you’re struggling to cope, consider seeking professional help. Finally, please pay attention to your emotions and how they affect you.

If you see someone being aggressive toward someone else

If you see someone acting aggressively towards another person, the best thing to do is to stay calm and call for help. Try removing yourself from the situation. Do not intervene unless it is necessary. If you must intervene, be cautious and only use physical force as a last resort.

If you are in a situation with an aggressive person, there are a few ways to defuse the situation:

  • Remain calm and avoid getting angry. Getting defensive or retaliating only makes matters worse. While it’s understandable to be upset and enraged, fighting back frequently does not assist you as much as getting away in avoiding further harm or grief.
  • Try to stay away from the person if possible. If you can’t move away, try to put something between you and the other person, like a table or chair. Making it harder for them to get to you will help de-escalate while you formulate a plan to get away.
  • Speak in a calm, firm voice. Avoid using threatening words or gestures. Again, you have every right to fight back when you’re being attacked but often calmness and finding ways to avoid escalating the problem works best.
  • Ask the person to stop what they’re doing. If they don’t respond, you can try asking again or saying something like, “I’m not going to tolerate this behavior.”

If the situation escalates, you can try to leave the area or call for help. Remember, it’s essential to stay safe. First and foremost, you can’t help others if you’re injured or harmed. If you feel like you or someone else is in danger, don’t hesitate to call 911. Whether it’s a child or an adult behaving aggressively, getting help is always your best option.

The post Witnessing an Aggressive Event appeared first on The Journal Eclipse.

This post first appeared on Ridge Raven, please read the originial post: here

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Witnessing an Aggressive Event
