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Tips to make your journaling easier

Tips To Make Your Journaling Easier

You can find quotes to use as prompts anywhere – from your favorite novels to poems to Instagram captions. So, if you’re ever feeling stuck, scroll through your feed and see if anything catches your eye.

There’s no incorrect way to go about this –open up your journal and start writing using the first quote that catches your eye. Then, don’t give it tons of thought. Instead, randomly pick the quote for the day.

You might reflect on why the quote is meaningful or how it makes you feel. You can also use it as a prompt for a story or scene that you create in your own words. There’s no wrong way to do it – just let the words flow and see where they take you.

When sitting down to journal, don’t be afraid to reach for a quote to get the ball rolling. A quote that makes you feel something may be exactly the right motivation you need to jump-start your session.

Tips to make your journaling easier.

  1. Keep it simple: A journal doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. A simple notebook will do the trick.
  • Set aside time each day: Dedicate a few minutes each day to writing in your journal. When you do something at the same time each day, it will help you make it a habit.
  • Write about whatever comes to mind: There are no rules for journaling. So, write about whatever is on your mind, whether it’s something that happened during your day or a thought that’s been bothering you.
  • Don’t be concerned with your spelling or grammar: This isn’t an English essay, so don’t worry about making mistakes. Your teacher is not going to look at it or grade it. So instead, write from the heart just like you speak.
  • Be honest: Journaling is a chance to be completely honest with yourself. So don’t hold back, even if you’re afraid of what you might write.
  • Write freely: Let your thoughts flow freely onto the page. Don’t worry about structure or making sense. Just let it all out.
  • Don’t judge yourself: Accept whatever you write without judging yourself. Your journal has to be a safe space for you to express yourself, or it won’t work.
  • Keep it private: Unless you’re comfortable sharing your journal with others, keep it to yourself. This is a personal practice that should be respected as such.
  • Handwrite: There’s something special about writing by hand. It can help you slow down and connect with your thoughts and feelings.
  • Use prompts: If you’re struggling to know what to write about, try using prompts. You can find lists of journal prompts online or make up your own.
  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to experiment with your journal. Try different techniques, such as brainstorming or free writing.
  • Draw: If you’re not a words person, that’s okay. You can express yourself through drawings and doodles in your journal.
  • Get a nice journal: Invest in a beautiful journal you’ll love using. This will make the journaling process more enjoyable.
  • Use different pens: Have fun with your journal using different pens and pencils. Experiment with color and line width to see what you like best.
  • Take it with you: Don’t forget to bring your journal when you travel. This is a fantastic way to document your adventures.
  • Make it a ritual: Create a special journaling ritual that you look forward to daily. This could involve lighting a candle, brewing a cup of tea, or anything else that makes you happy.
  • Set goals: If you’re struggling to stick with journaling, set some goals for yourself. Decide when and how frequently you journal and what you hope to accomplish.
  • Be patient: Don’t expect miracles from your journal. It will take time to see the benefits of journaling, so be patient.
  • Reward yourself: When you reach your journaling goals, reward yourself with something special. This could be a new journal, a trip to the bookstore, or anything else that makes you happy.
  • Keep going: Don’t give up on journaling, even if it’s hard. The benefits you will notice in your life make it worth the effort — so keep at it.

Journaling will boost your mood, creativity, and focus. But it’s vital for you to remember that there is no set way to accomplish a successful journaling practice aside from doing it. However, you can learn from what works for others. So don’t fear experimentation until you find a journaling method that works for you. And if you ever feel like you’re not making progress, keep writing—putting your thoughts down, whether written, in the form of art, or voice is beneficial.

You can also find lists of journal prompts online, in books, or even just by brainstorming on your own. Once you have a list of prompts and quotes, you can choose one to write about each day or pick as the mood strikes you.

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The post Tips to make your journaling easier appeared first on The Journal Eclipse.

This post first appeared on Ridge Raven, please read the originial post: here

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Tips to make your journaling easier
