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What Was The Aristotle Metaphysics
  What was the Aristotle metaphysics ?Aristotle's metaphysics, roughly speaking, may be described as Plato diluted by common sense. He is difficult because Plato and… Read More
 KANT II: ETHICS AND AESTHETICSThe Critique of Pure Reason set out to curb the pretensions of speculative metaphysics while establishing a priori those principles which must be assumed… Read More
The Utilitarian Theory And Ethics
Introduction Dive deeper into the theories of Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill to uncover the fundamental motivations behind their efforts to develop the utilitarian theory. Learn ab… Read More
Leibniz Philosophy Of The Monadology
LEIBNIZ ( 1646-1716) modern philosopherGottfried Wilhelm Leibniz is one of the most influential philosophers of the Enlightenment era. He is best known for his Monadology, a philosophical sy… Read More
Niccolo Machiavelli Philosophy
 Machiavelli the Italian diplomatMachiavelli  was a Florentine historian, politician, military strategist and humanist.THE Renaissance, though it produced no important theoretical… Read More
11th Century Reformation
 Ecclesiastical Reform in the Eleventh CenturyIntroduction - FOR the first time since the fall of the Western Empire, Europe, during the eleventh century, made rapid progress not subseq… Read More
Western History | Barbarian Invasion
Western history -The Fifth and Sixth Centuries and barbarian invasionTHE fifth century history The sixth century historyTHE fifth century was that of the barbarian invasion and… Read More
12th Century In Medieval Period
The Twelfth CenturyFOUR aspects of the twelfth century are specially interesting to us: The continued conflict of empire and papacy The rise of the Lombard cities The Crusades… Read More
Doctors Of The Western Church
 Three Doctors of the ChurchFOUR men are called the Doctors of the Western Church: Saint Ambrose, Saint Jerome, Saint Augustine, and Pope Gregory the Great. Of these the first three wer… Read More
Irish Culture | John Scotus Eriugena
JOHN THE SCOT, or Johannes Scotus, to which is sometimes added Eriugena or Erigena (This addition is redundant; it would make his name " Irish John from Ireland." In the ninth century "Scotu… Read More
Saint Thomas Aquinas Philosophy
  Saint Thomas AquinasTHOMAS AQUINAS (b. 1225 or 1226, d. 1274) is regarded as the greatest of scholastic philosophers. In all Catholic educational institutions that teach philosophy hi… Read More
13th Century Christianity
Medieval history  in Thirteenth Century  (Christianity)IN the 13th century the Middle Ages reached a culmination. The synthesis which had been gradually built up since the fal… Read More
Rome - Political Theory
  A very brief synopsis of the political history .Alexander's conquests had left the western Mediterranean untouched, it was dominated, at the beginning of the third century B.C., by tw… Read More
Rome History | Roman Empire
 The Roman Era 27 BCE - 476 CE Roman Empire affected the history of culture.THE Roman Empire affected the history of culture in various more or less separate ways.First: there is t… Read More
PLOTINUS Theory|Plotinus On The Soul
PLOTINUS PhilosophyPLOTINUS ( A.D. 204-270), the founder of Neoplatonism, is the last of the great philosophers of antiquity. His life is almost coextensive with one of the most disastrous p… Read More
Hellenistic Period History
hellenistic architectureTHE history of the Greek-speaking world in antiquity may be divided into three periods: that of the free City States, which was brought to an end by Philip and Alexan… Read More
Greek Mathematics And Astronomy
 Early Greek Mathematics and AstronomyConcerned in this article with mathematics, not on its own account, but as it was related to Greek philosophy - a relation which, especially in Pla… Read More
PYTHAGORAS Mathematician
 PYTHAGORAS  (570- 495) BCEPYTHAGORAS, whose influence in ancient and modern times is my subject in this article. intellectually one of the most important men that ever lived, both… Read More
Stoicism Philosophy And Meaning
 An introduction to stoicism STOICISM, while in origin contemporaneous with Epicureanism, had a longer history and less constancy in doctrine. The teaching of its founder Zeno, in… Read More
Utopia By Plato And Dialogue
PLATO'S most important dialogue, the Republic, consists, broadly, of three parts. The first consists in the construction of an ideal commonwealth; it is the earliest of Utopias. One of the c… Read More
Aristotle, Metaphysics
 Aristotle's metaphysics, roughly speaking, may be described as Plato diluted by common sense. He is difficult because Plato and common sense do not mix easily. When one tries to unders… Read More
 Aristotle (384-322) BCEIN reading any important philosopher, but most of all in reading Aristotle, it is necessary to study him in two ways: with reference to his predecessors, and wit… Read More
 There was a school of thinkers who called into question the very possibility of knowledge.    These were the sceptics.PyrrhoScepticism, as a doctrine of the schools, was… Read More
Aristotle's Politics
''Man is political animal'' - Aristotle. ARISTOTLE'S Politics is both interesting and important-testing, as showing the common prejudices of educated Greeks in his time, and important a… Read More
The Theory Of Ideas  Plato
 The Theory of Ideas Our question is: What is a philosopher? The first answer is in accordance with the etymology: a philosopher is a lover of wisdom. But this is not the same thin… Read More
Xenophanes ( 570-475) BCEThere was another philosopher, of less importance, namely Xenophanes. His date is uncertain, and is mainly determined by the fact that he alludes to Pythagoras… Read More
Cynics - Look for the bare necessitiesTHE relation of intellectually eminent men to contemporary society has been very different in different ages. In some fortunate epochs they have been on… Read More
Hippocratic' Corpus Or Oath
 Hippocrates (460-370) BCEHippocrates of Kos was born in 460 and died in 370 BCE. Hippocrates was a first doctor. According to Hippocrates illness was the resul… Read More
Aristotle  Logic
  Aristotle is the father of logic ARISTOTLE'S influence, which was very great in many different fields, was greatest of all in logic. In late antiquity, when Plato was still… Read More
 Thales (624- 546) BCEIn every history of philosophy for students, the first thing mentioned is that philosophy began with Thales, who said that everything is made of water. This is dis… Read More
Anaximenes - Air Is Soul
 Anaximenes (585 - 525)Anaximenes, the last of the Milesian triad, is not quite so interesting as Anaximander, but makes some important advances. His dates are very uncertain. He was ce… Read More
Sophist The Master Of Rhetoric
Sophist The word "Sophist" had originally no bad connotation; it meant, as nearly as may be, what we mean by "professor." A Sophist was a man who made his living by teaching young men c… Read More
Aristotle's  Ethics
IN the corpus of Aristotle's works, three treatises on ethics have a place, but two of these are now generally held to be by disciples. the third, the Nicomachean Ethics, remains for the mos… Read More
Heraclitus (535 - 475) BCEA weeping philosopherThe first of these to invent a theory which is still influential was Heraclitus, who flourished about 500 B.C. Of his life very little is… Read More
SOCRATES (469- 399) BCE'' I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think'' - SOCRATES SOCRATES is a very difficult subject for the historian. There are many men concer… Read More
 Empedocles (490-430) BCETHE mixture of philosopher, prophet, man of science, and charlatan, which we found already in Pythagoras, was exemplified very completely in Empedocles, who flo… Read More
 Anaxagoras (510-428) BCETHE philosopher Anaxagoras, though not the equal of Pythagoras, Heraclitus, or Parmenides, has nevertheless a considerable historical importance. He was an Ioni… Read More
Democritus  (460 - 370) BCEDemocritus is a much more definite figure. He was a native of Abdera in Thrace; as for his date, he stated that he was young when Anaxagoras was old, say… Read More
 The strongest army Sparta TO understand Plato, and indeed many later philosophers, it is necessary to know something of Sparta. Sparta had a double effect on Greek thought: throug… Read More
  Anaximander (610 - 546)Anaximander, the second philosopher of the Milesian school, is much more interesting than Thales. His dates are uncertain, but he was said to have been six… Read More