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Top 10 High Fiber Foods You Should Include in Your Diet

For the health of your body, fiber is crucial. It aids in nourishing the beneficial intestinal flora in your body, which has a number of beneficial health impacts. High-fiber foods also help you lose weight, treat constipation, and control your blood sugar levels, among other advantages. You should ingest 14 grams of fiber for every 1000 calories you consume, according to many international health organizations. It is recommended for both men and women to consume high fiber diets that contain 38 grams and 24 grams of fiber, respectively.

It's fairly simple to increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Being a Pakistani, you have access to an abundance of high-fiber fruits, vegetables, and other types of fiber. The foods that you can easily find to include in your fiber-rich diet are all listed in this article. Read it carefully so you have the information you need to live a healthy life.

What does fiber mean?

Actually, fiber serves as a cover for the carbohydrates your body is unable to properly digest. However, that does not imply that it is harmful to your health. Foods high in fiber have the following advantages:

Ø  Increasing the bulk of the digestive system. Since fiber is not digested by the body, it will naturally supply mass if you experience constipation or have a slow digestive system. As a result, it aids in stimulating the intestines.

Ø  Lower cholesterol. The presence of fiber in your digestive system aids in lowering cholesterol absorption. If you combine phylum fiber supplements with statins, which are medications designed to lower cholesterol, you will experience improved results in the fight against cholesterol.

Ø  Control your blood sugar level. Your body may take longer to metabolize high fiber foods. It ultimately results in keeping blood sugar levels steady. For those who have diabetes, this is quite advantageous.

Ø  Encourages keeping a healthy weight. Fruits and vegetables with a high fiber content have less calories. Additionally, fiber might extend your sense of fullness by slowing down stomach digestion.

Ø  Reduce the chance of stomach cancer. A sufficient fiber intake may provide defense against some malignancies, including colon cancer. This may be due to the fact that some types of fiber, such the pectin in apples, may have antioxidant-like properties, among other things.

Despite the fact that fiber has many health benefits, it is better to gradually add fiber-rich foods to your diet over a few days to avoid unpleasant side effects like gas and bloating. While increasing your fiber intake, make sure to drink lots of water to help prevent these symptoms.

Here are 10 nutrient-rich meals that are high in fiber.

1. Pears

Image Source Google | Image by - Олександр К on Unsplash

The pear is a popular fruit that is filling and delicious. You won't find better sources of fiber anyplace than them. The amount of fiber in a medium-sized pear is 5.5 grams, or 3.1 grams for every 100 grams.

2. Apples

Image Source Google | Image by -Shelley Pauls on Unsplash

Another fruit that is simple to obtain and high in fiber is the apple. When you consume apples raw, you receive enough fiber. 2.4 grams of fiber are present in 100 grams of raw apple. Consider include an apple in your salad because it performs best when combined with other fruits.

3. Strawberry

Image Source Google | Image by -  Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

Strawberry love is universal. Rarely does anyone find them to be unpleasant. You'll be glad to know that strawberries are one of the top fiber-rich meals if you're one of those people who enjoy eating a lot of them. The fiber they contain is good for your body.

Strawberries include vitamin C in addition to fiber. In them, manganese is also present together with other strong antioxidants. Try it in this smoothie with bananas and strawberries. Every 100 grams of strawberries have 2 grams of fiber.

4. Bananas

Image Source Google | Image by - Gabriel Mihalcea on Unsplash

You must have been advised to eat two bananas if you were constipated by your doctors or elders. In addition, bananas are a fantastic source of potassium, vitamin B6, and C. It's possible that bananas don't have as much fiber as the other fruits on this list.

All these advantages are present in both ripe and unripe bananas. For a significant protein boost, eat them with nut butter. Resistant starch, which is present in bananas, aids with digestion. Bananas have 2.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

Other fruits high in fiber

Ø      100 grams of blueberries contain 2.4 grams of fiber.

Ø      100 grams of blackberries have 5.3 grams of fiber.

5. Beets

Image Source Google | Image by -  Nick Collins on Unsplash

Root vegetables like beets provide a variety of essential minerals, such as folate, potassium, copper, iron, and manganese. They are foods high in fiber. 100 grams of raw beets contain 2.8 grams.

Beets also contain inorganic nitrates, which are beneficial for regulating blood pressure and increasing physical performance.

6. Kidneys Beans

Image Source Google | Image by - Milada Vigerova on Unsplash

Kidney beans, one of the foods high in fiber, are most frequently found as legumes. They also contain a variety of additional minerals and plant-based protein.

In Pakistan, they are fairly simple to locate and reasonably priced. Vegetables high in fiber, legumes provide 6.8 grams per 100 grams of weight.

7. Carrots

Image Source Google | Image by - JACQUELINE BRANDWAYN on Unsplash

Root veggies with nutrients include carrots. They are crispy and tasty as well. Significant quantities of magnesium, vitamin K, vitamin B6, and beta carotene, an antioxidant that your body converts to vitamin A, are also present in it.

It is wise to include carrots in your high-fiber diet by adding them to soup with other vegetables. Every 100 grams of them has 2.8 grams of fiber.

8. Broccoli

Image Source Google | Image by -  Tyrrell Fitness And Nutrition on Unsplash

The cabbage family, one 

of the most nutrient-rich food groups, includes broccoli. Vitamins C, K, B, folate, iron, manganese, potassium, antioxidants, and nutrients with potent anti-cancer properties are some of these nutrients. It is one of the foods with the highest quantities of fiber. Broccoli has 2.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

9. Oats

Image Source Google | Image by - Jocelyn Morales on Unsplash

The world's healthiest grain food is oats, which are also high in fiber. Additionally, you receive vitamins and antioxidants.

They contain beta-glycan, an effective soluble fiber with notable advantages for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar. Oats are a staple in the diets of the majority of fitness freaks.

Overnight oats are a favorite for straightforward breakfast options. One cup of uncooked oats contains 16.5 grams of fiber, or 10.1 grams per 100 grams, making it one of the high-fiber meals.

10. Chia seed

Image Source Google | Image by - Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Little black seeds called chia seeds are immensely popular in the natural health community. They have high quantities of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium and are particularly nutrient-dense.

Chia seeds might be the world's best source of fiber. Consider include them in your own jam or granola bars. Chia seeds that have been fried contain 34.4 grams of fiber per 100 grams.

Other fiber-rich seeds and nuts

Most nuts and seeds are also high in dietary fiber. Examples include:

·         Fresh coconut weighing 9 grams

·         10 pistachios in grams

·         Walnuts weighing 6.7 grams

·         A sunflower's seed 11.1 grams

·         Pumpkin seeds weighing 6.5 grams

Each number represents a portion of 100 grams.


Fiber, a necessary vitamin, may aid with constipation relief, weight loss, and blood sugar regulation. The daily recommended intake of 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men is not met by the average person. As part of a high-fiber diet, you should consume high-fiber fruits and vegetables.

Try including any of the above-mentioned foods in your diet to improve your fiber intake because they are high-fiber foods that contain enough fiber to meet your needs. Do incorporate them into a diet strong in fiber.

This post first appeared on Daily, please read the originial post: here

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Top 10 High Fiber Foods You Should Include in Your Diet


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