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ISWAP reportedly invites Boko Haram for gunfight in Sambisa forest

ISWAP Reportedly Invites Boko Haram For Gunfight In Sambisa Forest


A counter-insurgency expert and security analyst in Lake Chad, Zagazola Makama says he has received an exclusive later written by ISWAP group to the Boko Haram faction of Abubakar Shekau, challenging them to a fight.

Zagazola claimed ISWAP accused the Boko Haram group of misleading the people, spreading falsehood, withholding the truths, corruption and raping of women in the name of worshipping God.

His statement was contained in a post on his social media platform on Friday in which he stated that the Boko Haram faction had already accepted the challenge.

According to him, the battle took place in Gaizuwa, with many killed on both sides.

This post first appeared on JustNewsLine, please read the originial post: here

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ISWAP reportedly invites Boko Haram for gunfight in Sambisa forest
