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Troops dislodge ISWAP terrorists, uncover underground armoury in Sambisa

Troops Dislodge ISWAP Terrorists, Uncover Underground Armoury In Sambisa


Troops of Operation Hadin Kai have continued their exploits as gallant officers and soldiers of 21 Armored Brigade have recovered a large cache of arms and ammunition from ISWAP terrorists after dislodging them in Sambisa forest, in Borno State.

Impeccable sources told Zagazola Makama, a Counter-Insurgency Expert and Security Analyst in the Lake Chad region that the large quantities of weapons were discovered in hidden dug pits concealed by the terrorists group.

The troops were said to have discovered the massive armory when they invaded Ukuba camp in the fringes of Bama Local Government Area during aggressive counterterrorism operation conducted on May 13, 2023.

The sources said that several variants of Rocket Propelled Grenade Tubes; SMG Rifle; Double Barrel gun, 50 hand grenades bombs and 5 SMK bombs were recovered.

This post first appeared on JustNewsLine, please read the originial post: here

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Troops dislodge ISWAP terrorists, uncover underground armoury in Sambisa
