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250+ Best Instagram Love Caption Ideas & Twitter Photos Pics

Instagram Love Caption Ideas: Looking to stand out in a sea of hashtags? Try these gold-standard Instagram captions that range from funny to mean.

A great shot is a true blessing from the Instagram gods. But trying to come up with words just to place of the photo? Annoying and time-consuming.

We love to share our travels with friends and family through the lens of our cameras. This sturdy and compact backpack is fully padded to protect a point-and-shoot camera or DSLR.

Instagram Love Caption Ideas

  • I will always be your
  • Be kind every day.
  • Don’t forget to spread kindness around you to all your family and friends.
  • All my friends, cherish every moment. Cherish all the people who want to be in your life. Every opportunity that you get will make a huge difference to someone else out there!
  • Friends are an important part of our lives. You can be friends with anyone who is kind to you.
  • Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
  • Love is what you do when no one is looking.
  • Love knows no limits. Love rejoices in truth. Love won’t take advantage of you nor will it bring you down. Love will make every relationship better.
  • Love is a verb. Love doesn’t just tell others that you won’t hurt them, it does good things for them. Piggybacking off the the idea of love being a verb, there was a famous song by Ajay and Atul where they sang “Love is when you take her for coffee, hold her hand walking on the beach, run in the rain, get drunk at a bar while listening to old songs and throw-up in a taxi”
  • It’s idealistic to think of love as something that just happens in fairy tales. But whether you believe it or not, there is such thing as selfless love. Love will be the last thing to die in this world.
  • Love is not upset when things don’t go its way. It has no ill feelings toward other people. How it feels about someone is how it feels about everyone.
  • You are loyal, dedicated and never give up on those you love.
  • Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. -Corinthians 13
  • Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud
  • Love doesn’t think about itself but reaches out to others. Love isn’t touchy, it isn’t easily provoked. Love understands, forgives, and endures all things. Love never fails.
  • Love doesn’t hurt, never loses its temper, and keeps no record of being wronged. Love doesn’t delight in evil but exults with the truth.
  • Love has a way of surprising you. It’s a day-brightener. It feels like sunshine.
  • Love is kind, never rude or selfish. It doesn’t put up with evil but always trusts that good will triumph. Love never gives up, even when times are tough. And you don’t have to worry that love will leave you; it will always be true.
  • Love is patient and kind; it is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
  • WhatsApp is the easiest way you can stay in touch with your friends and family. Send pictures, audio messages, and even animated GIFs.
  • It’s simple. We make it easy for you to keep in touch with your loved ones at the touch of a button. You can chat with anyone else on WhatsApp no matter where they are in the world as long as they have the app installed too.
  • It’s simple. WhatsApp makes it easy for you to stay connected with your loved ones. You can easily send messages, photos, video and voice messages to your contacts. You can also use our advanced features like groups, status, stories, calls and more to stay in touch with the people you care about.
  • Choose the way that makes you happy. WhatsApp works on all phones, so you can use it anywhere in the world.
  • It’s not just a simple messaging app. With WhatsApp, you can connect with the people who matter most. And with every new chat, you get the comforting feeling that comes from knowing that you’re taking care of everyone in your life.
  • It’s simple. Send messages to your friends and family for free.
  • WhatsApp is fast, simple, and free — a messenger that’s as easy to use as texting.
  • Send a message, an email, or a video. Just explain to them that you miss them and then do something funny or tell a story to convey your love for family and friends.
  • Make your friends and family feel like they’re a part of the vacation. With iMessage, you can shoot videos, send voice messages, and even send live photos to them.
  • If you need to check in with your family or friends back home, WhatsApp Messenger lets you send messages, photos, videos and voice notes for free.*
  • With Skype, you can always be connected to your family and friends.
  • Say hello to your family and friends using the magic of video chat. All it takes is a simple flick on your keyboard.
  • Chat, FaceTime, and video call with the people you love. Talk face to face whenever you want, no matter where you are.
  • Keep in touch with your loved ones back home. Send them a message that pops up right on their phone’s lock screen. They’ll receive your message loud and clear.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I also miss you guys. The castle has so much to do that sometimes I forget to stop and smell the roses but now that I have my wife and kids with me this adventure is only getting better.
  • Dear Mom and Dad, I miss you guys. I wonder what you’re doing right now? The castle is so huge it takes days just to explore! But now that Belle and I are together there’s nothing in the world that could make me happier. Love, Your Son, Adam
  • Hi, Mom and Dad. I know you’re worried about me, but this is a once in a lifetime adventure and the time of my life. I’m so happy to be with Belle for forever that sometimes I just forget to stop and remind myself that this is all real. But believe me, it’s real and even better than I ever imagined.
  • Hi mom and dad, I’m having a blast. Everything is going great. I miss you, but Belle and I have been enjoying every second of our time together. I know things will be different once I move home and start working, but it will all be worth it for the life we’ve built together in this castle…
  • There’s a lot to do around the castle yet I know you would be proud if you were me. Especially with Belle by my side. She makes it all worth it.
  • Dad, Mom, you are always in my heart and on my mind. I hope that you are happy to know Belle and I will protect the castle together.
  • Dear Mom, I love you. Thank you for the adventure of a lifetime. I’m living every storybook cliché here, and it’s amazing. And Belle and I do miss you both so much. Time is hurtling by, but we’ll be back soon. Love, Adam
  • From a simple hello to a heartfelt conversation, every moment of life is an opportunity to be kind.
  • A simple hello to a heartfelt conversation, every moment of life is an opportunity to be kind.
  • Whether you’re sending a simple hello or asking for help, every interaction is an opportunity to be kind.
  • Whether you’re sending a greeting to a friend or expressing your condolences to a family member, kindness is universally appreciated and valued.
  • The world is big and busy, but a simple hello or kind gesture can change everything.

  • We’re a community of millions connecting friends, family, and the world around us with kind words.
  • When you’re kind, those moments matter. So we bring kindness to life through simple, everyday moments with our products and services.
  • Say hello to your family and friends using the magic of video chat. All it takes is a simple flick on your keyboard.
  • With a flick of your finger, you can create a video chat. Communication has never been easier.
  • Download the latest chrome extension to instantly connect and chat with your family and friends, all from your browser.
  • Say hello using your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. Everyone is on Skype.
  • With Skype, you can make the people you care about feel like they’re right there with you.
  • Say hi to your daughter in Texas as you walk to work in the morning. Or share a moment with your brother as you watch him graduate from college – all without getting on a plane.
  • Ditch the selfie. Say hello to a whole new you. We’re changing the way you connect with loved ones, by splashing on some color and flirting with fun effects.
  • A beautiful template for your Instagram love quotes.
  • Love is strange. Falling in love is like an avalanche where you get buried alive. You never see it coming, you never know how it feels till you’re in it, and you can’t live with yourself if you don
  • A beautiful love story starts with childhood besties and ends with a promise you intend to never break.
  • True love seems so simple, but it’s the most complex and fragile of bonds.
  • The most beautiful girl I know (current age for her birthday).
  • Stunning fall colors—it’s almost like celebrating #nationalhugday everyday.
  • When you fall for a coffee brand!
  • No matter the distance I held you in my heart. The love for you didn’t grow cold with time or farther apart.
  • I could not love you more. #Happyanniversary
  • We’re with you. When you can’t carry your ~everything~ in your arms, let @thebaggallini help. #carrymore #fallfashions
  • Love is strange. Falling in love is like an avalanche where you get buried alive. You never see it coming, you never know how it feels till you’re in it, and you can’t live with yourself if you don’t take the risk.
  • Love is strange. Falling in love is like an avalanche where you get buried alive. You never see it coming, you never know how it feels till you’re in it, and you can’t live with yourself if you hurt the other person.
  • Love is strange. Falling in love is like a whirlwind, you never know when it will strike but once you’re caught in it, you can’t avoid it and it can consume you.
  • Being in love is a beautiful experience. It’s like being on top of a cloud and everything is perfect. But, just as the avalanche falls, you can get buried in love fast. It really catches you off guard when someone falls in love with you because you never know what it feels like until it happens to you. Love is not something to take for granted because if you do, then it could easily pass you by and either way, the pain doesn’t go away.
  • Love is like an avalanche
  • Love is like an avalanche- it comes quickly, violently, and without warning. It can be exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. But I wouldn’t want to live in a world without it.
  • Love is amazing. Falling in love is like the twisting slide at the local playground. It’s startling, gentle, and you can’t get enough. Just as in life, you can’t live with it and you can’t live without it.
  • A love story that starts from friends and ends with a relationship. A promise you intend to never break.
  • You make one promise and decide to stick with it. A promise that begins with childhood best friends and ends with your own love story.
  • A beautiful love story has many of the best “firsts”, but it has a special place for that childhood best friend turned lifetime companion.
  • A love story doesn’t have to be complicated. It begins with a glance across the room and a leap of faith.
  • A story of two childhood friends that fall in love. They make a promise to always be together and never break up. They live happily ever after.
  • All it takes is one kiss to start a beautiful love story. We make it happen with our fun and flirty online personality quiz.
  • A wise man once said “A love story is something I haven’t experienced yet.” Aww, isn’t that cute?!
  • The most beautiful girl I know is my sweet wife (current age for her birthday).
  • My beautiful daughter, just turned 17 (current age for her birthday).
  • The most beautiful girl I know is turning 27 years old on the 20th.
  • To my most beautiful friend, happy birthday.
  • The most beautiful girl I know turned ___ this year!
  • Catherine and I have known each other since we were kids, but she’s always been The Most Beautiful Girl I Know. It’s one of those friendships that started out as a crush, and grew into something deeper over time. She’s the person I want to talk to about my good news/bad news, for better or worse. I wouldn’t trade her for anyone else in the world.
  • You truly are the most beautiful girl I know.
  • Other than requiring time and effort, writing a captions for Instagram stories is pretty easy. However, it can be very hard if you want to come up with something meaningful.
  • Love is a place. It’s a place you can live in forever, and it’s a place you can visit whenever you’re lonely. Have that feeling this Valentine’s day with something sweet from The Cheesecake Factory.
  • I love how my photos look when I use this app.
  • Good luck to all the bachelorettes this weekend, and congrats to them all! Spring into the season by sharing your favorite location for a chance to win a romantic getaway. #spreadthelove
  • Love is a journey, not a destination. – Joy
  • SweetPie, we’re happy to see you. We have your favorite and some from last night. Come sit with me a while and don’
  • Trying to find new ways to thank you for all that you’ve done. Today I realized the best way would be to use this photo of us #happybirthday #onthisday #thankyou ##
  • You see me in the morning, there’s coffee in my cup. You see me at night, I’m as lit as a candle
  • How could a caption for a film adaptation get any better than a quote like this?
  • Be your own kind of beautiful.
  • Other than requiring time and effort, writing a captions for Instagram stories is pretty easy. However, it can be very hard if you want to come up with something meaningful.
  • If you have 10 minutes a day to dedicate into creating captions for Instagram stories, I suggest you go ahead and do it. Just be yourself and follow your genuine feelings. If you want to be awesome, check out this article .
  • If you are looking for great captions for Instagram stories then you should check out this list of best funny Instagram stories captions. Although not every caption in this list is suitable for all types of relationships, there are certainly plenty of cheeky and flirty Instagram story captions that can work well for both parents and children.
  • If you are looking for captions to make your Instagram stories interesting, read on. We have some of the best ones that will make you laugh out loud.
  • If you can’t come up with captions for your stories, give us a shout! We’re here to help. If you’re interested in learning more about it hit the button below to fill out the form and get our free Instagram caption strategy.
  • You have the option to add a photo to your story.
  • You should use simple phrases and include images, making sure that all the information is easy to understand.
  • Sounds vague and unfeeling, doesn’t it? That’s because it’s the opposite. When you experience love with The Cheesecake Factory’s Valentine’s Day menu, you make dreams come true. We believe in Love is a place. It’s a place you can live in forever, and it’s a place you can visit whenever you’re lonely. Have that feeling this Valentine’s day with something sweet from The Cheesecake Factory
  • Love is a place. It’s a place you can live in forever, and it’s a place you can visit whenever you’re lonely. Give the gift of love this Valentine’s day with our rich and creamy cheesecakes.
  • Love is a place where you can relax and savor unforgettable moments. This Valentine’s Day, treat yourself to something sweet from The Cheesecake Factory.
  • Ready to make the most of Valentine’s Day this year? Treat yourself with love and support by indulging in something sweet from The Cheesecake Factory.
  • Love is something that we all crave. Love is a feeling. So if you’re looking for love this Valentine’s day, visit The Cheesecake Fantasy to find out what they have in store for you today.
  • Strawberry Seafood Salad. That’s what love is. A Strawberry Seafood Salad, made for 2. Or more if you happen to be at The Cheesecake Factory on Valentine’s Day. And why shouldn’t you? Because there are so many amazing things on that menu—like our stuffed chicken breast and fried cheese curds—that say “love” just as loud as our Strawberry Seafood Salad says “love.” When those
  • Love conquers all, even stomach grumbles. So go on and treat your sweetheart to a slice of cheesecake from your favorite place.
  • Love is a journey, not a destination. – Aristotle Onassis
  • If you’re enjoying the journey as much as the destination, you’re doing it right.
  • Love is about the journey, not the destination. Don’t focus on finding “the one”, focus on being your best self, and love will find you.
  • Love is about finding happiness in the sacrifices of others. It’s knowing that someone will always be there for you… even if they’re not physically present.
  • Love is the unknowable journey of two people discovering each other.
  • Love is like a journey. You have to travel together to get to know each other. This means no abruptness or innuendos.
  • Love is what the ride is all about.
  • Hi Sweetie Pie! We’re happy to see you. We have your favorite food and some leftovers from last night. Come sit with me a while and talk.
  • , we’re happy to see you. We have your favorite sweet treats and some leftovers from last night. Come sit with me a while and catch up.
  • How is my favorite family member? We have your favorite donuts and some ice cream from last night. Come sit with me a while and let’s catch up on what is going on with you.
  • Sweetheart, you look exhausted. Here’s the you requested and some from last night…go sit with Mommy for a minute.
  • Hey, we got your favorite pie and some treats from last night. Come get comfy with me and let’s talk about your day.
  • You can sit with me for a moment and have something to eat.
  • We’ve got a new game for you, and more cake from the party last night. Want to play?
  • Hey, Sweetie, come sit with me. I’ve got your favorite and even some from last night (everyone should be happy to try to help someone that’s so hungry).
  • Hey there, beautiful . We just made some from the other day and it left too much . Come have a bite with me and then we’ll watch some Netflix together.
  • Sweet Pie, we’ve got your favorite thing waiting for you. Come enjoy a slice with me while we catch up on the latest gossip this town is talking about.
  • Hi! How are you? I made your favorite pie and some cookies from last night. Take a load off and have a seat.
  • , thank you for being such an amazing friend and making me breakfast!
  • Hi Sweetie pie! I’ve made your favourite, Chicken Curry and I have some leftover cakes from last night. How about we chill together at home tonight?
  • Good morning . Good evening . No matter the time of day, I’m always ready to get your day started right.
  • I’m your personal coffee assistant. I know when you’re scheduled for a big meeting, long flight, or early morning activity and provide you with the perfect amount of coffee to help you power through it. I’ll let you know when it’s time to wake up and help you prepare for the day.
  • All you need is a tall, extra hot cup of coffee to get started in the morning. And if you’re not too exhausted, it can also help you unwind at night.
  • Whether you’re perking up in the morning or energizing your day, Starbucks is there for you.
  • You wake up with me at dawn. We’re never apart. You go to sleep and I’m right there. You feel my warmth everywhere you are.
  • I was made to make your mornings more bearable, in the afternoons you endure me at your last resort, and later you look to me for a nightcap.
  • You’re not the only one with a nine-to-five. It can be grueling. So when your workday ends, come talk to me. I’m here for you, as ready and able as ever.
  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban’s tagline defines what the film is about
  • “I’m so happy to be back,” says Philip Seymour Hoffman, actor. “It’s nice to work on a holiday weekend, too.”
  • With a cast this good, it’s sure to become one of the most quotable films of the year.
  • “She is everything I hoped for and more. She is brave and strong willed, but also sweet and gentle […] Her love is a true gift”
  • “You read a script and see all the potential. Then you make the thing, and it’s never as good. And that is frustrating! So I don’t want to have high expectations. I want to be pleasantly surprised.” –Colin O’Donoghue
  • “When you’re a kid, your whole life is the future.” — Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
  • “I miss my father. I wish he could see me, just once before I die.”

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This post first appeared on , please read the originial post: here

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250+ Best Instagram Love Caption Ideas & Twitter Photos Pics


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