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Well said Mr. PM, We’re racing with time but..

Well Said Mr. PM, We’re Racing With Time But..

Unfortunately, we are going to be a perfect example of, a nation killed by its own incompetence. Flood is just the tip of iceberg.

The devastating flood of 2022 and Pakistan.

Well said, My Prime minister.

The Flood of 2022 in Pakistan is different from the disasters that happened in the past.

This time where the flood caused massive destruction in the northern areas of Pakistan, on the other hand, lower areas of Pakistan, southern Punjab, Sindh and Balochistan were faced worst flooding in the history. 70℅ areas of Pakistan washed away.

A flood of such severity has not come even in the distant past.

Even after months, the flood water is there, and the worse thing is that after a few months it is going to flood again, the agricultural lands have become marshy, causing a severe food crisis.

Affected people are still in open, and millions of stock animals died.

These flooded areas now look like a huge series of permanent lakes, transforming forever the terrain and the lives of people living there. No amount of pumps can remove this water in less than a year; and by July 2023, the worry is that these areas may flood again.

PM Shahbaz Sharif.

The Guardian.

But are we serious to overcome this crisis?

The people’s life and property are not the powerful circles’ first priority.

Pakistan is reaping what it has sown. There have been continuous floods in Pakistan since 2010.

Has Pakistan made any plans for the next year?

The answer is simple and obvious. No

We don’t want to learn something called planning. And one after another, narratives backed by state resources with bad intentions have numb the general public.

Instead of taking ownership and building public enthusiasm, projects like the Billion Tree, have been ridiculed to such an extent that none of the four provincial governments have so far re-worked the line.

The world is moving towards a carbon-free future.
while projects like Rental Power and Sahiwal Coal is apple of the nation’s eye. we deliberately by full intention make it possible not to complete any green project.

The press conference of the Finance Minister to be held last night is a clear announcement that we have decided not to change our approach.
So far, we have not made any plan that will guarantee our survival in the future and now the situation is probably going to such a level that even if we want to, we cannot stop the destruction.

Snow capped Himalayas are turning into black mountains.
Nepalese envoy (2018)

Dawn. January 10. 2018

The picture made by the climbers last summer should have made Pakistani leaders think.
Snow caps are the lifeline of Pakistan.

Pakistan’s aorta has been cut at such a speed that the nation can’t even imagine.

Pakistan’s race against time is probably in its last stages and time clearly got the lead.

If the situation continues like this, after 4/5 years at most, there will be no Patwari or Utiya.

The ruling foreigners and the wise dual nationals will return to their homelands.

This nation will probably be the only nation that will perish at the hands of its incompetence.

an addition to the list will be made

  • Civilization of Sawan
  • Plains of hakra
  • Indus civilization
  • Mohanjodaro

We’re racing against time.

Shahbaz Sharif, PM of Pakistan.


My Prime Minister time will surely win because we still have no idea in which direction we race.

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Well said Mr. PM, We’re racing with time but..
