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2 Misconceptions About Love & How to Turn Toxicity into Healthy Boundaries | Jay Shetty

How do therapists monitor relationship building?

Therapists have to be mindful of the power imbalance in the therapeutic relationship and the potential for transference and counter-transference. The code of ethics is in place to protect both the client and the therapist, and therapists should consult with colleagues to keep the relationship healthy and in line with the ultimate goal of helping the patient meet their ambitions. Therapy sessions can be an opportunity for the patient to feel seen without criticism or judgement and that can lead to the patient developing a strong bond with the therapist. It is important for the therapist to manage this relationship carefully.

What do relationships mean to you?

Relationships can be a sacred exchange of positive and healthy energy between two people, and it is important to ensure that it is a safe space and that boundaries are established and respected. Growing up, movies can often give a glamorised view of love and relationships that can be detrimental to our developing minds. It is important to be mindful of the impact of engaging in activities such as substance abuse, cannabis, alcohol and sex, as they can be emotionally charged and difficult to reconcile as an adult.

If parents can articulate their thoughts well

Teenagers are often attracted to relationships due to wanting to rebel against their parents and not wanting to appear different to their peers. Research has found that teenagers who engage in relationships are more likely to experience mental health issues compared to those that don't. However, making mistakes and learning from them are part of growing up. It is complicated to work out whether it is better to engage in relationships during the teenage years or not. Parents can help their children by being open to conversations about relationships and being supportive of their decisions.

Not getting back the same love you're giving

Jay believes that parents sometimes set unreasonable expectations for their children without being conscious of it. He believes that if these expectations were articulated and understood by the child, it could be beneficial. He attributes his current view on relationships to a lot of heartbreak, over-giving and setting false standards. He eventually took a break from relationships and decided to become a monk, which allowed him to redefine what love meant to him. Since leaving the monastery, Jay has only been in a relationship with his wife and feels more stability and commitment than ever before.

Why monks practice celibacy?

Monks typically practice celibacy as a way to focus their energy and effort on their own self-realization. This is done to limit their distractions and to pursue self-realization exclusively. It is not about women or money being bad, rather it is about carving out dedicated time for self-realization. This could be done through becoming a monk or through carving out time for therapy and self-reflection. It is a commitment to oneself and a beautiful way to dedicate part of one's life to self-realization.

We love and express love in a certain way

Taking risks and making mistakes is part of life, and it can be difficult to navigate. Early relationships in particular can make us feel like we have to overcompensate in order to get the validation we crave. However, it is important to remember that love is expressed and received in different ways. Learning to express our love in a way that our partner receives it can take time and patience, but is ultimately worth it. State Farm provides the coverage and support to help us feel secure in our life decisions.

Expecting your partner to just know

Jay found that gifts were an important way of expressing love in his family. His wife's family, however, spent more time together than focusing on gifts. It took Jay a while to realise that gifts were a way of showing understanding and that it was not about how much money was spent but, rather, finding something that showed the receiver was understood. He found this with his team member buying him a new pair of shoes, and with a magazine signed by the Dalai Lama. Navigating these different family dynamics can be difficult, but by understanding each other and their backgrounds, Jay and his wife have been able to find a balance between the two.

How do you know your partner is making an effort?

Relationships can be difficult to navigate and it is hard to know how much effort your partner is really putting in. It is important to try to understand the other person's perspective and to step outside yourself to recognize how they are showing their love. Often this can be through small gestures or other forms of communication. To understand if your partner is putting in effort, it is important to try to open up the lines of communication and to recognise the other person's love from their point of view, rather than just from your own.

Overcompensating because of fear

Relationships do not need to be based on the idea of doing equal work for each other. It is important to be aware of the contributions that our partners make in order to maintain a healthy relationship. We need to make sure that our actions are based on love and not fear - otherwise we can end up overcompensating or tolerating bad behaviour in order to keep someone in our life. Having a high level of confidence in a relationship is key to making sure our actions are based on love and not fear.

What makes a relationship worth fighting for?

In order to maintain a healthy relationship, it is important to come in with a full glass, rather than expecting the other person to fill it for you. The idea of pursuing something for the joy of the chase is often short lived and can be replaced with a sense of surprise. It is important to be willing to work on yourself for the other person, and for them to be willing to do the same. Difficult conversations should be had to evaluate where the relationship is going, and both parties should remain humble and willing to try again if it isn't going in the direction they want it to. This type of mutual effort is what makes a relationship worth fighting for.

The 'WE' versus 'YOU' language

In order to build a strong relationship, it is important to have a lack of ego and use I statements to express needs instead of blaming the other person. Reframing the language to a 'we' perspective and normalizing the collective experience can help to build a strong and loving relationship. ‘I’ statements should be used to express feelings, needs and requests in a humble manner. Apathy can be more slippery and dangerous than hateful feelings in a relationship, so it is important to remain passionate.

Not all things in the world is one-sided

In relationships, it can be easy to take a 'me versus you' approach. However, it is important to remember that it is a two-way street and both partners need to work together to make it successful. It is also important to remember to be open and vulnerable with each other, and to take responsibility for our own actions. It can be emotionally easier to take the 'me versus you' path, however, this can be unhealthy in relationships. We must always remember to confront issues and have accountability for our part in it. It is also important to remember that not everyone can be vulnerable in the moment, so time and patience is also necessary. Lastly, expressing and articulating our thoughts and feelings is also a powerful way to ensure a healthy relationship.

This post first appeared on Podcast Disclosed, please read the originial post: here

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2 Misconceptions About Love & How to Turn Toxicity into Healthy Boundaries | Jay Shetty


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