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Elon Musk wants his fans to read this book


Book lovers, Tesla CEO has a reading suggestion for you. In a post on his platform X, formerly, Twitter, Musk has called Johan Norberg’s ‘The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the global free market will save the world.’ “This book is an excellent explanation of why capitalism is not just successful, but morally right, especially chapter 4,” posted the richest man in the world.

The post has received over 94K likes, has been reposted 17.1K times and there are almost 9500 responses to it at the time of writing this story. Incidentally, this is not the first time that Musk has suggested a book. In an interview with Design and Architecture, Musk said “In terms of sci-fi books, I think Isaac Asimov is really great. I like the Foundation series, probably one of the all-time best. Robert Heinlein, obviously. I like The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress and I like Stranger in a Strange Land, although it kind of goes off the rails at the end.” He continues “There’s a good book on structural design called Structures: Or Why Things Don’t Fall Down. It is really, really good if you want a primer on structural design.”

Meet Swedish author Norberg
Norberg, a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute Washington D.C. and the European Centre for International Political Economy in Brussels. In the book, ‘The Capitalist Manifesto: Why the Global Free Market Will Save The World’, Norberg writes that the global free market has “created greater prosperity and more technological innovation than all the previous generations combined,” citing evidence that shows capitalism has lifted “millions” from poverty.

He has written books on a broad range of topics, including global economics and popular science. His In Defence of Global Capitalism is said to have been published in more than 25 countries. Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future, was called “a blast of good sense” by The Economist, and a “book of the year” in The Guardian, The Economist, and The Observer. Norberg regularly hosts documentaries on development and economics for American public television, including Free or Equal?, Economic Freedom in Action, Power to the People and the The Real Adam Smith.


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Elon Musk wants his fans to read this book
