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My Personal Blog Blog

Carren Dario is a blogger and freelancer. She writes about self-improvement and shares very inspirational content on his blog She’s also a fitness and travel enthusiast. You can get in touch with her at [email protected]
Blaring patriotic songs on loudspeakers and tantalizing smell of hot jalebis and laddoos! What a wonderful way to start your day. As kids, republic day used to be all about jalebis and schoo… Read More
Lohri is a colorful and joyful celebration that takes place primarily within North India. It marks the closing of winter and the beginning of warmer days. This festival is associated with tr… Read More
In the current digital age in which social media platforms such as Instagram have transformed into an online playground, sharing our feelings and appreciation for a person can be a daunting… Read More
Engineering is a challenging profession which often demands long hours, complex problem solving and a high level of accuracy. Engineers face multiple challenges in your professional life inc… Read More
Life can often be a challenging journey, especially for young individuals striving to find their way in a complex world. The struggles they face can stem from various sources – societa… Read More
They say, “A doctor is only as good as his health”. We understand what it takes to be a medical professional, doctor, resident, surgeon, or medical student. It doesn’t mean… Read More
These days, love isn’t just about saying sweet nothings to each other. Nope, it’s 2023, and Instagram is where we spill our hearts! Posting a lovey-dovey picture with the perfect… Read More
Knowledge is a transformative force that empowers us to lead more meaningful and fulfilling lives. It opens doors, expands our horizons, and enables us to create a positive impact in the wor… Read More
Frank Ocean has become a household name among music lovers worldwide. An enigmatic yet highly acclaimed artist, Frank is revered for his singing, songwriting, record producing and visual art… Read More
Some people have a hard time trying to fit in. Well, some is a small word for if you look closely, most people are constantly struggling to conform with widely acceptable norms. This results… Read More
In the whirlwind of life, seeking motivation and inner strength is like finding hidden treasures. One of the most powerful resources of guidance and direction is the eternal knowledge of Bud… Read More
In a society that is constantly cluttered with distractions and confusion, the wisdom and timeless teachings of Buddha offer a way to peace and harmony within. This collection of Buddha quot… Read More
We are living in a world where if you are not on social media networks, you are definitely missing out on a lot of things, from the latest trends to the latest news. I bet you post your ever… Read More
In current times, we are all exhausted by our overdependence on technology. There is an inherent need within us to re-establish our connection with Nature. Nature is fascinating. It has heal… Read More
One of the first and closest interactions to the social life we experience is through family. Family is your first school. It is where you learn to take your first step, take your first bite… Read More
Would you believe me if I say that I have never been to a beach? You have to! Even though I am saying this at 30 years old, it’s the truth. But I love the sea despite having never m… Read More
Have you just got yourself a brand-new car? Sleek, shiny, and ready to hit the open road. Excitement bubbles within you as you sit behind the wheel, your hands gently caressing the leather a… Read More
The other day, I was in the park for my evening stroll when I saw a starry-eyed individual summoning the courage to approach his crush. Even from that distance, I could see his heart poundin… Read More
The popularity of instagram has surpassed the publically acceptable meaning of viral. Nowadays, everyone has an Instagram account. From toddlers to adolescents to boomers, you can see people… Read More
In the velvety embrace of twilight, the night sky unfolds like a tapestry, adorned with a scattering of diamond-like stars that dance to the rhythm of the universe and the moon that casts it… Read More
Hoodies are the epitome of coolness and comfort. They are a staple in street fashion and have become a symbol of urban style. When you rock a hoodie, you exude a certain confidence that dema… Read More
Most of us recognize the benefits of regular physical activity and eating well to strengthen physical strength, but how can we stay mentally strong during increased stress? Strengthening… Read More
Self-talk refers to any form of internal dialogue we have with ourselves or with ourselves in general, whether it is spoken aloud or thought silently. Self-talk has an immense effect on b… Read More
It may not be hyperbolic to say that social media is oozing with colourful pictures coupled with catchy captions, especially by girls. It’s interesting how these social butterflie… Read More
Feeling stuck in life? Discover how to embark on an effective personal development journey and become the best version of yourself. Personal development is a pretty rampant term used on t… Read More
As human beings, we are driven by various factors like survival, purpose, ambition, and pleasure but also, sometimes, pain! Experts have researched and concluded that emotional or physica… Read More
Why are quotes considered one of the finest ways to convey your love to your husband, you may wonder. In fact, many people consider love quotes as an old-school style of telling him about yo… Read More
You being here, looking for ammunition to make a narcissist fear you, shows that you must have had trouble with them in the recent past or are going through it right now.  You don&rs… Read More
Are you struggling to find that perfect work-life balance? And do you also feel that you are running a marathon that doesn’t seem to end? Do you always feel like you are playing cat… Read More
If you’ve ever been caught in a situation where you were argued down to believe that your hobbies are a waste of time or, the way you plan your vacation is irrational or, your dressing… Read More
You’ve stumbled upon the right page for aesthetic quotes about reading that will make you hungry for books. Reading is the best quality a person can ever have. It’… Read More
Being around someone who spares no chance to criticize and humiliate you or boast about themselves can be a testing experience, right?  While you can still avoid such people if they… Read More
There’s black and white; the magic, though, lies in the enigmatic grey. Somewhere, nestled calmly between ‘the Alpha’ and ‘the Beta,’ reigns the lone wolf of… Read More

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My Personal Blog
