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Independent committee demands initiation of Centre-KLO peace talks


Kolkata, Oct 21 (Always First): The Kamtapur State Demand Committee, an independent committee demanding separate Kamtapur statehood, has demanded immediate beginning of peace talks between the Centre and the banned Kamtapur Liberation Organization (KLO).

According to the convener of the committee Nikhil Roy, the recently surrendered KLO general secretary Kailash Koch, who is currently in judicial custody in West Bengal, should also be involved in the peace talk process.

The committee has also decided to begin a massive public awareness campaign programme for the need for initiation of peace talks.

Accordingly, the Kamtapur State Demand Committee has decided to organise a massive public rally on November 19 in North Bengal.

Before that there will be a preparatory meeting on this count on October 26.

“As far as information available with us The KLO chief Jeevan Singh is already in custody of the Union government. Our sources informed that he has been housed at a Union government guest house.

“However, we do not have the exact idea of where he has been kept. So the situation is ripe for initiation of peace talks. So we are organising the public rally to attract the attention of the government on this count,” he said.

This post first appeared on News For All, please read the originial post: here

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Independent committee demands initiation of Centre-KLO peace talks
