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12 Types Of Digital Marketing

12 Different types of digital marketing.

Digital marketing is now one of the most important strategic efforts for businesses.

Consumers prefer to be educated about their purchases.

Thus many people look to the internet for information on businesses and products.

Using various digital marketing methods to advertise your brand and products will allow you to contact your target audience through channels they are already using.

Also Read: Email For Marketing Example

What Is Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is a type of marketing that uses various digital technologies to reach and engage customers.

Digital marketing includes online advertising, online marketing, e-mail marketing, and social media marketing.

Digital marketing is an important part of a company’s marketing strategy because it allows companies to reach many people with their message.

Digital marketing is also cost-effective because it can be used to reach a large number of people with a small amount of money.

Let’s quickly go over the 12 different types of Digital Marketing platforms and media that you can use in business.

However, don’t expect to need every platform in the 12 types of digital marketing.

You can use them if your business needs these services to maximize profits.

Before investing, always assess your earnings and losses.

12 Types Of Digital Marketing

When starting your online strategy, it is good that you know the different types of digital marketing strategies that exist so that, in this way, you know how and when to use them.

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing is one of the 12 types of digital marketing and is the most used by companies within their digital strategy.

This involves creating and distributing valuable content such as images, videos, and multimedia to reach a target audience.

Instead of transmitting an advertising message or bombarding people with information about your brand, content marketing seeks to add value to your audience through useful and entertaining information that generates memory and perpetuates trust.

The content you create and the format in which you do it already depends a lot on your line of business and the type of people you want to reach.

One of the main challenges of content marketing is that you need to know which formats are the most suitable for each part of the buyer’s journey and plan a strategy behind each step.

How To Use Content Marketing?

Thus, to do effective content marketing, you must:

  • Know your ideal customers (buyer personas)
  • Identify the channels you have available to create effective strategies.
  • Choose efficient channels for identifying buyer personas.
  • Choose relevant topics for your potential customers.
  • Think about the problems that your company can help solve.
  • Create content that solves the doubts of your buyer personas.

Some extra tips for implementing this type of digital marketing:

  • Make sure you have a website. (It will help you position yourself organically and collect information from users who visit it).
  • Take care of the regularity and quality of the contents.
  • Identify your buyer’s frequent doubts and pain points to create valuable content.
  • Find the best formats for each broadcast medium.
  • Amplify content for better results. For example, create articles, infographics, images or short videos from a webinar. So you amplify the reach of a single topic.

2. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing tools, and although it has been in the industry for quite some time, it has not lost its benefits.

Remember that over 3,930 million users currently have an email, which is the easiest way to reach your target audience.

You must consider that 64% of users would open an email because they trust the brand that sends it.

For this reason, you must earn their trust through valuable content and not betray it by sending advertising all the time since it is most likely to get off your subscribed list.

As a recommendation, you must segment your subscribers so that you can send relevant information to each one since not all of them will be in the same place throughout the process.

How To Use Email Marketing

Good email marketing is planned and goes beyond sending promotions to users without considering their interests.

If you do this, your emails will surely end up as spam.

That’s why creating a contact list that you can segment is important.

To get this list, you must first obtain the information of the people who might be interested in your company.

This can be achieved through a form on your website or a landing page whose link you share on your social networks.

Some tips for implementing more effective email marketing strategies:

  • Identify the purpose of your email delivery.
  • Segment your contact lists.
  • Use a tool that allows you to monitor your email delivery performance.
  • Analyze the results.
  • Improve your next email sending campaign.

3. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing has several benefits.

First, it revolutionized how you communicate with your customers, as it is two-way communication.

You have all kinds of channels depending on your goals because social networks vary in the content you want to share, the way you interact, and the type of audience found in each one.

We have the most used Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube, Pinterest, Snapchat, and Tiktok.

In addition, your way of having a presence on each network can also vary if you are going to do it organically or if you are going to pay for ads.

How to implement social media marketing properly?

You must go beyond regularly publishing on your social networks for this online marketing alternative. Instead, you should consider different aspects:

  • Think about your buyer personas: This will allow you to choose the best platforms to implement social media marketing and plan the best content formats.
  • Set specific goals for your social networks: Improve reach, impressions, interactions, web traffic, sales, etc.
  • Choose the platforms on which your company will have an impact.
  • Research your competitors. They will indeed be implementing strategies that are useful to them.
  • Make a content plan based on your goals.
  • Adapt the content to each platform you want to enter. This will help you better capture the attention of users.
  • Create a uniform image for your brand.
  • Schedule posts.
  • Make sure to attend to the interactions of your users.
  • Measure the results through the metrics offered by each platform or with specialized software that combines the metrics of each platform.

4. Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing is based on the premise that you have to make your customers find you and you, not them.

You can achieve this through useful and valuable content that draws the attention of your target audience.

Remember that inbound marketing is based on worrying about the needs of your potential customers and helping them solve them instead of putting your business goals first.

Inbound marketing is very useful to build trust through digital media and retain potential customers, who can eventually become promoters of your brand.

Use non-intrusive techniques. In other words, it focuses on the user experience so that they are the ones who organically approach your company.

Inbound marketing employs the following elements:

  • Content for social networks.
  • Blog
  • SEO strategies
  • Youtube videos.
  • for email marketing
  • Marketing automation.

How to use inbound marketing?

Inbound marketing strategies can be complex to execute since you must always consider how your potential customers benefit from each action.

But there are some aspects that you must consider to put this option into practice:

  • Make detailed buyer personas and get to know them. Buyer personas are fictionalized representations of the ideal clients for your business.

They consider your region, age, occupation, degree of decision, etc.

  • Identify the needs that your company can cover. This will enable you to understand how to help your users from when they identify their primary issue until they decide to use your goods or services.
  • When developing your content strategy, consider the buyer’s journey of each potential customer.

With this information, you can properly counsel them based on their needs.

  • Personalize your interactions with leads, prospects, and customers.

To use inbound marketing in your business, you must have a website.

This way, it will be easier for you to generate organic positioning strategies and create effective databases for your company.

In addition to the fact that it can be beneficial for you to have a marketing team specialized in the digital field, as well as a sales team that can give timely follow-up to your prospects.

5. Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is primarily about getting your website to the top of search engine results when someone does a search that has to do with the products or services you offer.

This includes organic optimization known as SEO, paid PPC ads, and both from devices such as desktop and mobile and even the smart home assistants currently used for search.

But what does positioning yourself in search engines imply?

To position yourself, you must create content that people, mainly your target audience, are always looking for.

Also, you need to ensure that you are constantly optimizing your website, which means that your page should load fast, be easy to navigate, and be user-friendly.

How to use search engine marketing properly?

Whether you implement SEO or SEM strategies, you must take into account some common factors:

Your website must be optimized

In other words, for Google or any search engine to detect it, it must load quickly, have security standards and have a certain structure.

Keywords must be relevant and appropriate

You must choose the best keywords, so your business appears in the right places when a user searches for information related to your niche.

Specific objectives

Beyond web traffic, in search engine marketing, it is also possible to seek to generate a reputation for the website, establish content for conversions, and position products or services.

Limit your SEM campaigns

For SEM campaigns, you should adjust your budget and consider costs per click, impression, or reach.

It is also necessary to specify the keywords, such as limiting negative keywords (which you do not want your ads to appear with).

Search engine optimization is a discipline that must be worked with experts.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing involves hiring other people or companies to promote your products or services in exchange for a commission.

One of the best ways to earn money passively is that the person promoting the product must master the art of digital marketing to know how to reach people.

This type of marketing is very useful for eCommerce companies. Hence, Amazon is one of the main references when discussing companies that use this type of digital marketing.

You should keep in mind that there are different types of affiliate programs, according to the remuneration they offer:

  • Cost per sale
  • Cost per share
  • Cost per click
  • Cost per thousand impressions

To identify which of these affiliate programs is best for your company, you need to be very clear about the objectives of your campaigns.

How to use affiliate marketing?

The difficult part of this type of marketing is in the web development of your eCommerce or your brand objectives.

After all, affiliate marketing requires the creation of unique links and cookies so that you can attribute the purchase to affiliates who joined your company and pay them.

One of the most famous resources is the YITH woo-commerce plugin, which allows you to make specific settings in WordPress to have more control over your affiliate links.

Our advice for this type of marketing is that if you don’t know much about web development, get the right advice from experts who know the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.

7. Mobile Marketing

Mobile device marketing is as broad as digital marketing in general, as it involves performing all your actions from your computer but on mobile devices. 

In the same way, you can do things specific to mobile sites, such as advertising within the applications, advertising through text messages, or taking advantage of the format to make different videos. 

Mobile marketing is best suited if you want to reach a younger audience that spends all their time glued to their cell phones. 

Mobile marketing goes beyond the responsive design of a website or the size of the content published on social networks (although it is also important). 

Currently, mobile marketing relies on various resources:

  • Mobile applications
  • Paid ads for said apps
  • Personalized communication via SMS or WhatsApp
  • Marketing via QR code

Note: I recommend using it when you want a personal relationship with your leads, prospects, or clients since their mobile devices accompany them throughout the day.

How to use mobile marketing?

I advice for this type of marketing is to avoid being too invasive. Finally, mobile devices are a very personal and everyday accessory.

So if you abuse, you could end up blacklisted by your potential customers.

For this reason, to implement an adequate mobile marketing strategy, you should consider:

  • Include responsive design on your website.
  • Request a mobile contact number in your forms and landing pages.
  • Think about the layout of social networking mobile applications. So you can adapt your content to any change.
  • Think of strategies that you can implement in SMS, WhatsApp, or Telegram

8. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can help you expand your business by partnering with influencers who already have an existing audience.

This audience has to be similar to yours, and the influencer must project the image you have in mind for your brand.

Influencer marketing works because this influencer’s audience trusts and will trust their recommendations.

Remember that all these types of digital marketing can be implemented in your business, but do not try to do everything simultaneously.

Evaluate each of the techniques and think about what would be the best to meet your goals. Consider your audience and think about the best way to reach them to start your action plan.

How to use Influencer Marketing

Some of the recommendations to implement this type of digital marketing are:

Set the objective of your campaign.

You may need to promote a product, make your brand known, and generate web traffic, among other objectives.

Identify the niche of influencers that could suit your brand.

Not all influencers will create content that fits your brand goals.

Consider the number of followers.

This influences both the price of sharing content through that influencer and the effectiveness of your marketing campaign.

Many brands consider that they must resort to macro-influencers or celebrities.

But sometimes, it’s better to turn to micro-influencers, whose narrower niche may have a closer relationship with their followers.

Determine the compensation to influencers.

You need to establish whether they will be set to pay per conversion, click per content post, or if your business will give them additional compensation like discounts or coupons.

This must be established in the contract you make.

9. Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation. Tools and technologies that put our service a relationship with the user based on the data we have about him, such as mail, telephone, his contact on social networks, etc.

We may tailor our communications with him based on his previous reactions, purchases, the places we’ve been, and the things we’ve bought.

How to use automated marketing properly?

As we already mentioned, this type of marketing uses technological solutions and software to streamline tasks.

Therefore, you should take into account the following points:

  • Select the right software or software for your company
  • Use tools to personalize the treatment with your leads, prospects, or clients.
  • Create workflows or schedule a calendar of follow-up actions, so you don’t miss a thing.
  • Schedule posts on your social networks and websites
  • Periodically send the contents to your contact lists.

10. Video Marketing

Videos that are brief and snappy can draw viewers more quickly than texts in today’s fast-paced world.

Whether instructional or amusing, live or pre-recorded video material is a trustworthy digital marketing choice.

More than 2 billion people use YouTube monthly to search for various things.

It is a potential opportunity to attract new clients, and video marketing techniques provide results at every stage of the sales process.

80% of consumers use search engines and YouTube to research products and watch customer reviews.

Consumers who are 55% active buyers do this.


  • Videos may efficiently promote your message by creating an emotional connection with the audience.
  • They last longer than words or images.
  • Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are all pushing video content to increase reach and engagement and, as a result, rank higher in search results.


  • It becomes difficult to capture the viewers’ attention in seconds. Users swiftly move on to the next item in their feed.
  • Creating high-quality video content takes time, money, and expertise.

Include video in your content marketing plan.


Decide whether you want to include inspiration, education, or entertainment.

Staying focused on your objectives allows you to achieve your marketing objectives rapidly.

You don’t need perfection or great production values at first.

To create clear, professional videos, pay close attention to the lighting and sound.

11. Audio Marketing

Since the peak of commercial broadcasting, radio has been a consumer favorite.

A portion of individuals has continued to regularly listen to the radio since the 1920s, moving between traditional radios and internet radio.

Platforms like Spotify advance audio marketing.

Podcasts and intelligent home assistants like Google Home or Amazon Alexa are included in the much broader category of audio marketing.

More people are listening to podcasts, which diverts them from listening to the radio.

People favor them when working out or doing other mechanical tasks.

You must comprehend the behaviors of your target market to master audio marketing.

Consider the things they might do as they listen to your audio. You may use audio marketing to increase sales for your business significantly.


  • Audio marketing provides an engaged audience with a simple on-demand and on-the-go channel, whether radio or podcasts.
  • Audio content can be created more easily and affordably than video.


  • Multitasking listeners may become preoccupied and unable to take the next step.
  • A high learning curve is associated with marketing using intelligent home assistants, which is still in the experimental stage.
  • Little chance of getting a quick return on investment (ROI).

Decide your objectives and preferences before using intelligent home assistants, launching a podcast, or creating a radio ad.

Think about the audience you want to reach and how they could spend their time.

Choose and focus on the most effective channel. You can think of ways to use the content you already have.

12. SMS Marketing

This type of marketing consists of sending text messages to maintain more direct communication with leads, prospects, or customers.

Nowadays, more than text messages, you can also use other messaging platforms such as WhatsApp or even Telegram. 

This allows you to expand direct communication with your leads, prospects, or customers.

We recommend using this strategy for users close to purchasing or to stay in direct communication with your customers to whom you want to offer exclusive promotions.

How to use SMS marketing?

This type of digital marketing is ideal for special events: promotions, notifications, and alerts. Avoid its regular use because you will only distance your contacts.

My recommendations are:

  • Obtain the consent of the users to receive information in this way.

 You can include this in your forms from where you obtained the personal numbers of the users.

  • Choose appropriately the campaigns in which you will use this strategy.

Make sure they are precise and personalized to improve the opening rate of the messages.

  • Use software to schedule and test shipments.

In digital marketing, you have the advantage of being able to carry out tests before conventional shipments.

This will allow you to take care of the quality of your messages.

  • Take care of the wording and the use of international characters. 

This will allow you to share an understandable message with high professionalism.

  • Include your company name in the message. 

In this way, users who receive the message can identify your brand.

  • Avoid continually sending this type of message (keep in mind that it is a more personal means of communication with your clients and has the risk of making them feel invaded.

From The 12 Types Of Digital Marketing, Which One Work the Best For Your Business?

Selecting the appropriate from the 12 types of digital marketing for your company can be challenging, and there may be some trial and error.

Your audience is one of the most crucial factors to take into account.

Where are they looking for information, and who are you trying to reach out to?

In-depth, informative content will provide value and attract the interest of a particular audience that is very knowledgeable about the sector.

Social networking is one of your most effective tools if you are seeking to attract a young audience.

Find the categories of digital marketing platforms your target market prefers, then start marketing there.


In the 12 types of digital marketing channels listed above in this article, skills and tools are constantly evolving.

The marketing industry is not static but changes and grows. 

New channels appear, others disappear, and new marketing skills and methods are developed. 

Successful digital marketing strategies require skills, knowledge, and trial and error.

To design the right digital marketing strategy for you, you must be familiar with these twelve strategies and choose the ones that fit your goals. 

Remember that they interact with each other and often overlap.

Successful marketing campaigns combine several digital channels. 

You will most likely need to use more than one of the 12 types of digital marketing in your marketing strategy.

The post 12 Types Of Digital Marketing appeared first on onlinemoney360.

This post first appeared on Make Money Online, please read the originial post: here

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