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What Is the Difference Between Neelam and Khooni Neelam?

What Is The Difference Between Neelam And Khooni Neelam?

Neelam and Khooni Neelam are terms used to distinguish two gemstone forms, differing in color and origin. Let's examine their distinctions:

Neelam (Blue Sapphire): 

Neelam, more commonly called the "Blue Sapphire," is an exquisite gemstone famous for its deep blue color. As part of a variety of the mineral corundum family, its hue comes from trace elements in iron and titanium; here are its characteristics:

Color: Neelam gemstones stand out for their vibrant blue hue, which ranges from light blue to deep royal blue in intensity and purity. The more vivid and pure its hue appears, the higher its value becomes.

Origin: Neelam gemstones can be found worldwide, particularly in Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Thailand, and Australia. Sri Lankan Neelam gemstones are particularly acclaimed for their quality.

Astrological Significance: Neelam symbolizes Saturn in Indian astrology and can bring positive energy, discipline, and balance to those wearing it. Talismans such as Neelam can protect from negative influences while adding positive effects into life and enhancing one's experience.

Khooni Neelam (Bloodstone):

Khooni Neelam, on the other hand, is an unusual gemstone that differs significantly from Neelam (Blue Sapphire) due to its distinct appearance and has become known by many as Bloodstone. Here are its primary characteristics:

Color: Natural Khooni Neelam or Bloodstone can be identified by its green hue with red or brown spots that resemble blood stains. The base material for its production usually comprises jasper, while iron oxides cause red-tinged spots on its surface.

Origin: Bloodstones can be found throughout India, Brazil, China and Australia.

Historical Importance: Bloodstone has long been associated with courage and healing. Ancient warriors believed it had protective powers and often wore it as part of their armor for added strength and courage.

Khooni Neelam Stone Price in India

The price of Khooni Neelam stones in India, also referred to as Bloodstone, can fluctuate based on several factors, such as size, quality, and origin. The Khooni Neelam stone price is influenced by attributes like color, clarity, carat weight, and overall quality. India, where tradition and culture play an integral role in gemstone choices, often places particular significance on the original Khooni Neelam, which adds to its value and appeal.

Purple Sapphire and Khooni Neelam, or Bloodstone, are remarkable gemstones with their distinct colors and significance. Whether you are drawn to the regal charm of Purple Sapphire or the historical importance and strength associated with Khooni Neelam, understanding their properties and the Khooni Neelam stone price in India can guide you in making a knowledgeable and meaningful choice when considering these exceptional gemstones.


To summarize, the primary difference between Neelam and Khooni Neelam lies in their color and origin. Neelam, or Blue Sapphire, is prized for its deep blue color and is associated with the planet Saturn in astrology. Khooni Neelam, or Bloodstone, is known for its green base with red or brown spots and has historical significance for its associations with courage and protection. It's essential to distinguish between these two gemstones to ensure you're acquiring the one that aligns with your preferences or astrological beliefs.

This post first appeared on Feeding Trends, please read the originial post: here

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What Is the Difference Between Neelam and Khooni Neelam?
