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July’s Full Moon: Exploring the Folklore and Significance of a Buck Moon

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In this article we embark on a journey to explore the enchanting world of July’s Full Moon, known as the Buck Moon. As July’s full moon graces the night sky, it carries with it a rich tapestry of folklore, spiritual significance, and opportunities for connection with nature’s rhythms. 
In this article, we delve into the captivating legends and ancient beliefs surrounding the Buck Moon, exploring its deep-rooted cultural significance across different traditions. We’ll also discover meaningful ways to honor and celebrate this celestial event, inviting you to embrace the wisdom of the moon and connect with its profound energies. So, let us dive into the realm of the Buck Moon and uncover the treasures that lie within its radiant glow.


This July’s full moon will grace the sky on Monday, July 3, and will reach its peak illumination at 7:39 A.M. Eastern Time. While it will be below the horizon at that exact moment, you can still relish the enchanting sight by gazing towards the southeast after sunset, as the Buck Moon gracefully ascends into the celestial expanse. 

I recommend consulting a Moonrise and Moonset Calculator to determine the optimal time to observe this sacred event in your area.

To fully experience the magic of July’s full moon, it is best to find a quiet and peaceful spot under the night sky. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, taking in the moon’s beauty and allowing its energy to flow through you.


When the Moon is full, we see it as a complete circle in the sky. This is because the whole of the side of the Moon facing the Earth is lit up by the Sun’s rays. The Moon produces no visible light of its own, so we can only see the parts of the Moon that are lit up by other objects. A small amount of light comes from distant stars and the reflection of light from the Earth (known as ‘Earthshine’). However, the main source of light for the Moon is the Sun.

The Full Moon phase is the third of four primary lunar phases, along with the New Moon, the Third Quarter, and the First Quarter. It is considered a highly spiritual time and is the most spectacular of all four phases. It is during this time that the Moon appears at its brightest and largest. Likewise, it marks the most visible phase of the lunar cycle. 


Ancient peoples used the Full Moon and the Lunar calendar to track the seasons. They named each Full Moon for an entire month, not just for the night of its fullest phase. Each Full Moon has its own energy, and this energy is magnified during a Full Moon. The Full Moon does not just affect us humans; it also affects animals and the Earth itself. A Full Moon causes bigger ocean tides and even extreme meteorological conditions.

Full moon – Two weeks after the new moon, it becomes wholly illuminated by the sun. Hence, we have a full moon, and its orbit is halfway completed.

How do I harness its energy? — During a Full Moon, our emotions are amplified and dreams are intensified. For some people, it is a time of balanced energies. The light of the full moon illuminates our world, allowing us to see the situations in our lives and in our relationships with other people more clearly. It allows us to see things we have ignored or repressed, but also allows us to let go of things or people we have outgrown. Full Moons are a good time to start a new ritual or project.


July’s Full Moon is commonly referred to as the Buck Moon due to its association with the annual antler growth of male deer, known as bucks. This name originates from Native American folklore, where different tribes observed and named the moon cycles based on the natural events occurring during that time of the year. During July, male deer begin to grow their antlers, showcasing their strength and vitality. The Buck Moon serves as a reminder of the abundance of life in the wilderness and the interconnectedness between humans and nature.

In addition to the Buck Moon, this lunar spectacle is known by other names across cultures and traditions. One such name is the Thunder Moon, which reflects the prevalence of thunderstorms during this time of the year, often accompanied by the awe-inspiring sound of thunder and the electrifying display of lightning. This name highlights the powerful and transformative energy that July’s Full Moon carries.

Another name associated with July’s Full Moon is the Hay Moon. This name harkens back to agricultural practices, as July is the month when hay is traditionally harvested and stored for the winter. The Hay Moon symbolizes the hard work and preparation required for the sustenance of both humans and livestock during the colder months, emphasizing the importance of foresight and gratitude for the Earth’s provisions.

These diverse names bestowed upon July’s Full Moon capture the essence of the natural phenomena and cultural practices that unfold during this time of the year. They invite us to appreciate the interconnectedness between the celestial realm and our earthly existence while honoring the cycles of nature and the wisdom they impart. 

If you’re looking to learn more about the moons of the year, their names, and their meaning, here are a few articles to get you going:

  • All About The Full Wolf Moon: The First of the Year’s Moons
  • Exploring February’s Full Moon: A Night Under a Glowing Snow Moon
  • March’s Full Moon: Celebrating a Full Worm Moon
  • April’s Full Moon: Celebrating the Beauty and Magic of the Pink Moon
  • May’s Full Moon: Celebrating A Springtime Flower Moon
  • Strawberry Moon Magic: Exploring the Folklore and Significance of June’s Full Moon
  • The 12 Full Moons: Their Names, Meaning, and Magical Influence
  • Living By The Moon for Amazing Benefits and Nature Connection
  • 6 Full Moon Rituals to Restore Your Sacred Femininity and Connect with Nature


July’s full Moon holds profound spiritual significance for many individuals. As the Moon reaches its fullest and brightest phase during this time, it symbolizes a period of abundance and growth. In Native American traditions, the Buck Moon represents the awakening of the male deer’s antlers, symbolizing strength, protection, and the renewal of life forces. 
This celestial event invites us to reflect upon our own inner strength and resilience, encouraging us to shed old patterns and embrace personal transformation. The radiant glow of the Buck Moon serves as a guiding light, illuminating our spiritual path and allowing us to connect with the natural world around us. It is a powerful time to set intentions, engage in meditation, and engage in rituals to honor our connection with nature and the cycles of life.


In various cultures around the world, the full moon in July carries diverse folklore and spiritual significance. In European folklore, this moon is often called the Hay Moon or Thunder Moon. It is believed to be a time of intense energy and potential storms. The association with thunder and storms signifies a time of both danger and cleansing, where negative energies are believed to be purged, making way for new beginnings and growth.

In certain Native American tribes, the July full moon is referred to as the Salmon Moon. This name stems from the belief that when salmon swim upstream to spawn, it signifies a time of abundance and fertility. It is viewed as a crucial period for communities that rely on salmon as a vital food source, and ceremonies and rituals are conducted to honor the salmon and express gratitude for the sustenance it provides.

In Chinese culture, the July full moon is linked to the Hungry Ghost Festival, also known as Zhongyuan Jie. During this time, it is believed that the gates of the afterlife open, allowing spirits and ancestors to visit the living realm. People light incense and make offerings to their departed loved ones, hoping to provide them with comfort and appease any restless spirits. Lanterns are also lit to guide the souls back to the afterlife once their visit is complete.

In pagan cultures, the full moon in July is often known as the Blessing Moon, and it holds significant folklore and spiritual importance. In pagan traditions, this moon is seen as a time of heightened energy and manifestation. It is associated with the peak of summer, the abundance of the Earth, and the flourishing of nature.

The name “Blessing Moon” reflects the idea that July’s full moon is a time of abundant blessings and gratitude. Pagan cultures believe that the Earth is teeming with life and that the energies of growth and fertility are at their peak. It is considered a sacred time to express gratitude for the bountiful gifts of nature, to offer prayers and rituals for continued abundance, and to connect deeply with the Earth and its cycles.

In summary, the folklore surrounding July’s full moon varies across cultures, but it consistently signifies a time of transformation, abundance, and spiritual connections. Whether it’s the cleansing storms of Europe, the bountiful salmon of Native American traditions, or the remembrance of ancestors in Chinese culture, the July full moon holds a special place in the folklore and beliefs of different societies, reflecting the deep connection between humans and the celestial rhythms of the natural world.


In 2023, there will be 13 full moons. Each month will have one full moon, except for August. For the month of August 2023, there will be two full moons, with one being a rare blue moon. Mark your calendars accordingly!

Here are the dates for the 2023 full moons: 

January 6, 2023 (The Full Wolf Moon)

The January 2023 Full Moon will be on Friday, January 6, 2023 at 6:08 PM EST or 11:08 PM UTC.  The January Full Moon will be the full moon in Cancer.

February 5, 2023 (Full Snow Moon)

The February 2023 Full Moon will be on Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 1:29 PM EST or 6:29 PM UTC.  The February Full Moon will be the full moon in Leo. 

March 7, 2023 (Full Worm Moon)

The March 2023 Full Moon will be on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 7:40 AM EST or 12:40 PM UTC. This will be the last full moon of the Winter 2023 season, and occurs before the spring equinox 2023. The March Full Moon will be the full moon in Virgo.

April 6, 2023 (Full Pink Moon)

The April 2023 Full Moon will be on Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 12:34 AM EDT or 5:34 AM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Spring 2023 season and the first full moon after the spring equinox 2023. The April’s Full Moon will be the full moon in Libra.

May 5, 2023 (Full Flower Moon)

The May 2023 Full Moon will be on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 1:34 PM EDT or 6:34 PM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Spring 2023 season and the second full moon after the spring equinox. The May Full Moon will be the full moon in Scorpio.

June 3, 2023 (Full Strawberry Moon)

The June 2023 Full Moon will be on June 3, 2023 at 11:42 PM EDT or June 4, 2023 at 4:42 AM UTC. This will be the third full moon of the Spring 2023 season, as it occurs about two weeks before the Summer Solstice. The June Full Moon will be the full moon in Sagittarius.

July 3, 2023 (Full Buck Moon)

The July 2023 Full Moon will be on Monday, July 3, 2023 at 7:39 AM EDT or 12:39 PM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Summer 2023 season, as the first full moon after the Summer Solstice. The July Full Moon will be the full moon in Capricorn.

August 1, 2023 (Full Sturgeon Moon)

The August 2023 Full Moon will be on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 2:31 PM EDT or 7:31 PM UTC. This will be the second full moon of the Summer 2023 season, and the second full moon after the Summer Solstice. It will be one of two supermoons in 2023. The first August Full Moon will be the full moon in Aquarius.

August 30, 2023 (Full Blue Moon)

There will be a full blue moon in August 2023 on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 9:35 PM EDT or August 31, 2023 at 2:35 AM UTC. This will be the third and last full moon of the Summer 2023 season. It will be the second of two supermoons in 2023. The second August Full Moon will be the full moon in Pisces.

This moon is called a full blue moon because it’s the second full moon in a calendar month. It could also be referred to as a super blue moon because it is the second August Full Moon will also be a supermoon.

September 29, 2023 (Full Harvest Moon)

The September 2023 Full Moon will be on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 5:57 AM EDT or 10:57 AM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Autumn 2023 season. The September Full Moon will be the full moon in Aries.

October 28, 2023 (Full Hunter’s Moon)

The October 2023 Full Moon will be on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 4:24 PM EDT or 9:24 PM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Autumn 2023 season. It is the second full moon after the Autumnal Equinox. The October Full Moon will be the full moon in Taurus.

November 27, 2023 (Full Beaver Moon)

The November 2023 Full Moon will be on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4:16 AM EST or 9:16 AM UTC. It will be the third full moon of the Autumn 2023 season. The November Full Moon will be the full moon in Gemini.

December 26, 2023 (Full Cold Moon)

The December 2023 Full Moon will be on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 7:33 PM EST or December 27, 2023 at12:33 AM UTC. It will be the first full moon of the Winter 2023-2024 season and the first full moon after the Winter Solstice. The December Full Moon will be the full moon in Cancer.


    1. Moonlight Meditation: Find a peaceful outdoor spot under the July full moon and engage in a meditation practice. Connect with the moon’s serene energy, allowing it to guide your inner exploration and promote a sense of calm and clarity.

    2. Full Moon Bath: Take a soothing bath infused with natural herbs or essential oils that promote relaxation and purification. As you immerse yourself in the warm water, visualize any negativity or stagnant energy being washed away, leaving you refreshed and renewed.

    3. Moonlit Nature Walk: Take a leisurely stroll in nature during the full moon. Allow the moon’s gentle glow to illuminate your path and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and scents of the natural world. This activity fosters a deep connection with the Earth and the lunar energies.

    4. Moon Journaling: Set aside time to reflect and write in a journal under the full moon’s soft light. Pour your thoughts, dreams, and intentions onto the pages, harnessing the moon’s energy to gain insight, set goals, and bring forth clarity and inspiration.

    5. Full Moon Yoga: Practice a moon-inspired yoga sequence outdoors or in a room with ample natural light. Tailor your practice to honor the moon’s energy, focusing on grounding, balance, and fluid movements to harmonize with the lunar cycles.

    6. Moonlit Ritual: Create a personal ritual to honor the July full moon. This can involve lighting candles, burning incense, and offering prayers or intentions to the moon. Choose rituals that resonate with your spiritual beliefs, such as divination, energy cleansing, or charging crystals under the moonlight.

    7. Moon Circle Gathering: Organize or join a moon circle with like-minded individuals. Gather in a circle under the full moon and engage in group rituals, meditations, and discussions centered around the moon’s energy, fostering a sense of community and shared spiritual connection.

    8. Lunar-inspired Art: Explore your creative side by engaging in lunar-inspired art activities. Paint or draw the moon, create moon-themed crafts, or express yourself through poetry or music. This process allows you to tap into the moon’s creative energy and infuse it into your artistic expressions.

    9. Moonlit Fire Ceremony: Build a fire outdoors and perform a fire ceremony under the glow of the full moon. Write down anything you wish to release or let go of on small pieces of paper and throw them into the fire, symbolizing the transformative power of the moon’s energy.

    10. Moonlit Picnic: Organize a picnic with loved ones or by yourself, ideally in a location with a clear view of the moon. Settle down with nourishing food and beverages, basking in the moon’s radiant energy. Share stories, laughter, and gratitude while enjoying the enchanting ambiance of the full moon.

    These activities offer a range of ways to honor July’s full moon, encouraging personal reflection, connection with nature, and the utilization of the moon’s transformative energies for self-growth and spiritual exploration.

This post first appeared on The Outdoor Apothecary, please read the originial post: here

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July’s Full Moon: Exploring the Folklore and Significance of a Buck Moon


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