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Strawberry Moon Magic: Exploring the Folklore and Significance of June’s Full Moon

Welcome to the enchanting realm of June’s full Moon, known affectionately as the Strawberry Moon. As the season of warmth and abundance embraces us, this celestial event graces the night sky with its mystical glow. Beyond its captivating beauty, the Strawberry Moon carries profound symbolism, spiritual significance, and a rich tapestry of folklore that has fascinated cultures throughout time.

Join us on as we delve into the depths of this celestial wonder, unraveling the hidden meanings, exploring its spiritual significance, and uncovering the folklore that surrounds it. Prepare to be enchanted and inspired as we unveil the secrets and wisdom that lie within the luminous embrace of the Strawberry Moon.

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On the evening of Saturday, June 3—just after sunset—look towards the southeast to watch the full Moon rise gently above the horizon. There, it will appear large and golden-hued.

June’s full Moon will reach peak illumination at 11:43 P.M. Eastern Time offering a magnificent display of spiritual energy and beauty. 

I recommend consulting a Moonrise and Moonset Calculator to determine the optimal time to observe this sacred event in your area.

To fully experience the magic of June’s full moon, it is best to find a quiet and peaceful spot under the night sky. Allow yourself to be fully present in the moment, taking in the moon’s beauty and allowing its energy to flow through you.


When the Moon is full, we see it as a complete circle in the sky. This is because the whole of the side of the Moon facing the Earth is lit up by the Sun’s rays. The Moon produces no visible light of its own, so we can only see the parts of the Moon that are lit up by other objects. A small amount of light comes from distant stars and the reflection of light from the Earth (known as ‘Earthshine’). However, the main source of light for the Moon is the Sun.

The Full Moon phase is the third of four primary lunar phases, along with the New Moon, the Third Quarter, and the First Quarter. It is considered a highly spiritual time and is the most spectacular of all four phases. It is during this time that the Moon appears at its brightest and largest. Likewise, it marks the most visible phase of the lunar cycle. 


Ancient peoples used the Full Moon and the Lunar calendar to track the seasons. They named each Full Moon for an entire month, not just for the night of its fullest phase. Each Full Moon has its own energy, and this energy is magnified during a Full Moon. The Full Moon does not just affect us humans; it also affects animals and the Earth itself. A Full Moon causes bigger ocean tides and even extreme meteorological conditions.

Full moon – Two weeks after the new moon, it becomes wholly illuminated by the sun. Hence, we have a full moon, and its orbit is halfway completed.

How do I harness its energy? — During a Full Moon, our emotions are amplified and dreams are intensified. For some people, it is a time of balanced energies. The light of the full moon illuminates our world, allowing us to see the situations in our lives and in our relationships with other people more clearly. It allows us to see things we have ignored or repressed, but also allows us to let go of things or people we have outgrown. Full Moons are a good time to start a new ritual or project.


The June Full Moon is often referred to as the Strawberry Moon due to its association with the ripening of strawberries during this time of year in certain regions. The name “Strawberry Moon” is believed to have originated from Native American tribes, particularly the Algonquin tribes in North America.

For these tribes, the naming of moons was closely tied to the cycles of nature and the seasonal changes. They used distinctive names for each full moon as a way to mark the passage of time and to keep track of the seasons. The name “Strawberry Moon” came about because it coincided with the period when strawberries were ready for harvesting in their region. The full moon’s arrival during this time served as a natural signal for the tribes to begin gathering and enjoying the bountiful fruits of the Earth.

The name “Strawberry Moon” has since become popularized and is now widely recognized and used to refer to the June Full Moon. While the name may have originated from the association with strawberries, it has also come to symbolize the abundance, sweetness, and vitality that are characteristic of this time of year in various cultures.

It’s important to note that the name “Strawberry Moon” may vary among different Native American tribes, as they had their own unique names for each full moon based on their local traditions and natural phenomena. However, the Strawberry Moon has gained prominence as a name that reflects the general connection between this full moon and the ripening of strawberries.

If you’re looking to learn more about the moons of the year, their names, and their meaning, here are a few articles to get you going:

  • All About The Full Wolf Moon: The First of the Year’s Moons
  • March’s Full Moon: Celebrating a Full Worm Moon
  • April’s Full Moon: Celebrating the Beauty and Magic of the Pink Moon
  • The 12 Full Moons: Their Names, Meaning, and Magical Influence
  • Exploring February’s Full Moon: A Night Under a Glowing Snow Moon
  • Living By The Moon for Amazing Benefits and Nature Connection
  • 6 Full Moon Rituals to Restore Your Sacred Femininity and Connect with Nature
  • May’s Full Moon: Celebrating A Springtime Flower Moon


The Strawberry Moon holds profound spiritual significance as June’s Full Moon. In various cultural and spiritual traditions, this celestial event is viewed as a time of abundance, fertility, and harvest. Symbolizing the peak of the summer season, the Strawberry Moon serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness between nature and humanity. It is a time for honoring the Earth’s bountiful gifts and expressing gratitude for the nourishment and sustenance provided by the land. 
This Full Moon also represents a period of reflection and growth, urging individuals to examine their own inner landscapes, nurture their spiritual aspirations, and align themselves with the cycles of the natural world. Through its radiant glow, the Strawberry Moon invites us to embrace the sweetness of life, celebrate the surrounding abundance, and deepen our connection to the spiritual essence that permeates all living beings.


The folklore surrounding June’s full moon is rich with tales and beliefs that have been passed down through generations. Across various cultures, this luminous orb has inspired wonder, awe, and a sense of mystical connection to the natural world. Let us delve into some of the enchanting folklore associated with this celestial phenomenon.

In many Native American tribes, the Strawberry Moon marked the season of abundance and signaled the arrival of ripe strawberries. It was believed that the full moon’s gentle light enhanced the sweetness and juiciness of these luscious berries. Legend had it that those who consumed strawberries under the Strawberry Moon would be blessed with good fortune, love, and vitality.

In European folklore, the June full moon was often associated with love and romance. It was believed that on this night, the veil between the earthly realm and the realm of faeries was thin, allowing the mystical creatures to roam freely. Young maidens would gather under the moon’s soft glow, hoping to catch a glimpse of their future loves or receive the blessings of the Fae.

In some cultures, the Strawberry Moon was seen as a time for gathering herbs and plants with potent healing properties. The full moon’s energy was said to infuse these plants with enhanced medicinal qualities, making them more potent and effective in treating ailments. Herbalists and healers would venture into the moonlit meadows, collecting herbs under its auspicious influence.

According to folklore, the June full moon also held significance for farmers and gardeners. It was believed that crops sown or transplanted during this lunar phase would flourish abundantly. The Strawberry Moon was seen as an opportune time to tend to the earth, nurturing and cultivating the bountiful harvest that would follow.

Moreover, in certain spiritual traditions, the Strawberry Moon represented a time of celebration and gratitude for the gifts of nature. Communities would come together to honor the Earth’s abundance, expressing gratitude for the nourishment and sustenance it provided. Festivities would include feasting, music, dancing, and rituals that honored the interconnectedness between humanity and the natural world.

While the specific folklore surrounding June’s full moon may vary among cultures, these stories and beliefs reflect the deep reverence and spiritual connection that humans have long held for the moon and its influence on the cycles of nature. They speak to our innate desire to understand and harmonize with the rhythms of the universe, reminding us of the profound wisdom and enchantment that resides within the natural world.

As we witness the radiance of June’s full moon, let us embrace the folklore and the mystical tales woven through time. May it inspire us to honor the beauty and magic of the world around us, fostering a deeper connection with nature and a sense of wonder for the celestial wonders that grace our skies.


In 2023, there will be 13 full moons. Each month will have one full moon, except for August. For the month of August 2023, there will be two full moons, with one being a rare blue moon. Mark your calendars accordingly!

Here are the dates for the 2023 full moons: 

January 6, 2023 (The Full Wolf Moon)

The January 2023 Full Moon will be on Friday, January 6, 2023 at 6:08 PM EST or 11:08 PM UTC.  The January Full Moon will be the full moon in Cancer.

February 5, 2023 (Full Snow Moon)

The February 2023 Full Moon will be on Sunday, February 5, 2023 at 1:29 PM EST or 6:29 PM UTC.  The February Full Moon will be the full moon in Leo. 

March 7, 2023 (Full Worm Moon)

The March 2023 Full Moon will be on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at 7:40 AM EST or 12:40 PM UTC. This will be the last full moon of the Winter 2023 season, and occurs before the spring equinox 2023. The March Full Moon will be the full moon in Virgo.

April 6, 2023 (Full Pink Moon)

The April 2023 Full Moon will be on Thursday, April 6, 2023 at 12:34 AM EDT or 5:34 AM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Spring 2023 season and the first full moon after the spring equinox 2023. The April’s Full Moon will be the full moon in Libra.

May 5, 2023 (Full Flower Moon)

The May 2023 Full Moon will be on Friday, May 5, 2023 at 1:34 PM EDT or 6:34 PM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Spring 2023 season and the second full moon after the spring equinox. The May Full Moon will be the full moon in Scorpio.

June 3, 2023 (Full Strawberry Moon)

The June 2023 Full Moon will be on June 3, 2023 at 11:42 PM EDT or June 4, 2023 at 4:42 AM UTC. This will be the third full moon of the Spring 2023 season, as it occurs about two weeks before the Summer Solstice. The June Full Moon will be the full moon in Sagittarius.

July 3, 2023 (Full Buck Moon)

The July 2023 Full Moon will be on Monday, July 3, 2023 at 7:39 AM EDT or 12:39 PM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Summer 2023 season, as the first full moon after the Summer Solstice. The July Full Moon will be the full moon in Capricorn.

August 1, 2023 (Full Sturgeon Moon)

The August 2023 Full Moon will be on Tuesday, August 1, 2023 at 2:31 PM EDT or 7:31 PM UTC. This will be the second full moon of the Summer 2023 season, and the second full moon after the Summer Solstice. It will be one of two supermoons in 2023. The first August Full Moon will be the full moon in Aquarius.

August 30, 2023 (Full Blue Moon)

There will be a full blue moon in August 2023 on Wednesday, August 30, 2023 at 9:35 PM EDT or August 31, 2023 at 2:35 AM UTC. This will be the third and last full moon of the Summer 2023 season. It will be the second of two supermoons in 2023. The second August Full Moon will be the full moon in Pisces.

This moon is called a full blue moon because it’s the second full moon in a calendar month. It could also be referred to as a super blue moon because it is the second August Full Moon will also be a supermoon.

September 29, 2023 (Full Harvest Moon)

The September 2023 Full Moon will be on Friday, September 29, 2023 at 5:57 AM EDT or 10:57 AM UTC. This will be the first full moon of the Autumn 2023 season. The September Full Moon will be the full moon in Aries.

October 28, 2023 (Full Hunter’s Moon)

The October 2023 Full Moon will be on Saturday, October 28, 2023 at 4:24 PM EDT or 9:24 PM UTC. It will be the second full moon of the Autumn 2023 season. It is the second full moon after the Autumnal Equinox. The October Full Moon will be the full moon in Taurus.

November 27, 2023 (Full Beaver Moon)

The November 2023 Full Moon will be on Monday, November 27, 2023 at 4:16 AM EST or 9:16 AM UTC. It will be the third full moon of the Autumn 2023 season. The November Full Moon will be the full moon in Gemini.

December 26, 2023 (Full Cold Moon)

The December 2023 Full Moon will be on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 7:33 PM EST or December 27, 2023 at12:33 AM UTC. It will be the first full moon of the Winter 2023-2024 season and the first full moon after the Winter Solstice. The December Full Moon will be the full moon in Cancer.



  1. Moonlit Stroll: Take a leisurely walk under the moonlit sky, allowing the soft glow of the Strawberry Moon to guide your path. Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature, appreciating the sights, sounds, and scents that surround you.
  2. Outdoor Meditation: Find a serene spot in nature and practice meditation under the radiance of the Strawberry Moon. Connect with the moon’s energy, allowing its gentle light to bring tranquility and inner peace.
  3. Moon Bathing: Set up a cozy space outdoors, whether it’s a hammock, blanket, or comfortable chair, and simply bask in the moonlight. Allow the soothing moonbeams to wash over you, rejuvenating your mind, body, and spirit.
  4. Garden Harvest Ritual: If you have a garden or access to fresh produce, harvest strawberries or other seasonal fruits and vegetables during the Strawberry Moon. Offer gratitude for nature’s abundance and indulge in a mindful feast, savoring the flavors of the Earth’s bounty.
  5. Moonlit Picnic: Prepare a delightful picnic feast and enjoy it under the moonlit sky. Surround yourself with natural beauty, whether in a park, garden, or your own backyard, and savor each bite while soaking in the magical ambiance of the Strawberry Moon.
  6. Nighttime Bonfire: Gather with loved ones around a crackling bonfire, sharing stories and laughter as the Strawberry Moon illuminates the night. Offer prayers, intentions, or wishes to the moon’s energy, allowing the fire’s warmth to carry them to the universe.
  7. Moon-inspired Art: Engage your creative side by creating moon-inspired art. Whether it’s painting, drawing, or photography, let the Strawberry Moon be your muse, capturing its ethereal beauty and the essence of nature in your artwork.
  8. Lunar Ritual: Create a personal ritual to honor the Strawberry Moon. Light candles, burn incense, or use crystals and sacred objects that resonate with the moon’s energy. Set intentions, perform a meditation, or engage in a ritualistic activity that aligns with your spiritual practice.
  9. Moonlit Hike: Embark on a moonlit hike through a scenic trail or nature reserve. Allow the Strawberry Moon to guide your path as you explore the natural wonders that unfold under its gentle radiance. Feel the connection between the Earth and the moon as you immerse yourself in the tranquility of the night.
  10. Moon Water Ceremony: Place a container of purified water under the moonlight, allowing it to absorb the moon’s energy overnight. The next day, use this “moon water” in rituals, as a cleansing agent, or to infuse its energy into your daily life, symbolizing the transformative power of the Strawberry Moon.


A full moon ritual to honor June’s Strawberry Moon can be a deeply meaningful and transformative experience. Here is a description of a ritual you can adapt and personalize to suit your spiritual practice:

  1. Preparation:

    • Choose a serene outdoor location where you can have a clear view of the moon, or create a sacred space indoors that allows you to connect with the moon’s energy.
    • Gather items that resonate with the Strawberry Moon and nature, such as fresh strawberries, flowers, crystals like rose quartz or moonstone, candles, incense, and a journal or paper with a pen.
  2. Cleansing:

    • Begin by cleansing your energy and the surrounding space. You can burn herbal incense bundles or perform a visualization exercise to release any negativity or stagnant energy.
  3. Grounding and Centering:

    • Find a comfortable position and take a few moments to ground yourself. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and visualize roots extending from your body into the Earth, anchoring you to its supportive energy.
  4. Setting Intentions:

    • Reflect on the qualities and energies associated with the Strawberry Moon, such as abundance, growth, and transformation. Consider areas of your life where you seek growth and positive change.
    • Write down your intentions on a piece of paper, expressing them in a positive, present tense. For example, “I embrace abundance in all areas of my life” or “I release what no longer serves me, allowing transformation to unfold.”
  5. Moon Connection:

    • As the moon rises, direct your focus towards its radiant presence. Feel its energy enveloping you and connecting you to the cycles of nature and the universe.
    • Offer gratitude for the blessings and lessons in your life, expressing your appreciation for the interconnectedness of all beings and the guidance of the moon’s wisdom.
  6. Ritual Actions:

    • Light candles or lanterns, creating a soft, sacred ambiance. Place fresh strawberries or flowers as offerings on your altar or in a bowl nearby, symbolizing the abundance and vitality of the season.
    • Hold a crystal in your hand, connecting with its energy and allowing it to amplify your intentions and connection with the moon.
    • Recite affirmations or mantras that align with your intentions, infusing them with heartfelt emotion and conviction. Visualize your intentions manifesting and the transformative energy of the Strawberry Moon empowering your desires.
  7. Reflection and Integration:

    • Take a few moments to journal or reflect on your experiences and insights gained during the ritual. Write down any messages, feelings, or inspirations that come to you.
    • Express gratitude for the experience, the moon’s guidance, and the growth you anticipate in the coming days and weeks.
  8. Closing:

    • Offer a closing prayer, expressing your gratitude and sealing the energy of the ritual. Extinguish the candles or lanterns, and if outdoors, offer a final farewell to the moon’s luminous presence.

Remember, this ritual is meant to be a personal and intuitive experience. Feel free to adapt and modify it according to your own spiritual beliefs and preferences. Allow the energy of the Strawberry Moon to guide you, inspire you, and bring forth the transformative energies of the season.


This post first appeared on The Outdoor Apothecary, please read the originial post: here

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Strawberry Moon Magic: Exploring the Folklore and Significance of June’s Full Moon


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