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Green cheek conure

Green Cheek Conure
Green cheek is exceptional. There are no other words. These birds have a unique potential and once all their qualities have been discovered, there will not be enough breeders to breed them.


Green cheek conures are gentle, undemanding, curious, kind, affectionate, extremely intelligent.

They do not pinch, do not make noise, they are loyal and stable in character. And, the icing on the cake, after the cockatoo, these are, of all the parrots, those who love being caressed and pampered the most. It is said.

Origin: South America
Size: 20 to 25 cm
Legal status: Annex 2 Cites

But if you are not available, the Green cheek is also capable of independence, playing for hours alone in their cage. They will also continue to make clowns by hanging from the roof of the cage, lying on their back to play with their paws, or by attacking a toy.
These birds are incredibly smart. Recalling them can take just a few hours, they seem to understand everything immediately in a rather amazing way.
Generally, they adapt very easily to a new environment and get along well with all members of the family. And even if a favorite human is chosen, it will be done without any exclusivity, which is very pleasant for the rest of the family.

Chewing on wood or other toys is an essential activity for these active birds. Toys and any other object (cardboard, not too hardwood, etc.) are essential.

Their voice is very pleasant, very soft, even quite serious. Noise is therefore not to be feared, even in the event of a crisis of excitement!

The conures of Green cheek have a real passion for the shower and are able to take a bath absolutely in any container. Water at will, therefore, whatever the temp.

Why I Chose a Green Cheek Conure and Never Will Again

SOURCE: Victoria Ryann


These little parrots are very curious. So much so that they will constantly seek to understand what you are doing.

If you let them go free (supervised), which is absolutely possible with these little destructive birds, you will find that they will follow you everywhere.

They will scrupulously observe your actions. If they decide to have a caress, they will land on your hand and speak to you in their funny language.

Their greatest happiness will be to curl up in the crook of your arm, to sneak up your sleeve, or take a nap in your neck.

They can go on for hours, hanging as best they can from your sweater, sleeve, or stuck in a pocket. It is very amazing and absolutely wonderful. In short, these birds love to be cuddled, to say the least.


Green cheek is not considered to be a good speaker, even if some individuals seem capable of learning a wide vocabulary. On the other hand, the majority of them develop a very particular language, made of twittering, hissing, incomprehensible words! It is very tasty.


No special requirements, the Green cheek are very rustic, robust, and easy to keep.

Give them a proportionately large cage, they are very active and very exploring birds.

Another peculiarity, these birds sleep every night in their nest and it is useful to install a small tent in their cage.


All large families or not, living in an apartment or not, can welcome this incredible pet bird. So adorable and easy to keep that it can make a very good first bird.

And maybe even, under supervision, the first bird for a child. This little parrot in its own right is perfection, we are not afraid to say.


SOURCE: Victoria Ryann

The Molina’s Parakeet or Green-cheeked Parakeet: how to raise this bird at home?

Affectionate and very sociable, the Parakeet of Molina is a very pleasant bird to live. She enjoys being part of family life and taking part in all activities, including the most harmless.

Curious, dynamic, cheerful, and engaging, she is both cuddly and very outgoing. It must be constantly entertained and devote a lot of time each day to ensure its proper development. Discover the characteristics of this beautiful bird and our tips for raising it at home.

Who is the Green-cheeked Parakeet?

The Green-cheeked Parakeet ( Pyrrhura molinae ) is a magnificent bird native to South America, especially Brazil, Argentina, and Bolivia.

In the wild, the Parakeet lives in the forest, in the tops of the trees, in a group of about twenty individuals.

From its height of 26 cm and with its 70 grams, it is a small solid animal capable of living around thirty years in captivity.

This beautiful bird has almost exclusively green plumage, with the exception of a little red on the belly and tail, bronze on the chest, black on the head, and blue on the wings.

Her cheeks are distinctly green, as the name suggests, and her eyes are surrounded by a featherless ring. Males and females have the same plumage.

The Molina’s Parakeet is a tender and endearing animal, which enjoys being cuddled and snuggling in the hands and neck of its adoptive family.

Loyal and faithful, he is not stingy with tenderness or kisses and nestles easily in the hands to lie on his back. It is a noisy, cheerful, energetic, and very curious bird.

It is therefore important to be able to devote time to it and to monitor it because its curiosity can push it to make mistakes.

Indeed, this little adventurous adventurer is very rarely aware of the danger. Unfortunately, accidents are not uncommon with electric wires, household products, plants, but also the blankets in which he nestles to hide.

If it is very sociable, this bird has a permanent need to participate in all the activities of the house. Interactive, he is interested in everything.

It is therefore important for his well-being to include it in most activities. It must be said that he is particularly intelligent and that he gets bored quickly.

It must therefore be stimulated very regularly, both physically and mentally. Teach him to repeat a few words, empty and fill boxes with small items, etc.

If he can be heard, it is a little noisy bird that rarely cries. On the other hand, when he screams loudly, it is because something is wrong. He thus expresses his discomfort, his boredom, or his feeling of abandonment.

Why Green Cheek Conures Are Good Birds

SOURCE: Pet Anything

How to breed Molinae’s Parakeet at home?

A large cage

The Green-cheeked Parakeet has a great need to move and to exert itself. So he needs a large, secure cage with lots of toys. S

he enjoys constantly discovering new activities and having fun with everything. Be vigilant about the quality of the toys, because she takes pleasure in chewing and shredding them.

Place perches at various heights so that the bird can have fun and climb everywhere. Also, think about its water and food bowls, but also offer him small parrot tents.

In addition, the Parakeet must be allowed to leave its cage for several hours a day in order to stretch its wings.

The room in which it operates must be well secured to avoid accidents. Without these daily outings, the bird is bored and cannot flourish. He may develop an aggressive character and start screaming and/or biting.

Be careful, because the Green-cheeked Parakeet is not always a clean bird … for others! Indeed, he cleans his cage by rejecting all the small pieces of fruit and vegetables outside, especially on the walls and the floor of the house.

It needs at all heights, which tends to scatter them around the cage and it bathes in all sources of water, even if they are not clean. Provide him with a bathtub of clear water to meet his needs and limit the risk of bacterial infection.

5-3 week old Baby Green Cheek Conures

SOURCE: Rita Garris

The post Green cheek conure appeared first on Green cheek .

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