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List of Nobel Prize winners from the European Union

The source of following list is the “Nobel Prizes by category/country of birth” section of this article. Some of these winners are listed by multiple countries but in this list, they are listed only once unless a given person has obtained more than one prize.

Name Category Year
Emil Adolf von Behring Physiology or Medicine 1901
Frédéric Passy Peace 1901
Henry Dunant Peace 1901
Jacobus Henricus van ‘t Hoff Chemistry 1901
Sully Prudhomme Literature 1901
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen Physics 1901
Hendrik Lorentz Physics 1902
Hermann Emil Fischer Chemistry 1902
Pieter Zeeman Physics 1902
Theodor Mommsen Literature 1902
Antoine Henri Becquerel Physics 1903
Marie Curie Physics 1903
Niels Ryberg Finsen Physiology or Medicine 1903
Pierre Curie Physics 1903
Svante Arrhenius Chemistry 1903
Frédéric Mistral Literature 1904
Institut de Droit International Peace 1904
José Echegaray Literature 1904
Adolf von Baeyer Chemistry 1905
Bertha von Suttner Peace 1905
Henryk Sienkiewicz Literature 1905
Philipp Lenard Physics 1905
Robert Koch Physiology or Medicine 1905
Camillo Golgi Physiology or Medicine 1906
Giosuè Carducci Literature 1906
Henri Moissan Chemistry 1906
Santiago Ramón y Cajal Physiology or Medicine 1906
Albert A. Michelson Physics 1907
Charles Louis Alphonse Laveran Physiology or Medicine 1907
Eduard Buchner Chemistry 1907
Ernesto Teodoro Moneta Peace 1907
Louis Renault Peace 1907
Fredrik Bajer Peace 1908
Gabriel Lippmann Physics 1908
Klas Pontus Arnoldson Peace 1908
Paul Ehrlich Physiology or Medicine 1908
Rudolf Christoph Eucken Literature 1908
Auguste Beernaert Peace 1909
Guglielmo Marconi Physics 1909
Karl Ferdinand Braun Physics 1909
Paul-Henri-Benjamin d’Estournelles de Constant Peace 1909
Selma Lagerlöf Literature 1909
Wilhelm Ostwald Chemistry 1909
Albrecht Kossel Physiology or Medicine 1910
Johannes Diderik van der Waals Physics 1910
Otto Wallach Chemistry 1910
Paul Johann Ludwig Heyse Literature 1910
Alfred Hermann Fried Peace 1911
Allvar Gullstrand Physiology or Medicine 1911
Marie Curie Chemistry 1911
Maurice Maeterlinck Literature 1911
Tobias Asser Peace 1911
Wilhelm Wien Physics 1911
Alexis Carrel Physiology or Medicine 1912
Gerhart Hauptmann Literature 1912
Gustaf Dalén Physics 1912
Paul Sabatier Chemistry 1912
Victor Grignard Chemistry 1912
Alfred Werner Chemistry 1913
Charles Richet Physiology or Medicine 1913
Heike Kamerlingh Onnes Physics 1913
Henri La Fontaine Peace 1913
Max von Laue Physics 1914
Róbert Bárány Physiology or Medicine 1914
Richard Willstätter Chemistry 1915
Romain Rolland Literature 1915
Carl Gustaf Verner von Heidenstam Literature 1916
Henrik Pontoppidan Literature 1917
Karl Adolph Gjellerup Literature 1917
Fritz Haber Chemistry 1918
Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck Physics 1918
Johannes Stark Physics 1919
Jules Bordet Physiology or Medicine 1919
August Krogh Physiology or Medicine 1920
Léon Bourgeois Peace 1920
Walther Nernst Chemistry 1920
Albert Einstein Physics 1921
Anatole France Literature 1921
Hjalmar Branting Peace 1921
Jacinto Benavente Literature 1922
Niels Bohr Physics 1922
Otto Fritz Meyerhof Physiology or Medicine 1922
Friderik Pregl Chemistry 1923
Fritz Pregl Chemistry 1923
W. B. Yeats Literature 1923
Karl Manne Siegbahn Physics 1924
Willem Einthoven Physiology or Medicine 1924
Władysław Reymont Literature 1924
George Bernard Shaw Literature 1925
Gustav Ludwig Hertz Physics 1925
James Franck Physics 1925
Richard Adolf Zsigmondy Chemistry 1925
Aristide Briand Peace 1926
Grazia Deledda Literature 1926
Gustav Stresemann Peace 1926
Jean Baptiste Perrin Physics 1926
Johannes Fibiger Physiology or Medicine 1926
Theodor Svedberg Chemistry 1926
Ferdinand Buisson Peace 1927
Heinrich Otto Wieland Chemistry 1927
Henri Bergson Literature 1927
Julius Wagner-Jauregg Physiology or Medicine 1927
Ludwig Quidde Peace 1927
Adolf Otto Reinhold Windaus Chemistry 1928
Charles Nicolle Physiology or Medicine 1928
Christiaan Eijkman Physiology or Medicine 1929
Hans von Euler-Chelpin Chemistry 1929
Louis de Broglie Physics 1929
Thomas Mann Literature 1929
Hans Fischer Chemistry 1930
Karl Landsteiner Physiology or Medicine 1930
Nathan Söderblom Peace 1930
Carl Bosch Chemistry 1931
Friedrich Bergius Chemistry 1931
Otto Heinrich Warburg Physiology or Medicine 1931
Erik Axel Karlfeldt Literature 1931
Werner Karl Heisenberg Physics 1932
Erwin Schrödinger Physics 1933
Ivan Bunin Literature 1933
Luigi Pirandello Literature 1934
Carl von Ossietzky Peace 1935
Frédéric Joliot-Curie Chemistry 1935
Hans Spemann Physiology or Medicine 1935
Irène Joliot-Curie Chemistry 1935
Otto Loewi Physiology or Medicine 1936
Peter Debye Chemistry 1936
Victor Francis Hess Physics 1936
Albert Szent-Györgyi Physiology or Medicine 1937
Roger Martin du Gard Literature 1937
Corneille Heymans Physiology or Medicine 1938
Enrico Fermi Physics 1938
Richard Kuhn Chemistry 1938
Adolf Butenandt Chemistry 1939
Frans Eemil Sillanpää Literature 1939
Gerhard Domagk Physiology or Medicine 1939
Leopold Ružička Chemistry 1939
George de Hevesy Chemistry 1943
Henrik Dam Physiology or Medicine 1943
Otto Stern Physics 1943
Isidor Isaac Rabi Physics 1944
Johannes V. Jensen Literature 1944
Otto Hahn Chemistry 1944
Artturi Ilmari Virtanen Chemistry 1945
Ernst Boris Chain Physiology or Medicine 1945
Wolfgang Pauli Physics 1945
Hermann Hesse Literature 1946
André Gide Literature 1947
Carl Ferdinand Cori Physiology or Medicine 1947
Gerty Cori Physiology or Medicine 1947
Arne Tiselius Chemistry 1948
António Egas Moniz Physiology or Medicine 1949
Kurt Alder Chemistry 1950
Otto Diels Chemistry 1950
Tadeusz Reichstein Physiology or Medicine 1950
Ernest Walton Physics 1951
Léon Jouhaux Peace 1951
Pär Lagerkvist Literature 1951
Albert Schweitzer Peace 1952
François Mauriac Literature 1952
Frits Zernike Physics 1953
Fritz Albert Lipmann Physiology or Medicine 1953
Hans Adolf Krebs Physiology or Medicine 1953
Hermann Staudinger Chemistry 1953
Max Born Physics 1954
Walther Bothe Physics 1954
Hugo Theorell Physiology or Medicine 1955
Polykarp Kusch Physics 1955
André Frédéric Cournand Physiology or Medicine 1956
Juan Ramón Jiménez Literature 1956
Werner Forssmann Physiology or Medicine 1956
Albert Camus Literature 1957
Daniel Bovet Physiology or Medicine 1957
Dominique Pire Peace 1958
Emilio Segrè Physics 1959
Jaroslav Heyrovský Chemistry 1959
Salvatore Quasimodo Literature 1959
Severo Ochoa Physiology or Medicine 1959
Saint-John Perse Literature 1960
Georg von Békésy Physiology or Medicine 1961
Rudolf Mössbauer Physics 1961
Dag Hammarskjöld Peace 1961
Max Perutz Chemistry 1962
Eugene Wigner Physics 1963
Giorgos Seferis Literature 1963
Giulio Natta Chemistry 1963
J. Hans D. Jensen Physics 1963
Karl Ziegler Chemistry 1963
Maria Goeppert-Mayer Physics 1963
Feodor Felix Konrad Lynen Physiology or Medicine 1964
Konrad Bloch Physiology or Medicine 1964
Jean-Paul Sartre Literature 1964
André Lwoff Physiology or Medicine 1965
François Jacob Physiology or Medicine 1965
Jacques Monod Physiology or Medicine 1965
Alfred Kastler Physics 1966
Nelly Sachs Literature 1966
Hans Bethe Physics 1967
Manfred Eigen Chemistry 1967
Ragnar Granit Physiology or Medicine 1967
René Cassin Peace 1968
Jan Tinbergen Economics 1969
Max Delbrück Physiology or Medicine 1969
Salvador Luria Physiology or Medicine 1969
Samuel Beckett Literature 1969
Bernard Katz Physiology or Medicine 1970
Hannes Alfvén Physics 1970
Louis Néel Physics 1970
Luis Federico Leloir Chemistry 1970
Ulf von Euler Physiology or Medicine 1970
Dennis Gabor Physics 1971
Gerhard Herzberg Chemistry 1971
Willy Brandt Peace 1971
Heinrich Böll Literature 1972
Ernst Otto Fischer Chemistry 1973
Karl von Frisch Physiology or Medicine 1973
Konrad Lorenz Physiology or Medicine 1973
Nikolaas Tinbergen Physiology or Medicine 1973
Albert Claude Physiology or Medicine 1974
Christian de Duve Physiology or Medicine 1974
Eyvind Johnson Literature 1974
Friedrich Hayek Economics 1974
George E. Palade Physiology or Medicine 1974
Gunnar Myrdal Economics 1974
Harry Martinson Literature 1974
Seán MacBride Peace 1974
Aage Bohr Physics 1975
Ben Roy Mottelson Physics 1975
Eugenio Montale Literature 1975
Renato Dulbecco Physiology or Medicine 1975
Tjalling C. Koopmans Economics 1975
Vladimir Prelog Chemistry 1975
Betty Williams Peace 1976
Mairead Corrigan Peace 1976
Andrew Schally Physiology or Medicine 1977
Bertil Ohlin Economics 1977
Ilya Prigogine Chemistry 1977
Roger Guillemin Physiology or Medicine 1977
Vicente Aleixandre Literature 1977
Arno Penzias Physics 1978
Henry Kissinger Peace 1978
Isaac Bashevis Singer Literature 1978
Menachem Begin Peace 1978
Georg Wittig Chemistry 1979
Odysseas Elytis Literature 1979
Czesław Miłosz Literature 1980
Jean Dausset Physiology or Medicine 1980
Elias Canetti Literature 1981
Kai Siegbahn Physics 1981
Nicolaas Bloembergen Physics 1981
Roald Hoffmann Chemistry 1981
Torsten Wiesel Physiology or Medicine 1981
Aaron Klug Chemistry 1982
Alva Myrdal Peace 1982
Bengt I. Samuelsson Physiology or Medicine 1982
Sune Bergström Physiology or Medicine 1982
Gérard Debreu Economics 1983
Lech Wałęsa Peace 1983
Carlo Rubbia Physics 1984
Georges J.F. Köhler Physiology or Medicine 1984
Jaroslav Seifert Literature 1984
Niels Kaj Jerne Physiology or Medicine 1984
Simon van der Meer Physics 1984
Claude Simon Literature 1985
Franco Modigliani Economics 1985
Klaus von Klitzing Physics 1985
Elie Wiesel Peace 1986
Ernst Ruska Physics 1986
Gerd Binnig Physics 1986
John Polanyi Chemistry 1986
Rita Levi-Montalcini Physiology or Medicine 1986
J. Georg Bednorz Physics 1987
Jean-Marie Lehn Chemistry 1987
Hartmut Michel Chemistry 1988
Jack Steinberger Physics 1988
Johann Deisenhofer Chemistry 1988
Maurice Allais Economics 1988
Robert Huber Chemistry 1988
Camilo José Cela Literature 1989
Hans G. Dehmelt Physics 1989
Wolfgang Paul Physics 1989
Bert Sakmann Physiology or Medicine 1991
Erwin Neher Physiology or Medicine 1991
Pierre-Gilles de Gennes Physics 1991
Georges Charpak Physics 1992
George Andrew Olah Chemistry 1994
John Harsanyi Economics 1994
Reinhard Selten Economics 1994
Shimon Peres Peace 1994
Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Physiology or Medicine 1995
Joseph Rotblat Peace 1995
Paul J. Crutzen Chemistry 1995
Séamus Heaney Literature 1995
Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo Peace 1996
José Ramos-Horta Peace 1996
Wisława Szymborska Literature 1996
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji Physics 1997
Dario Fo Literature 1997
Jens Christian Skou Chemistry 1997
David Trimble Peace 1998
Horst L. Störmer Physics 1998
John Hume Peace 1998
José de Sousa Saramago Literature 1998
Walter Kohn Chemistry 1998
Gerard ‘t Hooft Physics 1999
Günter Blobel Physiology or Medicine 1999
Günter Grass Literature 1999
Martinus J. G. Veltman Physics 1999
Médecins Sans Frontières Peace 1999
Arvid Carlsson Physiology or Medicine 2000
Eric Kandel Physiology or Medicine 2000
Gao Xingjian Literature 2000
Herbert Kroemer Physics 2000
Wolfgang Ketterle Physics 2001
Imre Kertész Literature 2002
Riccardo Giacconi Physics 2002
Avram Hershko Chemistry 2004
Elfriede Jelinek Literature 2004
International Atomic Energy Agency Peace 2005
Theodor W. Hänsch Physics 2005
Yves Chauvin Chemistry 2005
Albert Fert Physics 2007
Gerhard Ertl Chemistry 2007
Leonid Hurwicz Economics 2007
Mario R. Capecchi Physiology or Medicine 2007
Peter Grünberg Physics 2007
Françoise Barré-Sinoussi Physiology or Medicine 2008
Harald zur Hausen Physiology or Medicine 2008
J. M. G. Le Clézio Literature 2008
Luc Montagnier Physiology or Medicine 2008
Martti Ahtisaari Peace 2008
Herta Müller Literature 2009
Andre Geim Physics 2010
Christopher A. Pissarides Economics 2010
Mario Vargas Llosa Literature 2010
Jules A. Hoffmann Physiology or Medicine 2011
Tomas Tranströmer Literature 2011
Serge Haroche Physics 2012
François Englert Physics 2013
Martin Karplus Chemistry 2013
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons Peace 2013
Thomas C. Südhof Physiology or Medicine 2013
Jean Tirole Economics 2014
Patrick Modiano Literature 2014
Stefan Hell Chemistry 2014
Tomas Lindahl Chemistry 2015
William C. Campbell Physiology or Medicine 2015
Ben Feringa Chemistry 2016
Bengt R. Holmström Economics 2016
Jean-Pierre Sauvage Chemistry 2016
Joachim Frank Chemistry 2017
Rainer Weiss Physics 2017
Gérard Mourou Physics 2018
Olga Tokarczuk Literature 2018
Esther Duflo Economics 2019
Peter Handke Literature 2019
Emmanuelle Charpentier Chemistry 2020
Reinhard Genzel Physics 2020
Benjamin List Chemistry 2021
Giorgio Parisi Physics 2021
Guido Imbens Economics 2021
Klaus Hasselmann Physics 2021

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List of Nobel Prize winners from the European Union


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