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Warning: Bed Bugs May Hide in ‘Dark Crevices’ in British Homes before Emerging to Feed at Night, Caution Insect Expert


An insect expert, Professor Mary Cameron from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, has issued a warning about the presence of bed bugs in British homes. She explains that these pests prefer dark spaces during the day and come out to feed at night. In warmer weather, their population can double every couple of weeks. Bed bugs often hide in areas such as bedside cabinets, cracks and crevices, behind headboards, and in wardrobes. They are resistant to most insecticides and are unlikely to be seen in beds unless there is a severe infestation, which would be evident from multiple bites. There are concerns that an outbreak of bed bugs in Paris has spread to London, Luton, and Manchester. Bedbugs disappeared from developed countries in the 1950s but have made a resurgence in the past 30 years. Professor Cameron advises seeking professional cleaners if an infestation is suspected, as they may need to dismantle furniture and use specialized equipment to reach hidden bugs.

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Warning: Bed Bugs May Hide in ‘Dark Crevices’ in British Homes before Emerging to Feed at Night, Caution Insect Expert
