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Harvard Scientist Suggests ‘Exotic’ Ocean-Bottom Metals Originated from Earth-Like Exoplanet – Urgency Builds to Determine Their Extraterrestrial Origin


Scientists have made new discoveries about metal fragments found in the Pacific Ocean that originated from outside our solar system. Avi Loeb, a physicist from Harvard who is known for his work in alien-hunting, and his team published a study explaining that these meteor fragments can be explained by natural causes. During an expedition off the coast of New Guinea, they discovered around 700 small metallic spheres, 57 of which were analyzed. The compositions of these spheres are not found in our solar system, suggesting they came from an Earth-like planet that deviated from its orbit and produced debris that entered interstellar space. The researchers found an abundance of beryllium, lanthanum, and uranium in the metallic spheres, which could have served a technological purpose. However, the true nature of these fragments is still uncertain. Loeb and his team plan to conduct another expedition in the next nine months to further investigate. The initial analysis released in August revealed the rare properties of the meteor-like object called IM1. The paper suggests that the rocks were launched from the crust of an Earth-like planet at an interstellar speed. The fragments are rich in Beryllium, lanthanum, and uranium, as well as low content of elements with high affinity to iron like Rhenium. Loeb does not rule out the possibility that these fragments could have been created by aliens and plans to search for larger pieces of IM1 in the next expedition. Loeb has been an advocate for the idea that interstellar technology may have visited Earth, and has been researching objects like Oumuamua and IM1 to support his theory. The first mission to find remnants of the 2014 meteor lasted for two weeks in June, with the team scouring the Pacific seabed for signs of IM1 debris.

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Harvard Scientist Suggests ‘Exotic’ Ocean-Bottom Metals Originated from Earth-Like Exoplanet – Urgency Builds to Determine Their Extraterrestrial Origin
