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your five Things I Hate Regarding Recent Horror Movies

Your Five Things I Hate Regarding Recent Horror Movies

To go with Zombie Cat contributor Gary Hamrick’s recent angry rant about how much he cannot stand “horror movies, ” Let me present my feelings about them. Gary’s column, while incendiary, isn’t entirely off the foundation. Most horror fans possess felt for a while that short strides have been made to add the genre. While the rare diamond in the rough comes forth from the dregs, it’s nevertheless frustrating when a constant obstruction of crap makes all of us look bad in the eye of the common folk.

For this, I present five points (not necessarily in order, by no means are the only five) that drive me in love with recent horror flicks.

one OMG Moments

You know the actual scene – the babe bopper lead character gradually makes her way straight down the hallway into the girl’s room, where she notices a suspicious noise produced. She creeps into the room softly, calling, “Hello? ” until she gets to the closet when ALL OF A SUDDEN, THE DOORS FLY OPEN. HEY, THE VIOLINS STRIKE. THE GIRL SCREAMS AND… it’s the girl cat, Mittens. Mittens range away as the teenie bopper lead laughs and skips to the kitchen for goodies (probably where she’s assaulted for real).

These “stings” or “scare chords” are often just a cheap way to daunt the audience and give their very own heart a race to generate up for how boring the other products of the film are. They’ve been occurring for years and need to be nicely toned down, if not taken off entirely. Think of different ways for you to shock the teens outside of their seats, please.

installment payments on your “Torture Porn”

Let’s have this out of the way: I’m calling for a finish to the term, not necessarily typically the sub-genre, though I do get something to say about that way too. At no point should some horror fan use the period “torture porn? ” Cole Abaius over at Film Institution Rejects published a piece about them in November, and I concluded with the vast majority of precisely what he writes. Simply, “torture porn” doesn’t exist. To say a film has no artistic worth is one thing, but to deride an entire subgenre is another.

A whole lot worse, it makes people who enjoy the videos degenerate, which is practically nothing new for horror supporters. It’s been happening since Frankenstein. Those using the term merely don’t know their history; differently, they would use the correct period, splatter film. “Torture porn” was coined by a typically quite serviceable critic (and self-alleged horror fan) named David Edelstein, who has claimed non-e of these videos have any merit and are just pornography. Just because you cannot think it does, princess, will not mean it doesn’t. And the other way around.

That said, while I am just not one to complain of a splatterfest (hey, I love FOREX, sue me), the sub-genre does lend itself to simple copycats and very lazy releases. In the future, we scary fans require some belief and effort from the filmmakers. Now that the trend is on a significant decline, future movies should weed out the bad and overused and come up with something wholly original and unique.

3. Zombies

Yeah, We said it. But listen to me out.

Perhaps this particular goes beyond films into “real life” territory, but revenants have become so played away it’s ridiculous. It was an unusual time for me around the time for the century when I noticed otherwise totally ordinary folks putting on zombie shirts and speaking about the gory special effects these people loved.

Then came revenant walks. And endless ridiculous movies that just put in zombies cause eye shadow is cheap. And then many crappy movies that experienced big budgets because they had been so popular. Today, you can’t escape from them.

I studied revenant movies (among others) for my senior thesis within the college. Zombies films are generally among my earliest horror memories, so I have a particular fondness for them. Any time done right, zombies can indicate the most out of the average motion picture monster because they’re US ALL, man.

But among all typically the films that came out, what number of were any good? Beyond which, how many will be remembered the next day? Two? Three? Yeah, we have Shaun of the Dead, plus the Walking Dead looks becoming a massive win for AMC that gets a lot appropriate. But most of the meaning has become sucked out, and these beloved zombies are in hazard of getting the Twilight cure. Hopefully, the “overload” will happen soon and we’ll call “werewolf walks” around Halloween season instead.

4. Pretending Your own personal Crappy Movie was Intended That Way, Thus Making it Popular

Yeah, long title, but it gets the idea across. I am just tired of seeing these kinds of videos. It’s generally some wacky slasher with a weak bum villain and some big boobed doofuses running around blah blah blah. No original tips, no point – whenever asked, the director affirms, “Oh, we were paying homage to the 80s. LMAO! ”

Listen: if you created a shitty film, however, you still managed to sell it to some distributor, that’s fine. Admit it. But don’t rest. Horror fans know. In addition, how about you spend time onto it and make an excellent film to begin with? Though slashers are done to death (I studied them for my paper because, well), there’s still a place to be explored if you give it your best enough. But most don’t because they’re in it for the money and never to make real movies or learn to create.

Trust me: you’re no Lloyd Kaufman or Roger Corman. You’re Uwe Boll.

Five. Remakes

’nuff said.

Wait around; no, it’s not. If anything encapsulates the “no creativity and brainless” problem with horror flicks, it’s the reprise trend going on for too long. Remakes of old films, remakes of some other country’s films, remakes associated with remakes for god’s benefit, it just won’t end.

Naturally, the real problem is people nevertheless go to see them. After they return from the theater to find “Prom Night, ” many people complain about no unique ideas. Then, when one thing original and good is developed, these same people suddenly come across excuses to stay home (see: Slither). Horror fans are the engineers of their destruction. And they’ll complain about it on the net.

To end on a positive observe: “True Grit” aside, often the remake trend seems to be for a decline, especially since all of us are entering a new decade having new trends to be uncovered. Hopefully, whatever lies onward in the next ten years does workers’ favorite genre a solid in addition to putting horror on the top everywhere it belongs.

Read also: RoboCop Movie Review

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your five Things I Hate Regarding Recent Horror Movies
