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Ontario Motorcycle Accidents: Statistics, Causes, and Prevention

Yesterday, 680 News reported that another person died in a Motorcycle Accident in Ontario. Over the past two years, particularly since Ontario’s lockdown was lifted in March of 2022, Ontario has seen a dramatic rise in motorcycle accidents and motorcycle accident related fatalities.  For example, the OPP reported that in 2022, there were nearly 50 motorcycle accident related fatalities in the Province – the majority caused by negligent or distracted drivers, speed, loss of control and failing to yield at intersections. Twelve of the forty-four motorcycle fatalities occurred in the GTA. Most crashes happened on dry days, between the hours of 12 p.m. and 4 p.m.   Twenty-eight percent of deaths were motorcyclists between the ages of 56 and 64.  Other areas which have seen a dramatic rise in motorcycle accident related fatalities were the Grey-Bruce Area, Norfolk Counties, London and Windsor. Essex County had the absolute highest rate of Essex County has the highest motorcycle fatalities average in the province at 19 deaths per year. Middlesex County is third with an average of 14 deaths, behind the Greater Toronto Area’s 16 fatalities. This increase is not only alarming but also highlights the importance of understanding the causes and how to prevent such accidents.

There’s no doubt that navigating the roads on two wheels can be exhilarating, but as a motorcyclist, you must also be aware of the inherent risks involved. This article, written by our Hamilton Motorcycle Accident Lawyers, aims to provide you with essential information on motorcycle accident statistics, causes, and prevention strategies in Ontario, helping you make informed decisions and avoid potential dangers while riding.

Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Ontario

Motorcycle accidents can be particularly severe when they involve negligent drivers of other vehicles. Some of the main causes of serious motorcycle accidents attributed to negligent drivers include:

  1. Left-turn accidents: Many serious motorcycle accidents occur when a vehicle driver turns left in front of an oncoming motorcycle, either misjudging the distance or failing to see the motorcycle altogether. This can lead to severe collisions as the motorcyclist may not have enough time or space to avoid the crash.
  2. Distracted driving: Drivers who are texting, talking on the phone, adjusting the radio, or engaging in other distractions may not notice motorcyclists sharing the road. As a result, they may inadvertently cause serious accidents by changing lanes, braking suddenly, or otherwise failing to respond to the presence of the motorcyclist.
  3. Impaired driving: Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs have impaired judgment, reaction times, and coordination, which can significantly increase the likelihood of causing a serious motorcycle accident.
  4. Failure to yield: Drivers who fail to yield the right-of-way to motorcyclists at intersections, merges, or other traffic situations can cause severe collisions, often because they do not see the motorcycle or misjudge its speed.
  5. Tailgating: When drivers follow too closely behind a motorcycle, they may not have enough time to react if the motorcyclist suddenly slows down or stops. This can lead to serious rear-end collisions.
  6. Unsafe lane changes: Drivers who change lanes without checking their blind spots or signaling can collide with motorcyclists, causing severe accidents. Motorcycles are often less visible than other vehicles, making it crucial for drivers to double-check before changing lanes.
  7. Road hazards: Negligent drivers may cause accidents by forcing motorcyclists to swerve or brake suddenly to avoid debris, potholes, or other road hazards. This can result in serious accidents, particularly if the motorcyclist loses control of their bike.
  8. Aggressive driving: Drivers who engage in aggressive behaviors, such as weaving in and out of traffic, speeding, or cutting off other vehicles, put motorcyclists at greater risk for serious accidents.

Statistics on Motorcycle Accidents in Ontario

The number of motorcycle accidents in Ontario has been a growing concern in recent years. In 2020, there were 42 deaths from motorcycle accidents in Ontario alone. It’s essential for you to be aware of these statistics to stay safe on the roads.

Accidents involving motorcycles can be devastating. Between 2009 and 2018, 91% of motorcycle accident fatalities were men. Moreover, 5% of all motorcycle accident deaths occurred on Saturdays during the same time period. When it comes to accidents involving an automobile, 69% of them showed no signs of avoidance. This reveals the importance of practicing defensive driving techniques and being extra vigilant while on the road.

When analyzing Ontario motorcycle accident statistics further, a report showed that there were 69 motorcycle accident fatalities in 2016, up by 6% from the previous year, out of 2203 serious collisions. Out of these accidents, 1372 riders suffered severe injuries. These numbers highlight the importance of wearing proper safety gear and following traffic rules to minimize the risk of injuries.

In 2022, the Ontario Provincial Police West Region reported that the number of motorcycle-related deaths had nearly doubled compared to the previous year. This alarming increase calls for heightened awareness and adherence to motorcycle safety measures.

To put things in perspective, Ontario motorcycle accident injuries occurred at a rate of approximately 2,194 per 100,000 registered motorcycles, which is almost triple the rate of injuries attributable to automobile crashes. This statistic emphasizes the increased risk that motorcyclists face on the road compared to car drivers.

Overall, understanding these statistics serves as a reminder for you to remain cautious while riding a motorcycle in Ontario. By recognizing the risks, you can take necessary steps to prevent accidents and protect yourself and others on the road.

Serious Injuries from Motorcycle Accidents

Head and Brain Injuries

Head injuries are a common and often severe consequence of motorcycle accidents, with the potential to cause long-lasting or even permanent damage. When a motorcyclist is involved in an accident, their head can hit the ground with significant force, leading to traumatic brain injuries (TBI), skull fractures, or other types of head trauma. High-speed collisions can further exacerbate the severity of these injuries, as the increased momentum amplifies the impact. In some cases, the head may also be struck by other vehicles, debris, or roadside obstacles, compounding the damage sustained.

Helmets can provide substantial protection, but they are not foolproof; even when wearing a helmet, motorcyclists can still experience head injuries. This is because helmets are designed to absorb and distribute the force of an impact, but in extreme cases, the energy may exceed the helmet’s protective capacity.

There are various types of brain injuries that an rider could suffer in a motorcycle accident, each with unique implications for the affected individual. Concussions, the mildest form of traumatic brain injury (TBI), occur when the brain experiences a sudden impact, causing temporary dysfunction. While generally less severe, multiple concussions can have cumulative effects on cognitive function. More serious TBIs, such as contusions or hemorrhages, involve localized damage or bleeding within the brain, potentially leading to long-lasting or permanent impairments. Diffuse axonal injuries, caused by the shearing forces experienced during an accident, can damage nerve fibers and disrupt brain function. In extreme cases, skull fractures can occur, potentially causing additional damage to the brain tissue. The severity and type of brain injury sustained in a motorcycle accident depend on factors such as the force of the impact, the nature of the collision, and the effectiveness of the helmet worn, with each injury carrying its own set of challenges and consequences for the individual involved.

Spinal Cord Injuries

Spinal cord injuries are another serious consequence of motorcycle accidents. According to a medical study, 13 out of 266 motorcycle accident victims suffered thoracic spine injuries. These injuries can lead to lifelong complications, including paralysis, limited mobility, and chronic pain.

Spinal cord injuries are among the most devastating and life-altering consequences of accidents, including motorcycle collisions. These injuries result from damage to the spinal cord or surrounding nerves, disrupting the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, the effects can range from partial to complete loss of sensory and motor function below the level of injury. This can lead to varying degrees of paralysis, such as paraplegia or quadriplegia, and may also result in loss of bladder and bowel control, sexual dysfunction, and chronic pain. Individuals with spinal cord injuries often face significant challenges, including a decreased ability to work, perform daily tasks, and participate in social and recreational activities. Moreover, the emotional and psychological toll of adjusting to a new reality, along with the financial burdens of medical treatment, rehabilitation, and assistive equipment, can be overwhelming for the injured person and their family. The profound impact of spinal cord injuries underscores the importance of promoting safety and accident prevention measures.

Serious Fractures

Motorcycle accidents often result in serious fractures, such as broken bones in the limbs, pelvis, or ribs.
Some of the most life-altering fractures a person can experience involve damage to weight-bearing joints, such as the hip, knee, and ankle, as well as the spinal vertebrae. Fractures in these areas can significantly affect a person’s mobility, independence, and quality of life. In particular, fractures of the hip or pelvis can be especially debilitating, often requiring surgery and extensive rehabilitation. In some cases, the damage may be so severe that a joint replacement is necessary to restore function.

Similarly, spinal fractures and disc herniation can have lasting consequences. These injuries can cause chronic pain, nerve compression, and decreased range of motion, potentially leading to long-term disability. In severe cases, spinal fusion surgery or other interventions may be necessary to stabilize the spine and alleviate symptoms.

Another complication of joint fractures is the development of post-traumatic osteoarthritis, which occurs when the cartilage in the affected joint is damaged during the injury. This can result in chronic pain, stiffness, and reduced joint function over time, often necessitating further treatment, such as joint replacement surgery.

Internal Injuries

Motor vehicle accidents, including collisions involving motorcycles, can lead to a range of serious internal injuries due to the high forces involved in such incidents. Some examples of severe internal injuries caused by trauma include:

  1. Internal bleeding: Damage to blood vessels, organs, or tissues can result in internal bleeding, which can be life-threatening if not promptly addressed. Injuries to major blood vessels, such as the aorta, can be particularly dangerous.
  2. Organ damage: Motor vehicle accidents can cause blunt or penetrating trauma to organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs, or heart. These injuries can lead to organ dysfunction, and in severe cases, may require surgical intervention or organ transplantation.
  3. Pneumothorax: A punctured lung can lead to the collapse of the lung, also known as pneumothorax. This condition can impair breathing and require immediate medical attention.
  4. Diaphragmatic rupture: Trauma to the abdomen or chest can cause a tear in the diaphragm, leading to herniation of abdominal organs into the chest cavity. This can impair lung function and necessitate surgical repair.
  5. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): A sudden impact to the head can cause injuries ranging from mild concussions to severe contusions or hemorrhages. TBIs can have long-lasting effects on cognitive and motor function.
  6. Spinal cord injuries: Damage to the spinal cord due to trauma can result in partial or complete loss of sensory and motor function below the level of injury, leading to paralysis and other complications.
  7. Abdominal injuries: High-impact collisions can result in a range of abdominal injuries, including bowel perforation, mesenteric tears, or damage to the pancreas. These injuries often require surgical intervention and can have long-term consequences.
  8. Fractured ribs: While not strictly an internal injury, fractured ribs can lead to complications such as punctured lungs, damaged blood vessels, or organ damage.

Prompt assessment and treatment of these and other internal injuries are critical following a motor vehicle accident to minimize long-term complications and improve the chances of recovery.

Prevention of Motorcycle Accidents

Rider Education and Training

Investing in proper rider education and training is one of the most effective ways to prevent motorcycle accidents. As a rider, you should enroll in a reputable motorcycle training course. These courses teach essential riding skills, defensive driving techniques, and instill a sense of responsibility to maintain your safety on the road. Continuous learning and refresher courses are also beneficial for experienced riders, as they help fine-tune your skills and stay up-to-date with new safety practices.

Proper Safety Gear

Wearing appropriate safety gear is crucial in reducing the risk of injury during a motorcycle accident. Ensure you’re equipped with the following:

  • A certified helmet: A high-quality helmet is essential for protecting your head and reducing the risk of fatalities.
  • Protective clothing: Abrasion-resistant jackets, pants, gloves, and boots should always be worn when riding.
  • High-visibility gear: Adding reflective strips, vests, or jackets makes it easier for other road users to see you, especially in low-light conditions.
Road Safety Measures

Implementing road safety measures is another critical aspect of preventing motorcycle accidents. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Be alert: Stay aware of your surroundings and anticipate potential hazards, such as erratic drivers, debris, or sudden changes in traffic.
  • Maintain your motorcycle: Regular maintenance checks and prompt repairs can help prevent accidents caused by mechanical issues.
  • Adapt to road conditions: Adjust your riding style in wet or slippery conditions to reduce the risk of accidents on slick surfaces.
  • Follow traffic rules: Obeying speed limits, traffic signs, and giving right-of-way are essential practices in ensuring everyone’s safety on the road.
  • Avoid distractions: Staying focused and avoiding distractions like mobile phones, music, and excessive communication with passengers can significantly reduce the likelihood of accidents.

Have you been involved in a Motorcycle Accident?

If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries in a motorcycle accident, you have the right to pursue legal action against the negligent driver who caused your injuries and losses. We can’t undo the past, but our Hamilton Motorcycle Accident Lawyers can ensure that you and your loved ones are financially secure in a time of need.

Since 2003, our Hamilton Motorcycle Accident Lawyers have recovered tens of millions in compensation for residents in Hamilton and the surrounding areas. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, call us today, no matter where you are in Ontario at 1-844-LALANDE or local in Hamilton and throughout Southern Ontario at 905-333-8888. Alternatively, you can email us confidentially through our website or chat 24/7 with our live chat operator.

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What are the most common causes of motorcycle accidents?

Common causes of motorcycle accidents include left-turn collisions, speeding, impaired driving, and road hazards, often exacerbated by the limited visibility of motorcycles and the vulnerability of riders.

How can I avoid a motorcycle accident?

To avoid motorcycle accidents, practice defensive driving, wear appropriate safety gear, maintain your motorcycle properly, and follow traffic laws and speed limits.

What is the best motorcycle protective gear I can wear?

Essential safety gear for motorcyclists includes a certified helmet, protective clothing (jacket, pants, gloves, and boots), and high-visibility accessories or reflective materials.

Hire do I deal with insurance after a motorcycle accident?

When dealing with insurance claims, notify your insurer promptly, gather evidence (photos, witness statements, police reports), and consider consulting an attorney to ensure fair compensation.

Can I still be compensated if I was partially at fault for the motorcycle accident?

Compensation may still be possible if you were partially at fault for the accident, but the amount may be reduced based on your degree of responsibility, depending on the contributory negligence laws in the area where you reside.

What are common motorcycle accident injuries?

Common injuries in motorcycle accidents include road rash, broken bones, head injuries, spinal cord injuries, and internal injuries.

What is the average settlement for a motorcycle accident case?

The average settlement for a motorcycle accident claim varies widely based on factors such as injury severity, fault, medical expenses, and lost wages; a motorcycle accident lawyer can help estimate the potential value of your case.

Do I need to hire a lawyer after a motorcycle accident?

Hiring a lawyer can be beneficial in a motorcycle accident case, as they can help navigate the legal process, negotiate with insurance companies, and advocate for fair compensation on your behalf.

The post Ontario Motorcycle Accidents: Statistics, Causes, and Prevention appeared first on Lalande Personal Injury Lawyers | Hamilton Personal Injury Lawyers.

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Ontario Motorcycle Accidents: Statistics, Causes, and Prevention


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