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Kenya and Angola sign 11 legal instruments


Kenya and Angola have on Saturday signed 11 legal instruments touching on wildlife management, maritime, agriculture, ICT, oil and gas, health among others.

The event which was witnessed by both Presidents at State House was meant to boost the existing bilateral relation between the two countries on also matter shipping, forestry and agriculture.

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“Other MOUs are on telecommunications and ICT, oil and gas, mining and geology, health collaboration, capacity building of the public service and cooperation of our respective diplomatic academies. These frameworks will unlock the potential of our commercial and trade relations,” said President William Ruto

In order to boost trade and movement between the two countries, President William Ruto confirmed the removal of Visa requirement of people from Angola with immediate effect.

“We have also directed our respective ministers responsible for Transport to expedite and conclude discussions on the resumption of direct flights between Kenya and Angola,” he said

Other discussions revolved around promoting peace and security within the Great Lake region and support Angola’s candidature for the chairmanship of Southern African Development Community (SADC).

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Kenya and Angola sign 11 legal instruments
