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Kenya Airforce helicopter crashes in Lamu


A Kenya Airforce helicopter conducting night patrol in Lamu County crashed killing several soldiers in the process.

Through a statement, KDF confirmed the incident and that the crew and other crew members were part of the surveillance team in the ongoing operation amani boni.

“A Kenya Airforce Huey Helicopter crashed last night while on night patrol in Lamu County. The crew and other military personnel onboard were part of an air surveillance squadron intensifying day and night patrols and surveillance for the on-going Operation Amani Boni.” said KDF

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Mourning the deaths of the soldiers was President William Ruto who honoured their bravery in defending and protecting Kenya’s sovereignty.

“Our condolences to the families and friends on the heartbreaking loss of our heroes in the Lamu helicopter crash. We honour their bravery in defending and protecting Kenya’s sovereignty. Our prayers are with the Kenya Defence Forces and all those that have been affected by the tragedy.” said President William Ruto

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Kenya Airforce helicopter crashes in Lamu
