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What Is Your Favorite Star Wars Movie of All Time?

I know it's blasphemous to the OG fans watching from theaters at its start, but I love Revenge of the Sith. It's, without question, my favorite.

Anakin's descent into the anger and hate that pulls him to the Dark Side is fantastic, the music is incredible, and the battle on Mustafar is top-tier. So what's your personal all-time favorite Star Wars movie? Here are the Reddit Star Wars fans' top ten countdown. 

10. The Force Awakens (2015)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd./Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

One user said, “Don't hate me, but, The Force Awakens.”

Another added, “It's an incredible Star Wars Movie. Depending on your view of the sequels, J.J. Abrams made a movie that felt like going home, going back to Star Wars.”

9. Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)

Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

One person suggested, “I'm going to get a lot of flak for this, but I'm a huge fan. I grew up on the original trilogy, and honestly, the Han Solo movie is my absolute favorite. I thought it was terrific.”

Another added, “In my opinion, it's the only movie since the OT that has fully recaptured what the OT was trying to be (especially ANH).”

8. Attack of The Clones (2002)

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm Ltd.

“I like Attack of the Clones,” one replied. “It gives us Obi-Wan reprised by Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christiansen as teen/adult Anakin. Yes, the writing and acting were mediocre BUT, I LOVE the world-building it does.”

“Until then, we only knew about Tatooine, Coruscant, Alderaan, Naboo, and a few misc ship locations. In AotC, we now have Kamino, Geonosis, droid factories, and a massive assembly of Jedi to get our Terrific Trio out of a jam!”

7. The Phantom Menace (1999)

Image Credit: Jedipedia Das Star Wars Wiki

“Despite its flaws, Episode 1 and purely because of Liam Neeson. Qui-Gon Jinn will always be my favorite Jedi, and Duel of the Fates will always be iconic. Darth Maul is the most incredible-looking Star Wars character.”

Another agreed, “It was way over-hated. Young Anakin and the Gungans were annoying, but I loved ‘Duel of the Fates' at the end.”

6. The Last Jedi (2017)

Image Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

“The Last Jedi is my favorite movie in Star Wars, and it made me enjoy Rey as a character a lot. Kylo became a fascinating character, the cinematography is beautiful, and it has one of my favorite Star Wars fight scenes,” one fan confessed.

Another agreed, “With you 100%. It’s super close between TLJ and ESB for me, and they are interchangeable.”

“I was 11 when it came out, and TLJ will always be that movie that opened my eyes to what stories could be,” shared one. “It might sound silly to people who watched the movies as adults, but Luke tossing away the saber and Kylo killing Snoke were groundbreaking to me at the time.”

5. Rogue One (2016)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd.

One fan confessed, “Up until a few months ago, I still would have said ESB just because I'm old and crusty, but I find myself rewatching Rogue One every other month or so. I don't see any of the things people dislike about it. And obviously, it's getting better by the week as Andor remains flawless.” 

“I feel exactly the same,” another admitted. “Rogue One was already ahead of all the other Star Wars movies for me, even ESB, but Andor is cementing it in stone as the best thing to ever happen to SW.”

A third replied, “Rogue One, by a comfortable margin.” 

However, most people shouting out Rogue One followed it with their love for the Andor series on Disney+. So it's safe to assume the series has influenced several fans' love of the film. 

4. Return of The Jedi (1983)

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox

Someone stated, “Return of the Jedi. The whole movie is fantastic. Jabba's Palace. Endor speeder bikes. The best space battle with the entire Rebel fleet. Vader vs. Luke and Vader redemption. The Ewoks believe C3PO is a god.”

“I love that movie. Probably the best pre-CGI special effects in the history of cinema too.”

Another agreed, “Return of the Jedi. The fleet battle at the end is still one of the best space combat scenes ever.” Finally, a third user said, “Return of the Jedi feels like it encompasses the journey of the Skywalker family.”

“Luke helping Vader achieve redemption is quite an emotional journey. Also, I like ROTJ because of a specific Leia costume.” But, of course, the user is talking about Princess Leia in the gold bikini. 

3. Revenge of The Sith (2005)

Image Credit: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi had close vote counts. However, RotS had more individual posts claiming it as a personal favorite. So it gets the slight edge over RotJ. I'm sorry, OT peeps. Anakin evolving into Darth Vader is the greatest. 

“Revenge of the Sith feels like a modern Greek tragedy; Anakin is as heroic and flawed as Oedipus or Achilles and touches on the debate of free will vs. agency that has been argued for the length of western civilization. Does Anakin's story happen because he's a slave to fate and prophecy?”

“Or does the prophecy solely exist because nobody else would make the choices Anakin made? Revenge of the Sith, in the context of the Skywalker Saga surrounding it, has the same key elements that make the debate on free will so fascinating in western literature. RotS was finally the keystone film that completes the Star Wars take on this story.”

2. A New Hope (1977)

Image Credit: 20th Century Fox/Lucasfilm Ltd.

One person suggested, “If you can watch A New Hope with fresh eyes, please remember that Lucas made a swashbuckling sci-fi fantasy adventure that doubles as film history (and real history).”

It's a pastiche that blends The Hidden FortressThe SearchersBuck RogersTwelve O'Clock High, and like 18 other film influences, and yet somehow came out the other side as a fully coherent and dizzying family-friendly masterpiece that became the biggest hit of all time.

“Viewed from one angle, it's all extremely familiar, but if you tweak your approach slightly, I swear you'll have a fresh appreciation for what a miraculous film it is.”

1. The Empire Strikes Back (1980)

Image Credit: LucasFilm Ltd.

Was there ever any doubt? But, of course, The Empire Strikes Back earned the most love. Enamored by the Jedi training, Hoth, and sparks flying between Han and Leia, Star Wars fans praise its entirety. Bespin, Boba, and the scene pitting Luke against Vader were all mentioned. 

Someone stated, “The most iconic moment in the franchise, and in cinematic history, ‘I am your father,” makes this the number one answer, however basic.”

Another fan replied, “Nothing basic about Empire Strikes Back. It's a complex narrative with a shocking twist that flips the entire script on the audience's perception of the main protagonist and antagonist. It's all killer and no filler.”

We hope you enjoyed this Reddit picks countdown of Star Wars fans' personal favorites. Also, check out these twenty crazy stories, facts, and myths about Darth Vader.

This article was produced and syndicated by Wealth of Geeks. 

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What Is Your Favorite Star Wars Movie of All Time?


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