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Privilege vs. Penalty: How Wealth and Power Skew Justice in India

Privilege Vs. Penalty: How Wealth And Power Skew Justice In India

India, a land renowned for its rich cultural heritage and democratic ideals, faces an insidious problem that undermines the very foundation of its justice system. It seems that in India, justice is not blind but rather, it squints through the lenses of wealth and power. In a nation where one can seemingly get away with murder by penning a mere 300-word essay, one must question the integrity and effectiveness of the judiciary.

Consider the case of 17-year-old Vedant Agarwal, who, while driving a Porsche, tragically ended the lives of two people on a two-wheeler. His punishment? Writing an essay on the impact of road accidents. This almost satirical leniency starkly contrasts with the harsh penalties meted out to the less privileged for far lesser offenses.

Pune Porshe Accident by 17 years teen Vedant Agarwal

Another glaring example is Ashish Mishra, son of BJP Union Minister Ajay Mishra. Mishra’s SUV plowed through a group of peacefully protesting farmers, killing four. Despite the heinous nature of the crime, he was granted bail with minimal conditions, slipping out of prison through the back gate—a luxury not afforded to the average prisoner.

The story repeats itself with Prajwal Revanna, a Member of Parliament from Karnataka and grandson of former Prime Minister HD Deve Gowda. Facing allegations of sexual assault, he managed to flee the country effortlessly, showcasing the ease with which the powerful can evade justice.

Meanwhile, influential BJP leader Brij Bhushan Singh remains untouched despite serious allegations from seven women athletes. His untouchable status is a testament to the impunity enjoyed by the political elite.

(L) Ashish Mishra (M) Brijbhusan Singh (R) Prajwal Revanna

Contrast these cases with the plight of ordinary citizens. Hundreds languish in jails for petty crimes, unable to pay meager fines, their lives indefinitely on hold. The discrepancy is stark and unsettling.

Salman Khan, a Bollywood superstar, infamously killed one person and injured many in a hit-and-run case, only to walk free after a convoluted legal battle. His case, much like the others, underscores the grim reality that in India, justice is a commodity, not a right.

This systemic failure prompts a mass exodus of Indians seeking a life of dignity and fairness abroad. The middle and lower classes, stripped of their rights and dignity, live in perpetual fear of an arbitrary and biased justice system.

Rahul Gandhi, a prominent Congress leader, aptly criticized the immediate bail granted to Vedant Agarwal, highlighting the gross disparity in the judicial treatment of the rich and powerful versus the common man. Gandhi’s criticism sheds light on the widening chasm between the wealthy and the poor, a gap Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems indifferent to. Modi’s response, “Will I make everyone poor?” rings hollow in the face of such glaring injustice.

As an ordinary middle-class citizen in India, the question that haunts us is: Are we truly safe? The answer, unfortunately, appears to be a resounding no. The Indian judicial system, mired in corruption and favoritism, fails to protect the vulnerable and uphold the principles of justice.

Until there is a significant overhaul of this broken system, justice in India will remain an illusion, a privilege of the powerful, while the rest continue to suffer in silence.

This post first appeared on Digpu News, please read the originial post: here

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Privilege vs. Penalty: How Wealth and Power Skew Justice in India
