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Npower:How to Check My Deployment Status/PPA on updated Dashboard

Npower:How To Check My Deployment Status/PPA On Updated Dashboard

Due to the changes and web updates  in the dashboard of one  of the Federal Government empowerment scheme know as Npower, Beneficiaries of the scheme have been complaining that they couldn't find the tab for deployment / PPA(Place of Primary Assignment). 

We hereby write this article to help the beneficiaries easily locate the position of the deployment /PPA in their dashboard, which might look as if it has disappeared in the dashboard. 

Below are the steps to locate the new location of your Deployment status /PPA 

1)Go to the official Npower website

2)sign in with your email and password (The email must be the same you provided during registration).

3)After successfully signing in, click on "Overview".

4)Under the "Overview", click on "edit"

5)You will see "Overview" with "Deployment" by the side. 

6)Click on Deployment (then you find your PPA) 

If you are finding it difficult, kindly sign out and sign in again after a few minutes. 

This post first appeared on AZI BASE, please read the originial post: here

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Npower:How to Check My Deployment Status/PPA on updated Dashboard
