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In the Garden : Birds


Happy Tuesday and it’s National Bird Day and I am celebrating with all thing : Birds. From attracting Birds to fun and easy DIY projects that make for great Mother’s Day gifts.

How to attract birds to your garden

  1. Set up some bird feeders. One of the best ways to encourage birds to visit has got to be by installing some bird feeders in your garden. …
  2. Provide fresh water. Water is of course vital for birds‘ survival, as they need it for drinking and bathing. …
  3. Give birds somewhere to nest. …
  4. Plant some bird-friendly plants.

Attracting Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are a useful—and fascinating—addition to any wildlife garden, not only for their pollination skills, but also for their amazing wingspan and maneuvering. These tiny miracle birds feed on nectar from flowers, so providing native plants with red, tubular flowers is best.

Feeders designed to hold sugar water “nectar” will be used by hummingbirds too. Most models are colored red to mimic their favorite flowers.

How to Mix Your Own Hummingbird Feeder Nectar

  1. Dissolve one part white sugar in four parts hot water.
  2. Boil the water if you plan to store the nectar in the refrigerator.
  3. Never use honey, which ferments easily, or artificial sweeteners, which have no food value for birds. Red food coloring is not recommended as it may be harmful to birds.
  4. Let the solution cool to room temperature before putting it in your feeder. You can store homemade nectar for up to a week in the refrigerator.

Once you fill your feeder, don’t forget to empty, rinse and refill your feeder every two to three days (especially in warm weather) to prevent spoiling. This ensures that hummingbirds won’t become sick from drinking bad nectar.

Gifts for Mom :

  • Milk cartoon
  • paint
  • stick
  • rope or string for hanging birdhouse
  • basic craft supplies

Cut square for bird seed. If working with kids you might want to do that for them. And a slit for the birds to rest on. Paint cartoon with basic white paint. And then after drying you can paint your birdhouse with various colors and design. Let dry and Make a hole for hanging. Place in tree and fill with bird seed.

DIY Hummingbird Feeder – Powerade Bottle and Tupperware (butter container)

You’ll need an empty and clean powerade bottle, a square, shallow tupperware container, x-acto knife, thin rope, and hummingbird food. Take the lid for the powerade bottle and trace around it in the center of the tupperware lid using the lidless end as a guide. Carefully cut this circle out of the lid. You’ll want to fit the tupperware lid back on the powerade bottle and the powerade’s cap will screw in to lock it into place between them. 

Cut a small hole in the powerade bottle’s lid for the nectar to fit through, and cut four small holes in the tupperware lid, one in each corner. Put the powerade bottle through the hole in the tupperware lid and screw the cap on to trap it in place. Wrap your twine around the bottle, fill it with nectar, and hang it. You could also set it on your porch railing. 

Tea Cup Bird feeder:

Ceramic teacups and saucers
Epoxy glue
3/4 inch wooden dowels ( you can paint or leave undone)

 Using the epoxy adhesive, glue the teacup to the saucer, and let dry at least 24 hours. Then glue the flat end of the dowel to the bottom of the teacup saucer and dry for at least 24 hours. After all set- push dowel rod into the dirt and fill the cup with bird seeds.

This post first appeared on Lisa Everyday Life, please read the originial post: here

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In the Garden : Birds
