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Astrology And New Zodiac Signs For Kids | Child.

Astrology And New Zodiac Signs For Kids | Child.

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What will happen to your child ? 
Check your child's HOROSCOPE ...

ARIES from 21 March to 19 April ( He/She is too impatient to fathom something. )

First bully in the yard and in the classroom. He/She writes ugly words on the walls, talk back to teachers, and urges his/her friends to truant.

He/She talk back to his parents. But this little brawler is very smart. At school they say about him "gifted lazy''. He/She is too impatient to fathom something. Good grades usually gets from physical education or practical classes. But although he/she has bad grades from English, when have some school trip, he/she will learn it in a flash. He/She passes the high school diploma without any problems - also because school wants to get rid of him/her. 

If in his/her youth he/she doesn't become the boss of a gang or a boxer - with age he/she will gain understanding and will doing well in life. He/She will be best politician, inventor, military. Constantly organizing something, he/she remains active until late age.

★ TIP : 
When he/she doesn't get what he/she wants, he/she screams and doesn't give up until he/she gets what he/she wants. How to calm him/her down ? For whims and bad humor, the best medicine for him/her is outdoor movement. He/She loves trips.

TAURUS from 20 April to 20 May ( He/She wonders about the little things for hours. Artistically talented. )

In childhood is fat, lethargic, lazy and not very smart. Thinks hardly, for hours thinks about little things. Artistically talented.

At school, he/she sits politely in the first bench, notes diligently, staring at the teacher as if in a picture. At breaks he/she reports what they say about him/her in the classroom and who went on truancy. He /She will not prompt and help, will not borrow books and will not share breakfast. If he/she gets a better grade, he/she demands a reward from his/her parents. "Best grade" can have only from behavior in school. Although not brilliant, he/she learn everything solidly.

In life, he/she only deals with what brings big money. There are many robbers, scammers and spies from this zodiac sign. Taurus is also a business man. Not only will he/she keep what he/she has won, but yet will happily multiply it. The innate sense of beauty makes him/her an excellent architect, chef, artist.

★ TIP : 
Need more attention and patience from parents and teachers than other children. Stubbornly asks difficult questions and never forgets the promises his mother and father made to him/her ! He/She likes to eat - need to observe a constant mealtime, otherwise child will be nervous and anxious, as well as obese ...

GEMINI from 21 May to 21 June ( He/She quickly gets bored and becomes unbearable ... )

When other children are just beginning to talk, he/she already torments his/her parents with constant "and why ...?".

Grandma has to invent new fairy tales every evening, because old ones bore him/her. He/She also knows how to start computer better than Granny does. The terror of teachers. In classroom he/she talks all the time, fidgets, asks embarrassing questions. He/She learns twice as fast as the rest of the class. A master in studying a few things at once - on top of it in five minutes and never until the end.

He/She loves new things, everything unusual, effective and fashionable. He/She often changes interests and profession. Excellent in politics, journalism, commerce, marketing and advertising. Also cynical, cunning and without rules - then he/she is a great lawyer - or a scammer !

★ TIP : 
Has ability to learn foreign languages. Should enroll him/her in a language school or turn on cartoons in the original language. If he/she is not provided with new entertainment and toys, he/she gets bored and becomes unbearable. He/She likes traveling.

Cancer from 22 June to 22 July ( He/She doesn't like when his mother is not with him/her. )

Scared, snotty, he/she clings to the mother's skirt. Pulled to school by force, he/she cries a lot and pee into bed from nervousness of day at school.

At the blackboard he/she pales, loses voice and remains silent, even though he/she was study all evening. Convinced that everyone wants to hurt him/her, he/she locks himself/herself in his/her room or bathroom. There, he/she enjoys studying horseshoes under the eyes and the tongue in the mirror.

However, when he/she overcomes his/her fears and believes in himself/herself, he/she is great at learning. Help him/her great memory, great intuition and rich imagination. At work, he/she is thorough, independent and responsible. Works as a teacher, geologist, historian, farmer or linguist.

★ TIP : 
He/She doesn't like when his mother is not with him/her. Need special care and protection ! He/She is very sensitive to criticism, often offended and crying. He/She easily gets into the mood of his/her parents, and every, even the smallest, home quarrel frightens and saddens him/her. That's why you can't argue with your partner near him/her !

LEO from 23 July to 22 August ( Born as actor and prince ... )

A sweet smiling brat has been tyrannizing house since he/she was born. You have to constantly take care of him/her, admire him/her - he/she roars and cries like somebody slaughtered him/her.

At school, he/she immediately sits on the first bench and takes the leadership of the classroom. He/She kindly decides who will sit next to him/her, who will have the honor to carry his/her slippers or a backpack. In lessons he/she makes a fool and raises his/her hand, although he/she doesn't know much. At home, he/she boasts how much good grades he/she got today. Meanwhile, during talk with teacher, parents of this genius find out that he/she will not pass to the next class.

Born as actor and prince. You want him/her to achieve something, tease his/her ambitions and glory alternately. Leo must feel that he/she is doing something brilliant. Criticism destroys him/her - applause gives him/her wings. More than money, he/she is interested in fame and power. A master at using others, he/she loves titles, orders and honors. Born to be a politician, dictator and leader. Disappointed with life, he/she wanders around bars and for beer will tell you who he/she was once.

★ TIP :
You can't point out his/her mistakes and laugh at defeats, because his /her pride will be offended. So follow the advice above. He/She has a great acting talent, which he/she often uses to get away from household duties. So be vigilant - don't be fooled by sweet smiles and assurances : "In a moment, mommy".

VIRGO from 23 August to 22 September ( He/She will never lose anything, will not make dirty anything and will not destroy anything ... )

Perfect and wise to disgusting. Already in the cradle he/she sucks mom's breast and poop at a specific time.

He/She reads early, writes and like no other child, clean clothes. He/She will never lose anything, won't make anything dirty or destroy it. He/She doesn't forget about his/her duties, is happy that has lessons from morning to evening. He/She will point out mistakes of everyone, will not spare even teachers.

If he/she chooses a scientific career - he/she has a good chance of winning a Nobel. Is accurate and logical up to the pain. He/She never indulges himself/herself to have fun. Even sex life begins only after a thorough study of the issue. Most often, he/she doesn't make a great career. He.She is eager to hide behind someone else's back, because is afraid of independent decisions, rebellion and opposition. Usually, he/she becomes a conscientious nurse, accountant or night keeper, honestly guarding someone else's property.

★ TIP :
Appreciates the constant mealtimes and play time. It helps him/her to plan his/her day and activities. Requires a lot of tenderness and care, because he/she is not able to show feelings too exuberantly. He/She tolerates criticism very badly.

LIBRA from 23 September to 22 October ( He/She says exactly what they expect from him/her. He/She doesn't mess stuff up. ) 

The nicest child in the yard and at school. Always says thank you and apologize.

He/She is friends with the whole class, teachers love him/her and he/she says exactly what they expect from him/her. He/She doesn't mess stuff up. He/She writes the most beautiful essays and has only best grades on his/her certificate. He/She feels best in a group - there he/she can easily get away from any work and make only a good impression.

He/She can always find someone who will clean his/her room, write a master's thesis or get a comfortable job. Libra don't need deeper thoughts. He/She prefers to repeat other's judgment. Only in the business is cunning and show persistence. He/She can be an excellent mediator, diplomat, actor. Can work in every profession related to fashion or art. Matrimonial fraud is very easy for him/her.

★ TIP :
He/She wants to be treated in a unique way, he/she doesn't like open competition. Forced to do what he/she doesn't want, he/she can close himself/herself and not talk to parents for a long time ! He/She loves going for walks, making friends and visiting unknown, interesting places.

SCORPIO from 23 October to 21 November ( Already in kindergarten, he/she beats children, peers under teacher's skirts and refuses to eat spinach. )

When he/she gets older, he/she becomes the leader of the class and woe to those who don't submit to him/her. He/She is constantly beating someone. Writes ugly words on the toilet. At night he/she cuts mummy's dress and daddy's suit. He/She has no problems with studying. His/her keen and penetrating mind easily absorbs what he/she really interested in. And when he/she loves some subject, he/she is the best in it.

Stubborn and durable, bold and reliable, he/she can be an outstanding military man, doctor, policeman or scientist. He/She doesn't care about his/her career or money. He/She must achieve SOMETHING ! There is no more cunning zodiac than Scorpio is.

★ TIP :
Is very suspicious, has his/her secrets, and if something happens that frightens him/her, it will be difficult to get out of him/her what really happened. Keep it gentle ! He/She must also not promise something and then fail to fulfill his/her commitment. Parents should be very tender and understanding. Despite his/her rebellions and attempts at independence, he/she is vulnerable and needs proof that he/she is loved.

SAGITTARIUS from 22 November to 21 December ( He/She is very trusting and direct ... )

He/She mess up house and doesn't let his parents live. At school, teachers go gray, because Sagittarius runs around classroom, pranks his friends and smokes in the toilet.

He/She can't concentrate on anything. Only when he/she is in danger of repeating the class, finally he/she sit down and pass it. Forced by parents, he/she may even complete his/her studies. He/She is not stupid, but he/she is so interested in fun, sport, company or amor that he/she has no head to learn.

The thirst for knowledge comes to him/her with age. Then he/she violently trains on several courses. He/She does everything to make his/her work as travel. He/She also uses the pen perfectly. He/She can handle any situation, because he/she believes in his/her luck. Often in old age he/she starts life again. Most losers, as well as bankrupts and gamblers, are among Sagittarius.

★ TIP :
Is very trusting and direct, will not have secrets from you, just like will not have from others - he/she will tell to the right and left what is happening at home and between parents ... So make sure that child doesn't know spicy details of your life ;) He/She is liked for his/her honesty, simplicity and talent for making up jokes. If you forbid him/her to hang out with friends or move, run, play sports - he/she will be very unhappy !

CAPRICORN from 22 December to 19 January ( From a very young age, he/she needs clearly drawn boundaries ... )

Unfriendly and introverted. Initially, learning goes for him/her quite hard, but day by day he/she gets better in it.

Although it will take a long time before he/she really understands something - once he/she remembers something, it's forever. So he/she finishes school with a completely good certificate. University - often with honors.

There is no better person at work than he/she. Where reliability, patience, accuracy, perseverance, deep knowledge are required - he/she is the one who triumphs. For him, work is the meaning of life. He/She can be a banker, policeman or bailiff. Although also - which is not surprising - in this sign are born many worshipers of the holy bureaucrat.

★ TIP :
From a young age, he/she needs clearly defined boundaries and even daily duties to function properly. He/She likes to spend time alone and needs a lot of time just for himself/herself. Don't force him/her on every shopping, let him/her for a moment of solitude. He/She is shy when he/she has to show his/her work or express his/her opinion in a public forum. Encourage him/her gently, praise him/her for every little success.

AQUARIUS from 20 January to 18 February ( Alive as a spark, curious to the limits of safety. )

A genius from birth, a wonderful child. Alive as a spark, curious to the limits of safety.

When other children in the cot hold the teddy bear, he/she will undress him to check what he has inside. At school, he/she knows everything better. He/She makes laboratory blows up, gets lost on trips, leads teachers to white fever, pointing out their illogicalities. Although he/she finishes primary school, because nobody has the strength to argue with him/her anymore.

Systematic classes are torture for Aquarius. Although he/she has
photographic memory and the mind of a scientist - he/she often quits learning after the first year. Sometimes he/she switches to acting or art studies and finds himself/herself here. Aquarius is an extraordinary artist of a pen, brush or occult and divination expert. Sometimes he/she gets completely weird in old age ...

★ TIP :
Is distracted and it is difficult for him/her to do his homework properly. Although he/she has a very delicate nervous system, it is easy to offend him/her or make him/her worry about some unsolved matter. It is difficult to control him/her or force to served obedience, and the effect of shouting and punishment can be just the opposite of what was intended. Therefore, from a young age, you need to introduce child to the duties gently and interestingly.

PISCES from 19 February to 20 March ( He/She has great artistic skills - undeveloped, they are wasting away. )

Skinny, tearful, weak. His/her parents puff and blow at him/her. Meanwhile, the baby, always unhappy and sick, turns it in his/her favor, demanding that everyone around him/her run and fulfill his/her wishes.

When no one sees, he/she pinches his/her sister or dog and ... he/she is in tears. A terrible lazy, boot-licker and liar. Teachers are also fooled at school by him/her. Poor thing, so nice and fragile - they sigh and give him/her good grades. So that's why Pisces are doing great because, in addition, where is need for imagination, intuition and associations it's of course his/her element. Although it is difficult for him/her to concentrate on something longer, he/she often stands out in maths lessons and in foreign languages.

Then he/she looks for someone who will help him/her at work. He/She is successful in health care, in free professions, as a stage artist or poet. He/She makes a career on the backs of rich and influential people.

★ TIP :
Is comprehensively talented, although it is difficult to get him/her to work systematically. He/she has great artistic skills - undeveloped, they are just wasting away. It is the parent's task to help child choose the right way to develop talent ! However, need to do it really skillfully, listening to the child's real needs. Because often he/she passively gives in to the will of parents, because he/she is afraid to express his/her opinion or is unable to determine what he/she really wants. He /She prefers to observe everything from a safe distance, comment on events and not bother himself/herself with it all.

This post first appeared on My Personal Blog - Galaxy Kicia, please read the originial post: here

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Astrology And New Zodiac Signs For Kids | Child.
