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I Almost Didn’t Graduate
In my last post, I gave the basic update of my life but I I do have to share the story about how I thought it was all going to fall apart. I gotta say that I didn’t think I was going t… Read More
This is a contributed post. Meta Description: Discover how those with severe PTSD can manage their day, from morning routines to therapy, with the help of mindfulness, service dogs, and self… Read More
Here’s To Future Adventures
There have been a lot of changes in my life over the last couple of months. I finally finished my BA which I never thought it would happen. (My graduation ceremony is August 2nd!) I passed m… Read More
Who doesn’t love a dinner party with friends? It’s super important to make sure you know who can and can’t eat what. One of the most kind things you can do for a friend is… Read More
This is an affiliate post. We’ve all been there—one day you’re fine, and the next, you’re dealing with a nagging ache or a sharp pain. Often, these are just part o… Read More
According to the WHO (World Health Organization), over 300 million people worldwide have an anxiety disorder. However, it’s likely that the actual figures are far higher, as many peopl… Read More
It’s never too late to start taking care of your health. After all, your mental and physical well-being influences every aspect of your life, and making a conscious effort to improve i… Read More
Racism And My White Privilege
I had kind of a weird thing happen at work a few months ago. In the mornings, a few of us sit in the lobby waiting for the kids who were still arriving (late). One of the moms stayed back to… Read More
Finishing My College Adventure
Well, after the financial aid drama (which I finally got!) and the pure adjustment to doing homework again, I have finished my spring semester and only have one semester left. I will be taki… Read More
Quality Time With Your Teen
It’s so hard with teens/young adult kids. I call them all teens but only two of them technically are. Even my little William is now 21. You are far away from the days when they are… Read More
How Not To Ride An Electric Scooter
Before the holidays are completely in the past, I would be remiss in not telling this story. The kids are quite amused by my skills on the electric scooter so maybe you will be too. Ha. D… Read More
It Was A Chinese Christmas
This was a quiet Christmas. We had a death in the family and no one was feeling particularly festive. I focused on making sure the kids enjoyed the day and they did. So it was a success.&ens… Read More
I think we all have “the one that got away” people in our past, right? Well, I definitely do. He was the guy that I was head over heels for but he did not feel the same. I mean… Read More
I Just Want To Be Liked
You know how they say that when you get older, you stop caring what people think of you? I have heard that too. Well, I’m older but I’m apparently not one of those people. I do… Read More
Still Trying To Pay For My College
A couple of months ago, I talked about how I was going through it with the financial aid office and guess what?? I still am! SInce last time, I have appealed and while I haven’t bee… Read More
*This is an affiliate post. Getting old is hard. It is for me, anyway, As much as I want to pretend that it’s not happening; the wrinkles tell a different story. And, of course, my… Read More
Transitioning To Full Time Work
I’ve been quiet on the blog for a few weeks because I started working full-time and I have been too exhausted to write. It was really hard to make the decision to go back to work and i… Read More
Happy Saturday! And welcome to the #weekendcoffeeshare hosted by Natalie the Explorer This week has been consumed with filming. Brian has really put together a good group of super talente… Read More
Did I Give Birth To My Adopted Son?
I was laying in bed, this morning, wishing I could fall back to sleep. And I started randomly thinking about how my son wants to be called Will but Brian and I still insist on calling him Wi… Read More
We Are Making A Movie
Internet trolls. Almost everyone has experienced some kind of trolling from a jerk on the internet. Well, that was what inspired my husband, Brian, to write his screenplay and successfully m… Read More
Tips For A Successful Cosplay
So you want to cosplay? Well, cosplay is for everyone! No matter your body-type, your gender identity, or race; you have the right to join in the fun. However, that also means that everyone… Read More
How Do I Adopt From Foster Care?
How do you go about adopting from foster care? What are the steps involved? I have tried to summarize the process for you! (Disclaimer! I haven’t researched each state or any othe… Read More
Pexels – CC0 License This guest post is written with people who need various accommodations when traveling in mind. Travel is exciting but can a lot of work. There’s a lot to… Read More
Today’s guest post is about relieving stress! Life is busy. No matter how stressed you are, the adulting still needs to get done. You still have to get groceries, get your kids to scho… Read More
Teenagers And Their Talents
Some people talk about how ungrateful and difficult teenagers can be. But I say that we don’t appreciate what they do for us. They can really make a contribution to your life and impro… Read More
Welcome to my week’s recap and coffee share hosted by Natalie the Explorer This was actually a pretty lousy week. I don’t know, maybe mercury was in retrograde or something… Read More
Happy Coffee Share day, hosted by Natalie the Explorer! I haven’t really had a lot of interesting things happen this week. I mean, my car broke down on Monday (it’s better now) b… Read More
Struggling To Be Healthy
Man, I was doing so well with my new healthy living lifestyle but now I’m in bed, eating a Hershey bar. This is basically exactly what I promised myself I wouldn’t do. But, as we… Read More
I work for Eldergrow. It’s a really cool program where I go into assisted living faciliites and do gardening related classes. It’s incredibly fulfilling. Anyway, there is… Read More
Today, I want to share a short story by Lola Lariscy. Lola loves to write about Science Fiction and is a former podcaster. Like me, Lola is a big fan of all things involving movies, tv s… Read More
I pride myself on being an animal rescuer. I love all kinds of animals and I’m someone that people call when they find an animal in need. Sometimes, this is a bad thing because I don&r… Read More
Tunnel Vision For My Coffee
I like to think I’m an intelligent woman but the most intelligent person can still do nutty things, especially when she are low on caffeine. I recently went to McDonald’s and had… Read More
How To Make Bird Feeder Citrus Cups
Did you know that February is National Bird Feeding Month? And, yes, I’m aware that I am writing this in May but it’s still true. National Bird Feeding Month became official… Read More
I was inspired to write a poem after reading this one by Pooja I used to love to write poetry but haven’t in years. So please be gentle, haha I hear my son before I open my eyes… Read More
Meeting Steve Burns
Steve Burns. I met Steve Burns! You know, the guy from Blue’s Clues? The original? The guy who paved the way? The guy who graced our screens with green stripes from 1996-2002? Yes, tha… Read More
We all have fears or phobias. My son is afraid of heights. My sister is afraid of being trapped. According to google, there are many who have a phobia of holes. And I’m no exception. I… Read More
Getting In Shape In Your 40’s
I’m back at the gym again. I think I have written posts like this before. But I never could quite figure out how to keep the momentum. It’s been clear to me for awhile that I rea… Read More
Getting To Know Your New Bunny
I have joined the rabbit society! I thought I had finally settled down on my animal “collecting,” But, then I saw a facebook post about a bunny who needed a new home. And not jus… Read More
Where are my Van Gogh fans?? I was lucky enough to go to the Van Gogh experience last weekend and it was awesome. I went in with high expectations and I wasn’t disappointed. I am fasc… Read More
The Time I Got Scammed For A Puppy
I was a victim of a scam. I feel like I should have known better but alas, my rose colored glasses were firmly on my face. I’m not a total fool despite the fact that I have been fooled… Read More
Social Experiments And Its Effects
I felt like I was taking part in a social experiment today. You know, like the one where the guy takes pictures before and after he tells someone they are beautiful? I was heading i… Read More
Was I In A Secret Experiment?
I felt like I was taking part in a social experiment today. You know, like the one where the guy takes pictures before and after he tells someone they are beautiful? I was heading i… Read More
I always knew that my son loved me; even in the tumultuous teen years. But, I never felt overly respected by him. But, that was until I took him to the eye doctor and I didn’t go in wi… Read More
When The Birth Mother Dies
My children’s biological mother is dead. I only know because one day, I decided to be nosy and check jail records to see if she’d been up to anything. She hadn’t. Becau… Read More
When Compassion Backfires
When I was in my 20’s and working at a day care center, they had a petting zoo come. Of course, I was thrilled. I don’t remember the name of the day care. I don’t rememb… Read More
Last weekend, Brian and I went to see The Monkees. It was pretty awesome. And during intermission, I headed for the bathroom. As I was waiting in line, I heard a woman saying that the… Read More
CVS has a great deal this week on these household items. Spend $30 on these participating items and you get $10 in rewards back. Each of these products have coupons coming out tomorrow i… Read More
Life is never simple. The stress and the obligations never end. Adulting is completely over-rated. And this is why it’s super important to find the fun when you can and find opportunit… Read More
I have a puppy! Omg, I have a puppy! All of these years of rescuing/acquiring dogs and I have never had a puppy. The plan wasn’t a puppy but for years, I have been dealing with the… Read More
Head to Publix for your General Mill’s and Kellogg’s cereal this week (9/16 until 9/22). But, first, make sure you have signed up for a Publix account on the app and an accou… Read More
I had one of those little reminders yesterday. You know, the ones when you remember to be grateful? Ready To Start The Day I was heading out to do some pet-sitting. I was a little stre… Read More
They say that horseback riding is beneficial on many levels. And, man, were they right! There is the obvious stuff like strength building, weight loss, and confidence building. But, what I d… Read More
An old boyfriend of mine is dead. He died almost a month ago. We were together for, I don’t know, 2 or 3 years. And a good portion of it was awful. I debated whether is was ok… Read More
A few weeks ago, I applied for a job. (Actually, it was several weeks ago, but I have had a hard time getting back to this post for some reason.) Anyway, yes, I applied for a blogging job. A… Read More
Sometimes, you get an opportunity to really be there for people. Sometimes, in the midst of a sad moment, you can provide comfort. Sometimes, I live for those moments. I’m a petsitter… Read More
A couple of weeks ago, I started a new job. It was the perfect situation, just two days a week, nannying for two kids who were quite lovable. I was surprised that it happened because when th… Read More
How do you know recognize a scam? While keeping an eye out for a work from home job, I soon realized that it was more likely that I would end up in a phishing adventure, instead. I love stay… Read More
Sexual harassment, hostile work environments, and sexual assault are just some of the words that we hear in regards to women’s issues. We hear the words more and more now but not becau… Read More
In September of 2019, I happened upon Buddy Bandana on instagram. They were advertising that they needed brand ambassadors. Being a huge dog lover (all animal lover, really), I was immediate… Read More
So, I decided to drag William to my horse land. Originally, I was worried that it would be an issue because he has a tendency to toe-walk. This is an issue that has definitely worsened while… Read More
I had this vision of writing a post for each lesson or at least, each horse I ride. But, time got away from me. Shocking! So, I’m gonna attempt to succinctly sum up my Horseback Riding… Read More
My son has ADHD and sometimes that just seems like a catch-all diagnosis. Through the years, there have been those who didn’t completely think it was a “thing” and there ha… Read More
I have reached a new level in my relationship with my chickens. I already felt pretty confident that they weren’t afraid of me in any way but now they are comfortable enough to manipul… Read More
I recently switched to Myway! It’s a pre-pay version of JEA (Jacksonville Electric Company). I was immediately skeptical when they pitched it to me as I visualized random disconnection… Read More
My 13 year old epitomizes the term “heavy sleeper.” The worst part of my day has always been any time that I have to wake him up. Homeschool definitely makes that part easier bec… Read More
I have had cats all of my life. Sometimes a reasonable amount, sometimes not so much. But, I have always loved them. And, of course, there have been a few that were particularly special to m… Read More