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New Year Affirmations To Crush Your Goals This Year

New Year Affirmations To Crush Your Goals This Year

Stop letting your limiting beliefs and negative thoughts hold you back from achieving your goals and dreams! Use these New Year Affirmations to turn those negative thoughts into positive thoughts that propel you forward, so you crush your goals this year!

Another year is finished, and a new year is just beginning. Where did the time go?

What are your goals? Wants? Dreams?

The new year is a time for reflection, goal-setting, and resolutions.

Is your mindset holding you back from achieving them?

Many people use the new year to improve old habits or start new healthy ones.

Whether your goals for the new year include getting more exercise, getting your finances straightened out, or anything else, why not work on your mindset to help ensure success in achieving them?

One super helpful tool for changing or improving your mindset is positive affirmations.

Start the new year off with a new habit: new year affirmations. Repeating affirmations about the goals, dreams, and positive changes you want to make can help shape your year in the very best of ways.

Grab your printable set of New Year Affirmation cards to help you achieve all your goals this year! 👇👇

What Are New Year Affirmations?

Many of us repeat negative thoughts in our heads as we go through our days. And believe it or not, those negative thoughts can hold us back from achieving our goals and our dreams.

New year affirmations are positive statements that uplift you, encourage you, and help you replace the negative thoughts in your head with more positive ones.

When you use affirmations to think more positive thoughts, you will manifest more positive outcomes in your life.

So make it your new year’s resolution to start using affirmations.

You deserve to live a joyous, fulfilling, and healthy life, and goals and new year affirmations can help get you there.

Positive Statements Change Mindset

Some people liken positive affirmation to voodoo or magic. But they aren’t magic.

However, affirmations are powerful…because they’re all about mindset!

And once you truly put your mind to something, nothing can hold you back!

New Year affirmations help you create new pathways in the brain, which leads to building new habits, that help make you more likely to accomplish your goals and resolutions for the year ahead!

Grab your printable set of New Year Affirmation cards to help you achieve all your goals this year! 👇👇

How To Use Positive Affirmations

The power of affirmations comes from rewiring your brain to live a reality that you want to create for yourself.

That’s a VERY different idea than just responding to your environment, which is what many of us do throughout our lives.

If you’ve never used affirmations before, the key is to make them a part of your routine – a piece of your daily practice.

You can start slowly – try using them for just a few minutes per day.

You may feel like it’s hokey at first, or you might not believe the new year affirmations when you first begin repeating them.

That’s ok! Keep repeating them. This is where one of my favorite phrases comes into play: fake it until you make it.

The more you repeat the words, the more likely you will come to believe them. And once you believe the affirmations, the better the chance that they will help you achieve your dreams and goals.

Try following these steps to use your new year affirmations:

  • Start with a few deep breaths to calm your body and open your mind to new possibilities.
  • Pick one affirmation for a day and repeat it to yourself 2 – 3 times in the morning and again in the evening.
  • Allow yourself to feel the positive energy of these affirmations and open yourself up to the possibility of believing them.
  • Repeat this process daily and make it a habit. It only takes a few minutes!

Grab your printable set of New Year Affirmation cards to help you achieve all your goals this year! 👇👇

New Years Affirmations For A Great Year Ahead

Check out this list of affirmations for the new year to help you create a great and wonderful year ahead.

After all, what better way to start off the new year than by reshaping your mindset to embrace positivity, growth, and abundance?

  1. I let go of any fear.
  2. I am making myself a priority this year.
  3. I’m ready for a new beginning.
  4. I’ve got everything it takes to achieve my dreams.
  5. I am successful and powerful.
  6. I deserve to reach all my goals.
  7. This year is going to be a beautiful year for me.
  8. I break through all my limiting beliefs to find true fulfillment and success.
  9. I start each day by sending and receiving peace and love.
  10. This year I will accomplish my dreams.
  11. I choose to find happiness each and every day of this new year.
  12. I have all the money I need.
  13. Everything I do turns into success.
  14. I am excited about my future.
  15. I am eager to move forward with my goals.
  16. This year is the time to take action.
  17. I deserve to be happy.
  18. I am ready to live a better life.
  19. Everything in my life is improving.
  20. I am excited about my potential.
  21. Now is my time to shine.
  22. I let go of the last year and embrace the gifts of the new year.
  23. I am creating my new life through thoughts, feelings, and action.
  24. This is the best year of my life!
  25. I am optimistic about what’s to come.
  26. I cannot wait to change my life.
  27. This is my year.
  28. I am exactly where I am supposed to be.
  29. I let go of the past, and I welcome the future.
  30. This is a year of abundance and joy!
  31. I am grateful for the lessons I learned in the past year.
  32. I honor the obstacles and challenges I had to face.
  33. I am proud of what I have accomplished.
  34. Joy is my birthright.
  35. I trust that everything will work out for me.
  36. I am willing to be kinder to myself.
  37. Now is my time to thrive.
  38. I choose to see the world with more love.
  39. I am a channel for inspiration and motivation.
  40. This is my opportunity.
  41. I surrender my timeline and agenda to a Higher Power.
  42. I release the habit of fear and choose the habit of love.
  43. Now is my time to make an impact.
  44. I choose to have more compassion for those around me.
  45. I am committed to making gratitude a daily habit.
  46. I have found the love of my life in this new year – me.
  47. I choose to be happy every day of this new year.
  48. I am starting the New Year with positivity.
  49. I am ready to take action.
  50. I am thankful for the fresh start.
  51. This year, I’m making myself a priority.
  52. I forgive myself.
  53. I love and respect myself.
  54. I’m going to only focus on things I can control and let go of worry about the rest.
  55. I let go of the need to do everything perfectly.
  56. I am thankful for the opportunities that I had and the new opportunities that are coming.
  57. I believe in myself.
  58. This new year, I am creating healthy boundaries for myself.
  59. I am worthy of all that is good.
  60. I release the need for someone else’s good opinion for me.
  61. Today is a great day to be alive!
  62. I release the fear of failure.
  63. I love the person that I am becoming.
  64. I am proud of how far I’ve come.
  65. I attract positivity.
  66. This new year is going to be a year of transformation for me.
  67. I will take good care of my health in 2023.
  68. I can achieve anything I put my mind to.
  69. I accept change, and I accept growth.
  70. I believe in my abilities.
  71. I’m leaving my past and regrets behind me.
  72. I have everything that I need within me to achieve my goals and dreams.
  73. I am harder than all the challenges and hurdles lying in my way.
  74. I am open to receiving unexpected opportunities.
  75. I am competent, smart, and able.

Grab your printable set of New Year Affirmation cards to help you achieve all your goals this year! 👇👇

Do New Year Affirmations Work?

Yes! New year affirmations work!

Full Disclosure: that’s not to say that your year will go exactly as you plan it. Life does like to throw curve balls, after all!

However, even though your year may unfold in a different way than you plan it, new year affirmations will help you handle the unexpected better than you would have.

And they’ll help you overcome challenges in a positive way! Always be open to unexpected possibilities.

How To Use New Year Affirmations

If you want to create a year filled with success, you need to direct most of your thoughts to be aligned toward making achievements.

Do that by replacing your negative thoughts with positive ones.

Whenever you find your thoughts not in alignment with your desire to be successful, repeat affirmations that you find helpful toward realigning yourself with success.

I recommend repeating each new year affirmation 2-3 times in the morning and again in the evening.

You can either repeat the same affirmation for 30 days before moving on to another one, or you can do a new one each day and repeat each month.

This set of New Year Affirmations is designed so that you can do it either way you prefer!

Final Thoughts

At the start of a new year, many of us make “new years resolutions.” These goals can be motivating and exciting when you first make them, but that often wears off after a while and then forgotten or abandoned.

Making New Year Affirmations a part of your daily routine will help you let go of any negative thoughts (or limiting beliefs)!

Remember, affirmations only work if YOU DO the work of using them. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish!

And don’t forget to grab your printable set of New Year Affirmation cards to help you achieve all your goals this year! 👇👇

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The post New Year Affirmations To Crush Your Goals This Year appeared first on Made In A Pinch.

This post first appeared on Made In A Pinch, please read the originial post: here

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New Year Affirmations To Crush Your Goals This Year
