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How To Make Dandelion Jelly

How To Make Dandelion Jelly

When life hands you dandelions….you make dandelion jelly! Put those invasive and annoying dandelions to good use by making this delicate and delicious jelly that tastes like honey with a splash of lemon!

I love to watch cooking shows to see what kind of interesting and unique foods they make. A lot of times they will garnish their culinary creations with edible flowers to make the dish look and taste even more delicious.

Honestly, when I look at a dandelion, I definitely do not think about putting them on a plate to jazz up the dish nor have I ever thought of eating them in any manner.

I know that they’re the new hot food item – even superfood, according to some people. But, when I see them growing in my yard, the only thing I think to do is pull the weeds!

That is until NOW!

Turning Invasive Weeds Into Delicious Dandelion Jelly

This recipe is definitely worth trying. Let the kiddos help pick the flowers and prepare the petals for the jelly (they’ll love that job!).

Better yet, make a game out of it and see who can find the most dandelions. 😉 You can also give them the job of being the official taste testers once the jelly is ready to eat too!

Did you know that dandelion jelly has a wonderful honey-lemon flavor?!?! That’s why it would be delicious on biscuits, sandwiches, crackers, ice cream or even add a spoonful to some yogurt. Yum, yum, and YUM!

Well, I know your curiosity is piqued so what are you waiting for. 😁

If you are looking for more unique recipes, try my Spring Colored Deviled Eggs, Peanut Butter, Nutella & Banana Sushi Rolls or Homemade Strawberry Honey.

Ingredients Needed for Dandelion Jelly

  • Dandelion Flowers – for this recipe, make sure you have removed all the green from the flower before you steep in hot water
  • Boiling Water
  • Granulated Sugar
  • Fresh Lemon Juice
  • Powdered Pectin – Sure Jell makes a powdered pectin
  • 1/2 Pint Jelly Jars

How to Make Dandelion Jelly

Here’s how to make the dandelion jelly. Down below, I’ll also include instructions for canning the jelly.

Step 1

To begin, you will need to make a dandelion tea. Rinse the dandelion petals thoroughly making sure all the green is removed.

Step 2

Place the flowers in a large container. A glass jar or metal pot will work best.

Step 3

Pour the boiling water over the dandelions stirring lightly to make sure they are all covered with water. Allow to cool before putting in refrigerator and steep for at least 4 hours or overnight.

Step 4

IMPORTANT: You will want to read all the directions before continuing on. This is so you can time the sterilization of the jars with the jelly making process.

The sterilization process will be posted below as well as in the recipe card instructions.

Step 5

Strain the liquid from the flowers using a cheesecloth, strainer or squeezing them with your hands.

If you use the cheesecloth, it will help provide a clearer jelly but a strainer works well too.

Step 6

Put the 4 cups of strained liquid into a large pot. Add lemon juice and pectin and stir. Stir in sugar and allow mixture to return to boil. Stirring continuously, boil for 2 more minutes.

Step 7

Immediately ladle the mixture into the hot jars. Fill to 1/4 inch from the top of the jar to allow for expansion. Wipe any drips then place the flat part of the lid on top of the jar. Screw on the lid rings by hand.

Step 8

Place jars into canning pot. Make sure the water is at least 1 inch above the jar tops once you have gotten all the jars in place. Cover the canning pot with a lid and bring to boil.

Boil for 10 minutes, turn off heat and remove jars. Allow the jars to cool to room temperature overnight to set up.

Sterilizing Jars

Step 1

Place jars and lids in a canning pot with rack in the bottom.

Step 2

Cover jars with hot water making sure the jars fill with water. Make sure water is about 1 inch over the top of the jars. Place lid on pot, bring water to a simmer and heat for 10 minutes.

Step 3

Take jars out of canning pot and make sure the water is drained out of them. Dry the rings and discs.

NOTE: You will want to time this step making sure the jars are still hot when you are ready to pour the jelly in the jars. The jars could break if too cold.

Step 4

Pour jelly into the jars and use the disc and ring to close the jar tightly. It may take a couple minutes for the lid to seal to the jar.

Step 5

After the jars have cooled, run your finger over the middle of the lid to make sure the jar has sealed.

If lid curves down slightly, the jar is sealed. If lid has slight bubble in the middle, the jar did not seal. If any of the jars did not seal, use them immediately.

Step 6

Before storing the sealed jars, label them by simply writing on the lid or making a label noting what is in the jar and the date.

Dandelion Jelly Recipe Notes And Tips

  • If you do not have a canning pot available, turn a round cake pan or tart pan upside down and place in the bottom of a large deep pot. The jars must be sitting on something other than the bottom or the pot or they will get too hot and burst.
  • Make sure that all the green is removed from the dandelion petals before using or freezing. The green parts of the dandelions have a bitterness to them that may carry over into the jelly.

Variations to Try

I was surprised to find so may different variations of dandelion jelly. Here are a few fun options you might try once you have mastered this recipe:

  • Dandelion Lavender Jelly
  • Dandelion Jelly with Honey
  • Sugar-Free Dandelion Jelly
  • Dandelion Jelly with Vanilla

Dandelion Syrup is another intriquing option you might want to look into as well.


If you’ve never made homemade jelly or made anything with dandelions, you may have questions. Check out these common questions!

Is dandelion jelly safe to eat?

Absolutely! It is delicious and tastes similar to honey.

What are the health benefits to dandelion jelly?

There are many potential health benefits to dandelion jelly. It contains potent antioxidants, may help control blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and promote healthy liver just to name a few.

What is the best method getting all the green off the dandelion petals?

Try tearing each flower in half and then pulling the yellow petals away from the green stem part making sure to remove all the green as you go.

What is the best time of year to pick dandelions?

Dandelions bloom in the spring and the fall. Picking them right after they have bloomed is ideal.

Can I freeze dandelion petals?

YES!!! Freeze the petals until you have enough or are ready to use them. It is best to store them in a freezer bag and keep frozen for up to 6 months.

Here Are More Fun DIY Recipes to Try

  • Homemade Chunky Applesauce
  • Minty Orange Sugar Scrub Bars
  • Homemade Strawberry Honey
  • Homemade Hummingbird Food Recipe

Pin For Later!

Dandelion Jelly

Yield: 8 jars

Delicious mild-tasting jelly you can make with dandelions growing right in your own backyard!


  • 4 cups dandelion flowers, loosely packed
  • 4 cups boiling water
  • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1 box powdered pectin, low sugar variety
  • 8 - 1/2 pint jelly jars



  1. To begin the process you will need to make a dandelion tea. Rinse the dandelion petal thoroughly. Be certain that all green is removed
  2. Put the flowers in a large container, such as a glass jar.
  3. Pour boiling water over the dandelions, stir lightly and cover. Let cool then put in fridge overnight to steep or for at least 4 hours.
  4. IMPORTANT NOTE ~ Before proceeding, read ALL the directions so that you can time the sterilization of the jars with the making of the jelly.
  5. Using a cheesecloth, strain the flowers from the liquid. Using a cheesecloth results in a clearer jelly. If you prefer, you can squeeze the flowers with your hands.
  6. In a large pot, put in 4 cups of the liquid. Add pectin and lemon juice and stir well. Bring the liquid to a boil then stir in sugar. Bring liquid to boil again and boil for 2 minutes while stirring.
  7. Ladle the mixture into the hot jars immediately. Fill the jars to about 1/4 inch from the top to allow for expansion. Wipe any excess drips from the jar rims. Place flat part of lids on top of jars. Screw the lid rings on by hand.
  8. Place the filled jars into canning pot making sure the water is at least 1 inch above the top of the jars. Put the lid on the canning pot and bring to boil. Boil for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and remove the jars to cool. Allow the jars to cool at room temperature overnight to set.

Sterilizing Jars

  1. Place jars and lids in canning pot with the rack in the bottom. 
  2. Pour in hot water, allowing the jars to fill with water and covering the whole jar to about 1 inch over the top of the jar. Put lid on the pot, bring to simmer and heat for 10 minutes.
  3. As you remove the jars from the pot, make sure all the water is drained out. Dry the rings and discs thoroughly.
  4. You will need to time the previous step at about the same time as the jelly is ready to be poured into the jars. The jars will need to still be hot otherwise they will break if too cold when pouring in the jelly.
  5. Pour jelly into the jars. Once jar is filled, use ring and disc to close the jar. It will take a few minutes for lid to seal to jar.
  6. Let the jars cool. If you run your finger over the top of the lid and the lid curves slightly down, the jar is sealed. The jar did not seal if there is a slight bubble in the middle. (If the jar did not seal, use immediately or give them to someone who can.)
  7. Before storing, use a Sharpie to write the date and product in the jar. You can also label them with a sticker label if you so choose.

The post How To Make Dandelion Jelly appeared first on Made In A Pinch.

This post first appeared on Made In A Pinch, please read the originial post: here

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How To Make Dandelion Jelly
