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Making A Case For Surveys; Can We Stop Calling Them ‘boring’? Blog

Surveys are boring, or so we've all heard. But what if surveys could talk? What would they have to say about their status? Hint: You might be surprised!
How To Embed Google Forms In Website
Google Forms is one of the best online form-building tools that you will find. It is a part of the Google Docs Editor suite from Google. It has undergone several updates over the past few ye… Read More
“Surveys are so long; they take up a lot of our time.” “Every time I make a purchase, I get spammed with a countless number of surveys.” “They are filled with e… Read More
Top 12 Tools For Product Managers
If management is an art, then product managers are the Picasso of it! Why are we saying this? Well, a product manager has to manage many aspects as a daily routine. They are responsible… Read More

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Making a Case for Surveys; Can We Stop Calling them ‘Boring’?
