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#Trending: Facebook celebrates visual artist Emmanuel Oyeleke in #FacebookCreators special campaign


Here is a realtime information on a trending issue within our radar posted to keep you abreast about latest happenings; ;

In partnership with Pulse Nigeria and Ghana, Facebook has launched a special campaign #FacebookCreators to celebrate African creatives who are using their arts to inspire millions across Facebook platforms and beyond!

In this video, we meet @emmanualoyeleke, a visual artist.

On Instagram, Emmanuel Oyeleke’s page is filled with magical pictures, each one an incredible portrait of Africa like it has never been seen before.

His work has not only amassed thousands of followers on social media, but continues to attract several partnerships, commissions and awards from across the continent.

Watch out for his full story on @pulsenigeria247 Instagram and Facebook!

Facebook celebrates visual artist Emmanuel Oyeleke in #FacebookCreators special campaign

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This post first appeared on GLITOVINE BLOG, please read the originial post: here

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#Trending: Facebook celebrates visual artist Emmanuel Oyeleke in #FacebookCreators special campaign
