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I’m on lockdown,

under house arrest.


Self imposed of course,

for a darn good reason,


One you may already know,

I’ve mentioned it before.


My little peculiarity.


Not that one!

Stop sniggering.


The other one.


I’m scared of people,

they make me feel anxious.




and there’s some virus about,

but let’s brush over that,

wash our hands,

disinfect the couch,

settle back down,

and focus on me.


That’s what we do these days,

or so it appears.


Me, me, me, me, me.




I’m not leaving my home,

but all will be fine.


I’ve prepared for my confinement,

through detailed planning,

leaving no stone left unturned.


The fridge is well stocked,

with essential prison food.

Plenty of Scotch Eggs,

and Cadbury’s Twirls.


I won’t get bored,

there’s lots I can do.

I can talk do myself,

spend more time on the loo.


I might get married,

to my favourite chair.

We’ve been living in sin,

but I know it wants more.


In a few weeks from now,

I’ll peek out my door.


A few seconds is all I’ll need,

to see nothing’s changed.


Then I’ll retreat back inside,

to the safety of my lair.


Just a couple of extra days,

and then a few months more.


This post first appeared on Phill Slater Blog, please read the originial post: here

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