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100% healthy herbs for weight loss in Nigeria

Herbs for weight loss can be used both as an individual agent and a supporting component as an addition to diet and physical exercises. Herbal medicine was used for the treatment of various illnesses including problems related to excess weight and obesity from ancient times. So, it goes without saying, that nowadays herbs are used for keeping healthy and fit. Herbs can help you not only to lose weight, but also to detoxicate, normalize the intestinal activity and the digestive system.

The list of most effective herbs

Conventionally, all medicinal Herbs for weight loss can be divided into several types, depending on their action and effect, due to which extra weight is dropped: 

  • herbs that reduce appetite and suppress hunger: they include flax seeds, althea root, spirulina algae, bladderwrack, garden angelica, etc.; 
  • herbs that normalize the digestive system and help cleanse the intestines: this group includes parsley, anise, dill, buckthorn bark, fennel, etc.; 
  • herbs that have a bile and diuretic effect: there are such herbs as goosegrass, knotgrass, common horsetail, bearberry, milk thistle, everlasting flower, dandelion, wild strawberry leaves, costmary, barberry, corn silk, etc.;
  • herbs that have a laxative effect: these types of herbs include senna, buckthorn, anise, yarrow, common buckthorn, sulfur root, moonflower, wild chamomile, etc.; 
  • herbs that normalize the metabolism: this may include coltsfoot, nettle, elderberry flowers, etc.; 
  • herbs that cause an increase in energy consumption: these are seasonings such as rosemary, ginger, red pepper, curcuma, etc. 

All herbs for weight loss can be brewed up separately, or you can prepare herbal preparations, which include components from different groups from our list of herbs. 

Something you should know about herbs for flat tummy

Weight loss process might be harmful, so here are some rules for you to follow to achieve the best results and stay healthy: 

  • It is necessary to be systematic when it comes to using different herbs and roots for weight loss to avoid uncontrolled consequences in the form of prolonged intestinal upset or allergy. 
  • Any herbal infusions should not be taken for a very long time. Loss weight with the help of herbs, as well as a diet, should take courses (1.5-2 months). Then it is preferable for you to take a break. 
  • If you are going to lose weight with the help of herbal preparation, keep it in mind: it is natural that the process of weight loss is going slowly, extra weight will go away gradually, approximately 500-800 grams per week. But the effect of such weight loss will last much longer than the regular diet.


One of the most important advantages of guarana is its natural origin. And this allows you to take guarana for a long time, without observing the manifestations of side effects. In addition, guarana is not addictive, and its effectiveness does not depend on the duration of use, as in the case with other herbs for weight loss. But there is one catch for all those who think they will lose weight, lying on the sofa and eating various sweets and rolls. 

The result will be most effective only under the condition of training and proper diet, since guarana is an ordinary energy stimulant, but not a fat burner itself. During weight training, guarana will stimulate the Body to expend more energy, which has been accumulated for an extended period of time. In other words, your organism will produce energy from its own fat deposits. 

On the whole, guarana is an evergreen plant with red fruits, inside of which there are seeds that look like grapes. Guarana extract is prepared of these seeds. They contain caffeine, which is added to energy drinks. The seeds are usually washed, dried, and then ground to a powder. And then you can add this powder to water or tea to get a great tonic drink.

Green tea

Green tea promotes weight loss not only due to the fact that it increases metabolism. There are also other useful qualities of this drink. For example, Green Tea for weight loss is a light diuretic agent, and, therefore, helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body. Despite the fact that usually, green tea is not drunk with the addition of milk, this gastronomic etiquette rule can be violated in order to lose weight. 


If you add some fat-free milk to green tea, the diuretic effect will be significantly increased, and the liquid will be eliminated more actively. Polyphenols, which are abundant in green tea, contribute to increased heat transfer in the body due to the processing of deferred fats. Studies have shown that if you drink 3-6 cups of green tea per day, the amount of fat burned will increase.

One of the beneficial properties of tea is its ability to reduce blood sugar levels, which means it will suppress hunger, which is very helpful in losing weight. It’s enough to drink a cup of green tea half an hour before meals so that you can eat much less food than usual during lunch.

There are some instructions you should follow to get the most benefit from green tea for weight loss:

  • Drink green tea sugar-free, even without a sugar substitute. 
  • Add some cinnamon or dry ginger to enhance the effect, as it will help reduce the calorie intake. 
  • If you use green tea chilled, your body will spend extra energy to warm up the drink. On average, the body spends about 50 calories to raise the temperature of one cup of tea. 
  • Drink green tea instead of most drinks throughout the day. It tones up better than coffee, perfectly quenches thirst, and what is more important it does not contain calories. 
  • During the day, consume at least 4 cups of tea. 
  • Do not drink tea at night, because you can wake up in the morning with baggy skin below the eyes. If you are feeling thirsty in the evening, better eat a cucumber or an apple.

Cayenne pepper

Losing accumulated fat is not a piece of cake, but it is not something impossible. Along with a healthy diet and a well-planned exercise regime, you can definitely get in shape. And cayenne pepper can be of great help to you in achieving this goal. It is this sort of chili pepper family that gives energy to the body, speeds up the metabolism process, thereby burning extra calories.


Everyone knows the processes in the human body that contribute to weight loss, namely:

  • metabolism;
  • detoxification;
  • suppression of appetite.

And now let’s find out how with the help of cayenne pepper you can achieve proper work in our body and at the same time not harm yourself. Cayenne pepper is in the top 10 products that are used to speed up the metabolism. Including cayenne pepper on your diet, the body temperature rises, respectively, the metabolic process is increased by 25%, that is more active than the digestive metabolism. 

Detoxification is the most essential process if you want to lose excess weight. With the help of detoxification, the destruction and neutralization of toxic substances in the body occur in various ways: chemical, physical, biological. That is, this process helps to remove all unnecessary and excess stuff – different substances, fluids and toxins in our body. Thus, metabolism is accelerated by reducing the level of toxins. In addition to this, cayenne pepper has a rather rare property - suppressing appetite.


Mate tea is made from the leaves of an evergreen tropical tree (Ilex Paraguensis) from South America. Usually, this drink is drunk from a special vessel called a calabash gourd, a pumpkin shaped bottle, dried and hollowed from the inside. The leaves of the plant contain 196 different chemical compounds, including a number of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. 

The mate contains theobromine and caffeine. These components endow it with a thermogenic effect, which improves metabolic processes and increases energy consumption, and therefore calorie burning, and this accelerates the splitting and elimination of fats from the body and as a result - helps to lose weight.11 different polyphenols and mateine. 

The last-mentioned component is considered as a key component that is quite able to provide significant assistance in losing weight. Using mate tea for a month in the amount of one liter per day, it is quite possible for you to lose up to four kilograms of weight. It is important to remember, that you are recommended to drink mate tea not more than one liter per day if you want to lose weight. Otherwise, you can harm your organism, since a high content of caffeine can provoke gastritis, insomnia, and tachycardia.


As you may know, various herbal teas prepared with ginger provide significant assistance for various disorders of the digestive system in the body, as well as treat diseases of the respiratory system and, in particular, bronchial asthma. But today, we are concerned about its other feature, in particular, ginger as an agent for weight loss. What are the features, and what kind of healing properties does this miracle plant contain?

Many people are wondering how to use ginger for weight loss - the answer is actually quite simple and does not carry any complicated riddles. To begin with, ginger for weight loss is very useful due to its unique composition and miraculous properties. Using ginger root for weight loss is also important because the plant itself is very rich in various carbohydrates and fiber. 

Therefore, it will be possible to see with your own example how useful ginger is for weight loss, the recipes of which are now available and convenient for everyone. By itself, dried ginger for weight loss is often found in traditional medicine - and in most cases, it is combined with other, equally useful plants. It may seem quite extraordinary, but you can mix ginger with garlic!

First, let's start with the fact that ginger itself restores metabolic processes in the body, improves and accelerates them, which allows normalizing the work of metabolic processes. Garlic in this case only enhances this effect of ginger. For example, tea with garlic and ginger is a particularly relevant drink for those who want to get rid of annoying excess weight quickly. Also, you can use ginger-lemon water or tea.

Useful and light recipes for everyone

To achieve a good result in the fight against overweight, it is best to apply an integrated approach, which means you should drink multicomponent herbal. Due to this a complex healing process will gradually begin in your body, which includes cleansing from different toxins and harmful substances and actually losing weight. This approach allows not only to lose weight but also to put in order many systems of the body (kidney and liver work, digestive system, metabolism).


Now, we want to introduce to your attention top-5 herbal recipes: 

Recipe #1


  • 20 g dandelion root; 
  • 20 g fennel fruit; 
  • 60 g buckthorn root; 
  • 20 g parsley fruit;

Preparation: 4 tbsp. spoon collection pour with 1 liter of boiled water, insist for an hour and take 1 glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

Recipe #2


  • 40 g of yarrow herb;
  • 20 g of cystoseira barbata (a type of seaweed);
  • 40 g of goatweed;

Preparation: 4 tbsp. spoons of collection pour with 1 liter of boiled water, insist for an hour, take 5 times a day, 0.5 cups after meals. 


Recipe #3


  • 60 g of blackberry leaf;
  • 10 g of coltsfoot leaves;
  • 20 g of corn silk;
  • 10 g of senna;

Preparation: 2 tbsp. spoons of collection pour with 0.5 liters of boiled water, insist, take in the morning before breakfast and before lunch 0.5 cups. 


Recipe #4 


  • 20 g of senna;
  • 20 g of green parsley;
  • 20 g of dandelion;
  • 20 g of nettle;
  • 10 g of dill;
  • 10 g of spearmint;

Preparation: 3 tbsp. spoon collection pour with 1 liter of boiled water, leave for 3 hours, then take 1 glass 4 times daily before meals. 

Recipe #5 


  • 40 g of buckthorn bark;
  • 20 g of chamomile flowers;
  • 10 g of crushed flax seeds;
  • 10 g of dill seeds;

Preparation: 4 tbsp. spoon pour with 1 liter of boiled water, insist for two hours and take 1 glass 5 times a day on an empty stomach.


So, today we have studied herbs benefits for weight loss. We have found out what qualities and components different herbs have, which can help you to lose weight most effectively. Herbs for weight loss should not be considered as miracle infusions for instant fat burning, they only trigger your organism to fight extra weight. The active components of herbs affect metabolism, regulate their activity and accelerate the process of losing weight.

This post first appeared on KikioTolu News, please read the originial post: here

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100% healthy herbs for weight loss in Nigeria


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