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Inspiration Sessions: Interview with Monta Dedele

The quest for inspiration continues and therefore I decided to do another inspiration session. It’s been a while since the last one and I was considering this interview for a long time before I finally got to it. If you’ve read the previous sessions you know that I already interviewed a creative director and a graphic designer/illustrator. This time I decided to dive into the world of photography and interview another very creative, passionate, and inspiring person I know and I have worked with – Monta Dedele. She is a fashion photographer with various skills and talents and she was so kind to accept this interview and give me details about the tough world of professional photographers. I am certain that this will be really helpful for all of you who are into this form of art and you will get invaluable advice. So read closely. And, of course, a huge thank you to Monta, who agreed to be part of this inspiration session!

Before I get to it, don’t forget to check Monta’s stunning work on her website, Instagram, and Facebook. Her work is really interesting and worth looking into, definitely a good source of inspiration so don’t hesitate to follow her and her future projects.

  1. Let’s begin with an introduction – who is Monta Dedele?

Well, I am a photographer and graphic designer, 2 in 1. I love to experiment with combining these two, if you have seen my work you will understand.
Or better I would say, I am a visual artist who has a huge love for raccoons and corgis. Yes, that’s pretty much it.

2. What inspired you to start doing photography, how did you discover this is your passion?

I was 14 or 15, I started going to this photography courses after school – it was nothing serious just going with my friends for fun. We went to this teacher, just one on one sessions with her, and she was telling us about photography in general and the technical aspects of it and she gave us different assignments to do. It was always fun because we did it together with my friends and the whole experience was really awesome and that’s when I think I first realized I love doing this and I also found out when I do it it’s actually good. I got good feedback and this motivated me, I wanted to do it all the time. I was constantly taking pictures with my friends, of random things around me, still lives, nature, basically everything I saw, but mainly with my friends. We always created those stories, we loved to go to abandoned places, dress up, and take pictures there. I would dress my friends up as models and we would create scenarios and take pictures. It was kinda scary, but also really fun at the same time.
So yes, it all started in the photography courses, when I began doing this my dad gave me my first normal camera. At first, I was using one of those small pocket cameras, the unprofessional ones. My dad bought me the first professional camera and then I got into it even more.
So it was a childhood hobby that turned into a passion. When I was into high school and I had to think about my future career I knew I wanted to study in England, I looked through all the courses they were offering everywhere, but I always stopped at the photography. It was like – that’s what is calling my name. I really appreciate that my parents let me do this because I don’t think they ever thought I can turn this into a career, but look at me now.

     3. Is there an artist that inspires you greatly, who is your idol in the photography world?

Well, to be honest, not necessarily now, but when I was studying photography in England I had two major photographers who influenced me a lot – Tim Walker and Anne Labovitz. They were super big at that time, I don’t think they are anymore, but they are still icons in fashion photography. They create those huge setups with huge stories behind each photo. I love that their work looks amazing, but also has a great story behind it. Because some photographers have pictures that have incredible stories behind them but visually they are not any piece of art, or the other way around. Their pictures have both values which I very much appriciate in photography and I find really inspiring.

From the new age photographers I really like Michal Pudelka, his work is the weird good type. Very much my cup of tea but not everyone’s.

    4. Is there a particular person/model you would like to do a photoshoot for?

You know what.. it will sound extremely strange but I would love to take pictures of the girl from the band Die Antwoord. If you know them, you might be like “what the hell” but damn, she is so unique and I see her as a character who would be so interesting to photograph. Also, she seems super confident and I love that. And from famous models – Lindsey Wixson. She has that alien look which I by no means think is a bad thing.

    5. Do you have ideas for future projects that you want to develop and make a reality soon?

Yeah. The final project for my photography degree. It is called Latvian Renaissance and I think it is my favorite project I have ever done. For sure, one of the pictures I did for that project is my all-time favorite I’ve taken. I really, really want to continue this project and create something bigger out of it. It was a bit rushed at that point when I did for school, but I still love how it turned out. It’s something that can definitely be continued in longer series and especially now, after a few years, fashion has changed and combining those two things – Latvian cultural details of traditional costumes and jewelry and upcoming designers fashion would be really interesting. I definitely want to continue this idea, I also wanted to create a photobook or an exhibition out of it, but I never got to it. It’s in my head for a long time and I hope I really make it a reality at some point.

Photos from the Latvian Renaissance series

     6. What is the goal that you want to achieve – the ultimate objective you are going towards?

To be honest, for now my goal is to get back into photography. I love it so much, but I get so busy with my life and doing all those other things. I am now trying to get my second bachelor degree in design and business and I am so consumed with this and also balancing two part-time jobs. That’s not what I actually truly enjoy doing, it’s the fashion photography I love but I have no time left to dedicate to it in-between all the other stuff. I am now slowly trying to get back to it.
I am looking through my old pictures and I’m like – OMG why am I not doing that? Why am I not building my network here in Denmark, contacting modeling agencies, getting people involved, collaborating with designers and so on, just doing it for my own happiness?

    7. Which project are you most proud of? You kinda answered this one, but is there anything else you take big pride in?

Yeah, the Latvian Renaissance would be one of them.
But I am also quite proud of a project I did for my friend, for her final university project. We did it in a museum in Latvia – Žanis Lipke Memorial. The whole inspiration was architecture. I think it shows my style quite well cuz I like clean, minimal things, with something extraordinary on top, if that makes sense. I’m really into moody photography, weird and strange models are my favorite. I don’t like those happy, overjoyed models too much. It’s all good with happiness and smiles, everyone cheering and so on– it’s just not the type of photoshoots I like to create. I like to do my own setup which is a bit moody and weird. I like weird faces and models too, it makes things different and interesting.

     8. Any essential tips beginner photographers?

My biggest advice would be – find your own style. Because nowadays there are so many photographers everywhere, basically everyone who owns a camera is a photographer and the only way to become a good one is to find your own unique style. In the huge sea of all the photographers, you have to find your own little thing that can build your brand and image and separate you from everyone else. That’s what I did when I was studying actually, before that I was just doing everything. That’s why I really enjoyed my studies in England – they were almost forcing you to find your own style, who you are as a photographer, why are you doing this, what kind of style you like, what fits you. When someone looks at your work they should be able to tell this is your work without the name tag on it, every photo shoot is different but people need to be able to see it’s you who did it.

    9. What is your favorite shooting gear (I mean camera not guns)?

You know there are always those two teams – Nikon and Canon. I am team Canon. I have always shot with Canon. Always. My first camera was Canon, even the small little pocket camera. Throughout the studies in England, I also worked with Canon and it grew on me. To be honest, I don’t even think I have ever worked with Nikon.
My dream camera would be Canon 5D (Mark III or even IV now) for sure.

    10. Final advice for aspiring photographers?

Another advice I can give is – if you don’t know what is your style try everything out. Start shooting landscape, portraits, fashion, whatever – anything that comes on your way. Try different things, different styles, and different post-production, only that way can you actually discover who you really are and what really fits you. If you never try you will never know.
Also, look for inspiration and observe photographers you like. Try to implement their style and ways of doing photography and put a twist on it. This can help you develop your unique style, it’s all about process and it takes a lot of time but it happens. And lastly, do it only if you enjoy it!

This was a quick interview with a professional photography insider. To be honest, I know Monta for almost three years, but some of the things I heard for the first time. It was definitely inspiring for me to hear her story and advice (even tho I am not a photographer myself) and I really hope you also managed to get inspired and motivated to find your passion and style. Thanks a lot for reading and stay tuned for more inspiration sessions and blogs on various topics.

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This post first appeared on Wolf48, please read the originial post: here

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Inspiration Sessions: Interview with Monta Dedele


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