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Let Flydar Book Your Sonoma Wine Helicopter Tour


Samuel Clemens had but one appellation – “Mark Twain” – while the wines of the Sonoma, California wine country have eighteen. That’s an amazing eighteen distinct subregions where varieties of wine grapes grow, and where the temperate Mediterranean climate combines with soil and elevation variations to create celebrated vintages known the world over.

Most amazing of all is the way this winemaking region, this Mecca of viticulture, this abode of more than 425 wineries, has been interlaced into an area bounded by hills and seacoast that contains 60,000 acres of grapes under cultivation throughout its 1,500 square miles. Tucked away in this magnificent, though sometimes rugged, terrain are vineyards, production and aging facilities that rival anything the older European traditions have to offer.

This is particularly so for these twenty-four wine grape varieties, Sonoma‘s primary output:

Bordeaux Varietals

Cabernet Franc

Cabernet Sauvignon





Grüner Veltliner






Petite Sirah

Pinot Noir





Sauvignon Blanc





Of course, each vintner claims that his or her version of a particular wine is noticeably different from – and better than — the others. With 425 wineries, the possible combinations are endless, and the only way to tell which are best is to taste them all.

So many wineries, so much distance, so little time. It would take a helicopter tour to experience them!

Sonoma Has Changed

Since the founding of the first wineries in Sonoma County in the early 1800’s, things have changed dramatically. Once a small part of a mixed-crop farm economy, Sonoma wines, and winery tours now generate $11 billion a year for the local economy or 40% of the county’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Now, 200 years later, 7 million people visit the county every year, and travel congestion is becoming a concern. In Mark Twain’s day, the answer might have been to board a riverboat to avoid the crowding. Today, there’s a better way.

Sonoma Helicopter Tours

Modern helicopters have very little in common with the whirlybirds of M*A*S*H. These are sleek, high-tech aircraft that put only your safety ahead of your comfort. They are well-appointed and roomy enough to compare favorably with corporate jets. Unlike their early predecessors, they are also surprisingly quiet and can whisk you to and from your destination at cruising speeds of 120 – 160 miles per hour.

In addition to safety, speed, quiet and comfort, booking a helicopter tour to experience the Sonoma region provides the following advantages:

First, you’ll get a better view of the complete Sonoma picture;

Second, you’ll be able to visit the remotest spots from the air;

Third, in some cases, you’ll be able to fly directly to a winery destination, stop and enjoy a tasting and return. With some careful planning, it’s possible to travel this way to two, even three wine tasting venues in a single day;

Fourth, during the entire trip, your group will be free to concentrate on the experience — rather than the logistics of getting there;

Fifth, depending on the tour, your helicopter may be able to transport you from elsewhere in the Bay Area or from northwest Nevada, substantially reducing your total travel time;

Finally, you’ll spend less time getting there, and more time being there.

Book Your Sonoma Helicopter Tour with Flydar: 1-800-487-6817.

The best way to experience the wines of Sonoma is to call Flydar to book your helicopter wine tour. Doing so, you’ll enjoy these advantages:

  1. We know helicopters. Flydar specializes in helicopter bookings for recreational, commercial, industrial and agricultural uses.
  2. We can work with you on planning the details necessary for your tour’s success.
  3. We are knowledgeable about all elements: helicopter, crew, equipment, guide options, landing permissions, wine tasting bookings and scheduling.
  4. We can handle both sightseeing flyovers or tours plus ground excursions and tasting experiences.
  5. We can advise you on a wide range of transportation and recreational resources in the Sonoma Wine Region.

Book Your Sonoma Helicopter Tour with Flydar: 1-800-487-6817.

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Let Flydar Book Your Sonoma Wine Helicopter Tour
