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The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Pandora's Purrfect Pawtrait ~ Fudge's Floof Explosion ~ Parsley BBHQ's Quality Control Officer, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** Meet The Wicked Snail by Cheerble

The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~  Pandora's Purrfect Pawtrait ~ Fudge's Floof Explosion ~ Parsley BBHQ's Quality Control Officer, And Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** Meet The Wicked Snail By Cheerble

Furbulous Greetings Supurr FuriendsWelcome to the BBHQ midweek news round-up!It has been glorious weather the last few days, which has been a lovely change as April was utterly miserable and freezing.And look, BBHQ's first rose has bloomed!A gorgeous cream affair with a barely there pink ombre effect on the petal edges. Some of the lupins have burst forth, and several other roses are just

This post first appeared on Basil's Blog, please read the originial post: here

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The BBHQ Midweek News Round-Up ~ Pandora's Purrfect Pawtrait ~ Fudge's Floof Explosion ~ Parsley BBHQ's Quality Control Officer, and Melvyn's Wearing This Weeks Top Pick Bandana **PLUS** Meet The Wicked Snail by Cheerble
