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New Beginnings Blog

This is a new start for me. Writing was something I was gifted with at a very young age. I used to try & write my own chapter books & such just for the thrill of using my imagination to it’s fullest potential. This is my first attempt at expressing my writing talent to the public. Though, I am willing to speak my mind on any topic as best as I can. I often love being questioned about something & asked for my opinion. It gives me the chance to improve my speech & be less afraid when there’s a crowd watching & listening.
Do not mind me, I’m just passing by. It’s what I do best, I need no disguise. I will survive but refuse to live in a lie. If its for the greater good, you will see m… Read More
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man is King. Rise & shine, guess who’s back in the ring? Hit the right spot, hear the high notes she can sing. Laid it b… Read More
Back from hell? Back from the dead? They wished you well, & still aimed for the head. They saw your return, & the bridges began to burn. How dare you still… Read More
Incel? But there were women in my cell. “Yours” just didn’t want to tell. They always watched us yell. I was taken care of quite well. Should I really ring this… Read More
Black Heart
R.I.P. Dakota 2005 – April 22, 2020 As the circle turns, you slowly feel the burns. But then the mind returns, & then there are no more concerns, You live & you… Read More
Temper Tantrum
They scream…. They cry…. And then they stop and wonder why…. You are easily triggered by the slightest inconvenience & are set to defy. Don’t act a… Read More
The first thing Bernie Mac said when he grabbed the mic at Def Comedy Jam was what? “I AIN’T SCARED OF YOU MUTHAFUCKAS!” A prime example of how kindness should not be… Read More
Young blood…..What has become of you today? You look troubled. Conflicted. All while moving with a mystical sass. Ironically, these character traits seem to suit your class… Read More
The habitual line stepper. The clever bastard. The Kamille. Once upon a time, a public announcement to the world was made saying “I’M AN UNCLE I CAN DO THAT SHIT!”… Read More
“Is it you? Are you really him?” ” Are you IT?” “Nah he’s not it. Ain’t no way. I don’t see it. He still don’t get it. Man get him ou… Read More
Well, how’s this for a grand return? I realized what all the truth telling did. Set me completely free. It took 8 years of waiting ever so patiently just to do this. The keywor… Read More
Steph J. Millz, The Phoenix Arises
I don’t know how it happened so quickly. It is all still a blur. That day I cried the hardest cry ever in my life, I felt a cleanse to my spirit. Like a crown chakra opening up… Read More
I had that for quite some time. The light side & the dark side. T’Challa & N’Jadaka. A royal side & a rebellious side. Are you fit to be a king? Or are… Read More
Let me tell you something about “The Dark Side”. They say it’s a pathway to many abilities that are considered….”unnatural”. I know that term well… Read More
I can move again. Free from restraints. I can think again. Free from blockages. I can feel again. Free from pains. I fell hard in my life from powerful loses. Such as losing faith, will… Read More
Awakened. Evolved. Improved. I felt him. His presence. His power. To my mother, I love you dearly. And to my father, I respect you sincerely. Vice versa. I love everyone. My f… Read More
Monday, November 2nd, 1998 I woke up in a bad dream. My head felt two sizes too big for my brain with what I had awoken to. They always said I had a big head to begin with. My body would… Read More
Edge Of Sanity – Chapter I
I wake up everyday to the trauma that never left my soul. I lost my mother, my father & my brothers in a single session. I was innocent, though not a perfect child. We each come with fla… Read More
Mental Freedom
I have fears. But I am not afraid of them. Because I am the master of my faith. I control the horizontal & the vertical of my will. And my courage is indomitable. For so long, I felt my… Read More
I am not okay. I have a lot of things to say. But there isn’t enough hours in the day. So I have to find a way. Or go away. But nah I’d rather stay. Because my faith won’t… Read More
Complicated Heart
Is it my own fault as to why I have yet to experience genuine love again? Probably so. I’ve seen it. I’ve had it. Felt it. And even lost it. I wasn’t so deserving of it. He… Read More
Nothing has been the same since you left. I am far from myself. Trying to be things I feel I cannot. It isn’t what you would want from me. You knew the real me. You had accepted it wit… Read More
The woman that I marry will have accepted who I am just as I would accept who she is. The one I consider a true best friend will understand that we are no better than anybody. My children wi… Read More
I should have it all figured out by now. I should have it all right now. Because many others have it figured out. And many others already have it now. Even earlier than expected. And if not… Read More
In Time
We want all the time in the world, but we cannot have it. Instead we are given limited. And we expect to do all the things in the world within that time we have. But each time the clock tick… Read More
Some wish for simple things. Some wish for difficult things. Some wish for immediate things. Some wish for gradual things. And some may wish for it all in one. What is it that I truly wish f… Read More
I could be that person…. The one that carries a cold & dark heart, a soulless vessel with no care for life & even my own. I could be that person…. The one that destroys… Read More
From The Inside
For a while, there was this….turmoil. Where one’s decisions & life choices would override how they are viewed. Bringing about mixed feelings or reasons to remain distant or… Read More
Tunnel Vision
Is it a curse or a blessing to have? How would one even know what it is to be? You only see one way. One way that could be the right way as you’d believe it to be. Or it could be just… Read More
We have lost it once before. Believing there wouldn’t be a way. Assuming there’d be no light at the end of the tunnel. Thinking we’d be nothing more but a failure. And then… Read More
The Will To Act
“The training is nothing! The will is everything! The will to act.” – Ra’s al Ghul , Batman Begins No matter how prepared you think you are, without the will to act… Read More
“I’ll beat yo ass if you ever back talk me again.” “I’ll beat yo ass if ask me where’s daddy again.” “I’ll beat yo ass if I get a call f… Read More
Straight from the hood, yet never from the streets. Society already sees me as a failure. Why is that? Because anyone that lives in poverty will never succeed? All they will ever be is crimi… Read More
Cold Hearted
So that is how it is huh? I say how I feel & it means nothing to you? Or because you don’t see anything more happening between us? But when it comes to your feelings & what you… Read More
Only You
Its only you. Who else would it be if not you? I can’t avoid you. I can’t ignore you. I can’t deny you. And I can’t say that I’m absolutely fine without you. Be… Read More
In a world so enormous & full of unexplored places, there is no doubt that humans are not the only beings that walk the Earth. There have been an incredible number of witnesses to phenom… Read More
*Viewer’s discretion is advised* Am I wrong for this? Allowing this darker half to begin having control over the mind. I’ll be just like the others. Living life with no remorse… Read More
A hero he once was. A righteous man. A savior to many. He was a humbled & gracious human being. The good in him always flourished. Always taking the righteous path to be a contributer to… Read More
I feel it everyday. Sorrow. Remorse. I don’t know why, but it does not ever end. They say I either walk the world with a look of frustration & anger, or a look of sadness & mis… Read More
Young Love
Love is hard when you are young. It always is, always has, & always will be. We’re so full of ourselves when we’re young. Thinking we know it all. Thinking we have everything… Read More
I had to make a choice. A choice that determined who I loved more. My future wife, or my self adopted brothers. The life I was living was always thrilling, rewarding, I had everything I ever… Read More
At a distance before him was some sort of floating entity. It had the appearance of a beautiful woman. A woman he would marry instantly on sight without hesitation. Gorgeous in a bright whit… Read More
Am I Destined To Succeed?
It is….weird. The position I am in. I have the tools that are key to me building my success. But it is not quite kicking off so well as I would’ve thought. Not saying I have not… Read More
Alter Ego
We all have one. Our opposite. Our counterpart. A side that takes the extra mile you wouldn’t be so willing to take. The one that isn’t fearful to consequences for the actions ta… Read More
I chose this path.  I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was doing was wrong.  But it still felt right because I was gaining things that I wanted. Yet, it wasn’t earned the… Read More
I chose this path.  I knew what I was doing. I knew what I was doing was wrong.  But it still felt right because I was gaining things that I wanted. Yet, it wasn’t earned the… Read More
I had what I needed to be on the path of righteousness. A family, a home, guidance, a drive to be successful. My grades were excellent, my intellect was unmatched, nobody ever doubted me eve… Read More
I had what I needed to be on the path of righteousness. A family, a home, guidance, a drive to be successful. My grades were excellent, my intellect was unmatched, nobody ever doubted me eve… Read More
How far would you go to avenge your family? In a drug corrupted city of Wilmington, a young man’s desire for vengeance becomes tested when he learns of all those that may have contribu… Read More
I have changed. In more ways than one. Much more than ever before. I welcome it. I embrace it. I empower it. But what many would not expect is that deep inside, there is hatred for it. As we… Read More
We all have a different reaction to pain. Some of us react externally, such as jump in shock, scream, cry, or become enraged. Some of us react, but rather internally than externally. Such as… Read More
Welcome 2019
Hello everyone! It has been a while since I myself last spoke other than speaking from stories & content created for you. 2018 has been quite a productive year for me. Working two jobs… Read More
A young boy’s father was murdered when he was only six years old. Before his murder, it was only the boy & his father for as the mother decided to venture into another relationship… Read More
Freed from the prison I trapped myself in, yet inside I still feel like in some way I still should be back in it. Why? Well, I just discovered that I am still the very person in which caused… Read More
Rekindled Flame
It has been quite a long time hasn’t it? Seven years. A lot has happened in between that time-line I can tell you that. A lot of changes, growth, tragedies, pain. Yet, we meet again as… Read More
Devious Con Artists
I had quite an interesting encounter with someone. A sharp looking black man dressed in a business-professional attire, who had an offer that a normal person couldn’t refuse. An opport… Read More
YouTube Channel
I have recently been updating my YouTube channel! Please take the time to pay a visit to the channel, give some likes to the latest videos, & subscribe to stay tuned for more uploads! I… Read More
Man is believed to be the most powerful being in the world. And also the most dangerous. The key to that power & danger does not lie in physique. Nor does speed. Though such things do bo… Read More
Memory Lane
A voice in my head speaks as I walk the streets: “You miss her don’t you Steph?” I mean, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t in all honesty. She probably knows that… Read More
Secret Admiration
Maybe I’m the old-fashion shy.  The one that crushes from a distance & sends subliminal messages about who my eyes have set sights on. Such as leaving a heartfelt comment or m… Read More
“Why did you do it?” “Do what?” “Why did you hurt her?” “What are you talking about?” “You are far from delusional on this matter. You k… Read More
Clothes Don’t Make You
Growing up, I never cared much for how I dressed. I’d walk out the door wearing mismatched clothes unaware of the general principle to wearing clothes. I’m talking walking outsid… Read More
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Mental Prison
It is one thing to be physically behind bars for a crime one has committed, but it is a completely different scenario when there are bars that surround your mind that you imagined to be ther… Read More
There once was a group of five longtime close friends. They were there for each other through everything. They would help each other through all troubles. They would be there for each other… Read More
A Story Of Peer Pressure
Thomas Anderson, a straight “A” honor roll sophomore student in high school, always wanted to fit in with the popular crowd in. Though, his nerdy & unusual appearance would g… Read More
New YouTube Video
New video post on YouTube Channel! Please give a like, comment & subscribe to the channel! Show some love & support for this new journey that I believe can lead us to something big!… Read More
Menacing Temptation
On a dark evening, a young man rushes up to his room & opens his closet to pull out a container thats stashed away. Upon opening it reveals a 9mm Pistol with six bullets beside it. He ga… Read More
I always remember the day we met like it was yesterday. Had found myself with butterflies in my stomach to get to know her. Amazed at what a fine woman she became. The beauty, the wisdom, &a… Read More
Controversial Obligation
There was a question (well a few actually) I spotted on Instagram one day that stimulated my thoughts. The questions were: “Do you think rich & famous people have an obligation to… Read More
New YouTube Video!
New video post on YouTube Channel! Please give a like, comment & subscribe to the channel! Show some love & support for this new journey that I believe can lead us to something big!… Read More
Official Blog Page
Another new beginning it is! To all my followers & supporters, & those reading, I am pleased to announce the introduction of my official blog page! I am alone on this project, so pl… Read More
My parents had me when they were truly ready. They were hardworking, classy, wealthy, & healthy. Whatever needed to be done, they succeeded. They provided me with everything I needed. Th… Read More
Natural Beauty
Boy do I love it. Beauty from the power of nature & not mankind. Just imagine fresh green grass, a cloudless sunny sky on a sweet day in spring, fresh clear blue water, & a gentle co… Read More
Mother To Son
My Son, “You are my creation, my motivation, my inspiration.” You are my light that shines bright everyday & night.” “You are my escape from a world out of shape… Read More
Blighted Reunion
“I want to do something with my life man.” “There’s a lot of things you can do. You just have to find what suits you best.” “Yeah but…what if I can… Read More
Is it easier to hold on, or let go? As you hold on, you retain all the thoughts, all the emotions, all the pain, all the stress. When you let go, you abandon it all. You purge yourself from… Read More
Inner Torment
“Wh-wh-who are you??” With a sinister smile, the illusion replied, “I am you.” “No. No you aren’t!” “Yes. Yes I am.” “No…no… Read More
Good day everyone!  I am starting a mission with expanding my blog more out & into the world. I have taken the initiative to dedicate it to an Instagram, Twitter, & Facebook pa… Read More
“Dad I don’t know. I feel myself slipping. Like, I don’t understand this whole “life” thing. Don’t know where to go, what to do, how to live. I’m lo… Read More
Look, Life is just getting harder I try so hard playing smarter Could never get into Harvard My dreams keep getting farther My heart keeps getting darker My sense aren’t getting sharpe… Read More
A Story Of Two
They were complete strangers. How they met was unexpected. Both from two different sides of the earth. Yet never knew they’d be connected. A Story of Two The Girl An Intelligent, stron… Read More
No chance whatsoever. Maybe because too many were given & blown. Maybe because deserving them was never shown. No chance whatsoever, it’ll never be known No chance of things return… Read More
Scarred For Life
Three young African American boys dressed casually with hoodies are walking down a sidewalk in the evening. As they walk, unbeknown to them, there is a police cruiser slowly following them f… Read More
There, a family sits before the man responsible for the death of a father, who was also a husband, an uncle, brother, and later a grandfather in the court room. After the trial came close to… Read More
The First Step
New video post on YouTube Channel! Please give a like, comment & subscribe to the channel! Show some love & support for this new journey that I believe can lead us to something big!… Read More
A New Beginning
A new beginning indeed for me. I have decided to create a YouTube channel as an extension to my blog. I am very open minded. So should there be a topic of any sort you would like to be spoke… Read More
Satisfaction In Life
What is “The American Dream” to you? Is it to live in a beautiful suburban home with a family of your own & money to blow? To live a life peacefully with no mess or stress? T… Read More
Broken Promises
Remember when we said we would always stand together side by side? That we would never let our grip on each other let loose no matter what? That we would push through all types of hell that… Read More
A Tragic Hero
I am a threat to humanity. I am a savior to humanity. I am very infamous. I am very famous. I grant power. I grant protection. People fear my presence. People praise my existence. I am a fac… Read More
When Its Over….
When you first realize it, you’re in denial. There were multiple times where it could’ve been, but things still held on. Things were still able to be pushed. There was still hope… Read More
You ever watched a TV show or Movie at a younger age & not understand the storyline & subliminal or hidden messages they give until you grow with a more developed mind to realize it… Read More
Recognizing Your Worth
When he was needed, he was not there When she was crying, he did not comfort her When she gave him everything, he gave back nothing When she gave him chances, he still continued his ways Whe… Read More
“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” “Sure what’s up?” “I’ve been thinking lately.” “About what?” “About you.” &ldqu… Read More
A Wake-up Call
Wednesday, June 7th, 2017 What an introduction to life it was. Only two days after graduating high school, I went with my uncle to hang out one night. He was driving, I was in the passenger… Read More
Chapter I
It was over. The nightmares, the pain, the suffering, would all come to a finale. I thought my lust for vengeance would end after all I’ve done to get it. But my vengeance wouldn&rsquo… Read More

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New Beginnings
