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Lately I have been seeing this trend of people getting their tarot readings done by these so-called psychics. They often get it done so that they get a direction in life, to see whether they are on the right path or not. Usually people who have something going wrong in their life, people whose lives are out of control are the ones getting it done. I am not saying that real psychics don’t exist, they do, but people who are not even spiritual, who have no connection to the invisible world are doing these reading just to make few bucks and get famous on youtube/ instagram is what feels dangerous.

Dark reality of tarot

Tarot forms a communication from an invisible world which means god and the spirits but that also means it can attract evil spirit too, and a person who has no knowledge wouldn’t know what to do then, those evil spirits can give wrong readings, may induce curses or can even manifest in the physical reality. Tarot is a form of divination and there are no such things as spiritually neutral forms of divination. They are all spiritually dangerous, like ouija boards!!

Tarot addiction

No matter how much of a non-believer you are, if any one reading resonates with you, you start getting into it and believing it. You then get addicted to these tarot readers because somehow it validates your inner feelings and makes you disconnect from reality. You start taking decisions based on these tarot readings and start avoiding reality whereas actually you should be making decisions consciously or by listening to your gut only. You get into this neverending loop and get totally dependent of tarot which is not good for anyone.

Stop scamming people just to be famous

Tarot is not always bad! They are not always evil but if you are doing it just to make few bucks or be famous or you just want to follow the trend of doing tarot because let’s be honest, it kind of gives you a spiritual ego and makes one feel that he/she can have something which other don’t. Hence, when you don’t even know how to do it, and you do it for your own good then it might harm you. Afterall, the intention matters and life is a circle, whatever you put into the universe it comes back at you.

Why you shouldn’t get it done even by an authetic psychic

Getting tarot done just to get that “hidden information” is not a good idea, it also means that you don’t trust god’s plan and your own decision making ability. Also, there is a a review which I found on quora and I think you should read it too. “I remember my daughter going to psychic and she told my daughter that she had cervical cancer. When my daughter told me this, I told her that it is not true and to go see the doctor, which she did and she did not have cervical cancer. What this psychic picked up on was my daughter’s fears. My daughter could not get pregnant and was open to the possibility that there may be some medical reason why she could not get pregnant. I feel it is dangerous to foretell the future, only because the future is subject to our belief and beliefs can change. It is also much harder to change a belief when it is verified by someone we think can foretell the future. If you should go to get a reading….remember that the reader is going to pick up the path you are on right now….that does not mean you can’t change the path.”

My beliefs on tarot

I do believe in tarot and other forms of divinations too but I don’t believe in every other tarot reader on the internet. Personally, I feel a lot of them just do it for views and the reason why I chose to write about this is because i know once you get into it and start believing in it, every decision you take in your life doesn’t come through your consciousness but by getting influenced from these readings.

This post first appeared on The Soul Stories, please read the originial post: here

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