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Research shows new parents suffering higher than expected anxiety



New research shows new parents suffering higher than expected anxiety

There are many things to fret about when you are a new parent: lack of sleep, the baby’s development, lost income and unsolicited parenting advice.

But new research has found that for a higher than expected number of first-time mums and dads, the anxiety experienced while adjusting to parenthood can be overwhelming and interfere with daily life.

New research published in the Journal of Affective Disorders has found a third of Australian women and 17 per cent of men experience anxiety symptoms, making the condition more common than depression in new parents.

Dr Karen Wynter, from the Jean Hailes Research Unit at Monash University, said the levels of anxiety and adjustment issues were higher than expected.

“We actually found 9 per cent of women and 4 per cent of men had clinically diagnosable anxiety disorders in the first six months of the birth of the baby,” she said.

“The research shows that we also need to pay more attention to new fathers, because some of them will have problems adjusting to a new baby in the house….

Read the full original article by Lisa Power, News Corp Australia, 2nd November 2013 … The Telegraph – New parents suffering higher than expected anxiety disorder, new research shows


Related Resources

  1. Parents – The Anxious Parent
  2. Anxiety UK – Postnatal Anxiety
  3. Anxiety Treatment in Manchester

Research shows new parents suffering higher than expected anxiety

Nigel Magowan is a UKCP Registered Psychotherapist who runs his own private therapy practice in Chorlton, South Manchester, near to Didsbury, Altrincham and Stockport.  He frequently helps people deal with depression and the various anxiety disorders such as, postnatal generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), postnatal obsessive compulisive disorder (OCD) and postnatal health anxiety.

The post Research shows new parents suffering higher than expected anxiety appeared on Inner Changes Manchester Counselling/Psychotherapy, NLP, Life Coaching and Clinical Hypnotherapy.

This post first appeared on Manchester Psychotherapy And Counselling, please read the originial post: here

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Research shows new parents suffering higher than expected anxiety
